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Suggesting that the Settlement was disagreeable to the Indians, and might Occasion an Indian War, and the Devastation of the Frontiers. When that Representation to his Majesty had been made, and all apprehensions of Displeasure from the Indians were effectually removed by their Resignation of the Country at the Treaty of Fort Stanwix, they apprehended they might very Justifiably resume their Possessions, which they attempted to do in a Peaceable manner, but were, as we are advised, interrupted and opposed by Persons claiming under the Proprietaries. Then it was that Violence Commenced and force was opposed to Force, on the one Hand to regain, on the other to prevent, an actual Occupation of the Lands; on either side perhaps, justifiable in the Degree, but on both founded on a Real Idea of Right, and therefore not Meriting the Severe Construction that have been put upon it, or the harsh Epithets you have applied to it. When you add to this that they were advised, as in fact they were, that the Could not try their Right or the title of the Colony of Connecticut, but upon the Ground of an actual Possession, which should put the Proprietaries

to such an action at Law for the recovery of th the Possession, as might bring the title in Question; That the first Possession, and the subsequent struggles to regain and maintain that Possession, were with the avowed Purpose of trying the Title in the most regular and effectual manner; that they expressly Offered both here and in Europe, to submit to and be concluded by a legal Decision; That their situation was such that they could bring no Possessory Action themselves, and that the Proprietaries and those who held under them refused, or at least neglected, to bring any Action of that nature on their Part, but on the Contrary, that those unfortunate people were repeatedly harassed with Criminal Prosecutions, in which the Title could not come in Question, and even in one of those Cases, when a Plea to the Jurisdiction of the Court was offered, it was absolutely rejected, and even with Circumstances of Contempt. When you consider these Circumstances, and many others which are capable of the Clearest Proof, we cannot but hope you will entertain, in future, more favorable Sentiments of the Connecticut Settlers and their former Proceedings, than have been attempted to be impressed upon you by the Representations of Interested Individuals, willing to magnify past services or to procure future favors, and will not be surprized that the Colony should be Content to avail themselves of the Possessions which began, and has been Continued with such views, and under such Circumstances, or be willing to take under their Protection a People who have uniformly Claimed under their Title, and Laboured indefatigably to bring it to a legal Decission.

"We cannot omit, finally, to remind you, that the Established Jurisdiction under this Province, of which you avail yourself, and to which you wish our People to submit, was erected not only after the Possession above referred to, but after it was publickly known that the General Assembly of Connecticut had directed a state of their claim to be drawn up and laid before learned Council in England for their opinion, and was perhaps precipitated to prevent if Possible the Probable Consequences of that Measure.

"Upon the whole, tho' we thought it our Duty, drawn to it by some expressions in your Letter to mention some of these Circumstances, and the grounds of the former Proceedings in this Matter, yet we wish not to dwell upon them, or to recall to mind Occurrences which can afford no Pleasure in the Review, and will have little influence upon the Case in its present state, since it must finally be determined, not by these incidental Circumstances and Occurrences, but upon great and General Principles. By them we are content to stand or fall, and will be finally decided, when the Cause shall be duly adjudged.

"In the meantime, we beg leave to return you our sincere thanks for the Politeness and Candor you have discovered upon this Occasion, of which, and every other Circumstance of the Present negotiation, We assure you we will make a faithful report to our Constituents, and are with great Esteem and Respect, your Honors

"most Obedient, and

"most humble Servants,




"Honble. JOHN PENN, Esq"


Wednesday, 29th December, 1773.

The Governor laid before the Assembly by the Secretary, for their perusal, Governor Trumbull's Letter, the Resolves and Act of Assembly of Connecticut, as also the several Letters from the Commissioners of that Colony, and Copies of his Honor's Letters to them, relative to the claim lately set up by the said Colony to Lands within this Province.

At a Council held at Philadelphia, on Friday 7th January, 1774.


The Honourable JOHN PENN, Esquire, Governor.

The Hontle. James Hamilton, Andrew Allen,

Benjamin Chew, Edward Shippen, Jr. Esquires.
James Tilghman,

The Governor laid before the Board two Bills sent up by the Assembly for his Concurrence, entituled

"An Act for regulating the Buildings, keeping in Repair the Streets, Lanes and Alleys, and Highways, within the Borough of Lancaster, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.

"An Act to amend the Act entituled "An Act for granting to His Majesty the sum of fifty-five thousand Pounds, and for striking the same in Bills of Credit, in the manner hereinafter directed, and for providing a Fund for sinking the said Bills of Credit by a Tax on all Estates, real and personal, and Taxables within this Province," which Bills were read, and being duly considered, were ordered to be returned to the House, with several Amendments made to both.

At a Council held at Philadelphia, on Wednesday 12th January, 1774.

[blocks in formation]

The Governor laid before the Board three Bills which the Assembly sent up for his Concurrence, entituled as follow, Viz':

"An Act to prevent infectious Diseases being brought into this Province."

