BRETT'S MISCELLANY : BEING, A COLLECTION OF DIVINE, MORAL, HISTORICAL, and TIONS. By PETER BRETT, DUBLIN: Printed by S. PoWELL, And Sold at the Author's Lodgings at the White- 1 PREFACE. A Mong the variety of Amusements which this tran fitory World affords, that of reading and converfing with good antient Authors muft, and I believe will, readily be acknowledged by all good Men, to be not only a pleafing Satisfaction during the Time fo fpent, but that it generally leaves a delightful Impreffion on the Minds of those who are virtuously dif pos'd, and to their great and unspeakable Comfort, this brings feetnefs and ferenity of Mind, and yields the only true and folid Satisfaction, and therefore is will be well to remember the Advice of the wife So, Tomon, Chap. iv. 5, &c. Get Wisdom, get Un derstanding; forget it not, neither decline from the Words of my Mouth. Forfake her not and she fhall preferve thee; love her and she shall keep thee, Wisdom is the principal Thing, therefore get Wifdom; and with all thy Getting get Understanding. Exalt her, and the fhall promote thee: the fhall bring thee to Honour when thou doft embrace her. If we are poor and deprived of all worldly Poffeffions; yet is it great Promotion to be a Servant of Gid; and an Honour inexpreffible to be in bis Favour. It was the Saying of a great Scholar, who vas more remarkable for his extenfive Knowledge and Learning, than for his Practice of Piety and De votion: While he lay on a Bed of Sickness he vebe mently cried out, O Time, that moft precious Thing in the World! Time! whereof if I had one Year longer, I would carefully fpend it, in reading Da vid's Pfalms, and St. Paul's Epiftles. Our Time goes on its conflant and regular Course, and glides A 2 away 91X653 |