"An Act to oblige the Trustees and Assignees of Insolvent Debtors to execute their Trust."

"A Supplement to the Act entituled 'An Act for raising of County Rates and Levies."

Which Bills were read and referred to further Consideration.

At a Council held at Philadelphia, on Saturday 15th January, 1774.

[blocks in formation]

The Governor laid before the Board the two following Bills, sent

up by the Assembly for his Concurrence, Viz':

"An Act for confirming the Estate of John Steel, of Carlisle, in the County of Cumberland, in and to a certain Plantation and Tract of Land in the Township of Middleton, in the County aforesaid, several of the Title Deeds whereof are lost."

"An Act to regulate the Fishery in the River Conestogoe, in the County of Lancaster."

Which were read, and in part considered, and referred for further Consideration.


At a Council held at Philadelphia, on Wednesday 19 January, 1774.

[blocks in formation]

The Governor laid before the Board a Letter from Arthur St. Clair, Esquire, with other Papers inclosed therein to the Secretary, brought last night by Express from Westmoreland County, which were read, and follow in these Words, Viz':


"LIGONIER, January 12th, 1774.

"Late last Night I received from Pittsburgh the inclosed Copy of an Advertisement, which I think of so dangerous a tendency that I have forwarded it by Express, and to prevent all danger of Delay, have sent my own Clerk with it, that if possible I may receive the Governor's Directions before the 25th.

"Should it so happen that Mr. Hoofnagle cannot return in Time, but which he will do if it be possible, what occurs to me is previous to the Day appointed for the Assembly to demand such Security of Mr. Conolly for his good Behaviour as he will not be able to procure, and in Consequence to have him committed; to direct the Sheriff to have a sufficient Number of such as can be depended upon, to protect the Gaol, should a rescue be attempted, which perhaps may be the Case, and to write to the Magistrates, some to attend at the Gaol, and some at Pittsburgh.

"I have wrote to Mr. Wilson for his Council on this Thought, and to know if there is any other legal way of securing Mr. Conolly, and to desire he would suggest any other Method to preserve the Peace of the County, which will certainly be greatly endangered.

"I need not press you to dispatch Mr. Hoofnagle; the shortness of the Time is too evident; suffer me, however, to hint that this Service is foreign to his Engagements with me.

"I am, Sir, your very humble Servant,

"JOSEPH SHIPPEN, Jun" Esquire."


"Dear Sir:

"PITTSBURG, 11th January, 1774.

"Here inclosed you will find a Copy of Doctor Conolly's Advertisement, put up at different parts in this Village, the 6th Instant, several Copies of which were dispersed through the Country at the

same Time. This impudent Piece will, I am much afraid, be the means of creating great Confusion and disturbance in this County, unless proper Steps will be taken to check it in Time.

"The Doctor informs us that Lord Dunmore has made Application to General Haldiman for a Serjeant and 12 Men, to be sent immediately to this Place, in order to support his Authority.

"The Cap' has already appointed six or seven Magistrates, among whom are Major Smallman, John Campbell, and John Gibson; the rest I have not heard their Names yet. There is no doubt but all the Disaffected and Vagabonds that before evaded Law and Justice with so much Art, will now flock in Numbers to the Captain's Standard, if not prevented in Time, the consequence of which we have just Cause to dread. I hope to have the Pleasure of seeing you soon here; I think your Presence is absolutely necessary at this Time.

"I remain, Dear Sir,

"Your most humble Servant,



"P. S. I have been greatly concerned that it has been out of my Power to forward the inclosed to you sooner, owing to the badness of the Weather, and besides, was at a Loss for a Person whose fidelity could be depended upon. Polly joins me in Compliments to Mrs. St Clair and the Children.


"Since I wrote the above, Mr. Espy happened in Company with the new Captain, to whom Espy said he thought the next Court for Westmoreland would be held at Pittsburg; to which the Captain replied in a Rage, Damn him if he would not oppose it; from which, and many other Circumstances of the like kind, it appears how determined he will be to Carry his Designs into Execution. It's thought here that 'tis all Colonel Croghan's Intrigues.


Here follows Doctor Conolly's Advertisement:

"WHEREAS, his Excellency John Earl, of Dunmore, Governor-inChief and Captain General of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, and Vice Admiral of the same, has been pleased to nominate and appoint me Captain, Commandant of the Militia of Pittsburgh and its Dependencies, with Instructions to assure His Majesty's Subjects settled on the Western Waters, that having the greatest Regard to their Prosperity and Interest, and convinced from their repeated Memorials of the grievances of which they complain, that he purposes moving to the House of Burgesses the Necessity of erecting a new County, to include Pittsburgh, for the redress of your Complaints, and to take every other Step that may tend to afford you that Justice for which you Sollicit. In order to facilitate

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