upon the Heavens, as it were upon an Horfe : Praise him in his Name; yea, and rejoice before him. Pfalm cxlvii. 1. O praife the Lord; for it is is a good Thing to fing Praises to our God: Yea, a joyful and pleasant Thing it is to be thankful. Pfalm cxlix. 1. Praise ye the Lord: Sing unto the Lord a new Song, and his Praise in the Congregation of Saints. Pfalm xcii. i. It is a good Thing to give Thanks to the Lord: And to fing Praifes unto thy Name, O moft High! Pfalm cviii. 1. 3. Ŏ God, my Heart is fixed: I will fing and give praise; I will praise thee, O Lord, among the People; And I will fing Praifes unto thee among the Nations. 1 Chron. xvi. 4, to 12. And he appointed certain of the Levites, to minifter before the Ark of the Lord, and to record, and to thank, and to praise the Lord God of Ifrael. Then on that Day, David delivered first his Palm to thank the Lord, into the Hands of Afaph, and his Brethren; Give Thanks unto the Lord, call upon his Name, make known his Deeds among the People, fing unto him, fing Pfalms unto him, talk you of all his wondrous Works: Glory ye in his Holy Name. Let the Heart of them rejoice, that seek the Lord; fing unto the Lord, all the Earth, fhew forth from Day to Day his Salvation. Pfalm lxxxix. 1. I will fing of the Mercies of the Lord for ever: With my Mouth will I make known thy Faithfulness to all Generations. Pfalm civ. 33, 34. I will fing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will fing praise to my God, while I have my Being; my Meditation of him fhall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord. Pfalm Pfalm xcv. 1, 2. O come, let us fing unto the Lord Let us make a joyful Noife, to the Rock of our Salvation: Let us come before his Prefence with Thanksgiving, and make a joyful Noife unto him with Pfalms. Pfalm xcviii. 1. O fing unto the Lord a new Song; for he hath done marvellous Things. Colof. iii. 16 Let the Word of Chrift dwell in you richly in all Wifdom; Teaching and Admonishing one another in Pfalms, and Hymns, and fpiritual Songs; finging with Grace in your Hearts to the Lord. James v. 13. Is any merry, let him fing Pfalms? Pfalm cxlv. 1, to 6. I will magnify thee, O God, my King: And I will praife thy Name, for ever and ever. Every Day will I give Thanks unto thee, and praife thy Name {for ever and ever. Great is the Lord, and marvellous, there is no End of his Greatness. One Generation fhall praise thy Works unto another; and declare thy Power. As for me, I will be talking of thy Worship, thy Glory, thy Praife, and wondrous Works. The Memorial of thine abundant Kindnefs fhall be shewed: And Men shall fing of thy Righteoufnefs. Pfalm cvi. 1, 2. O give Thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious, and his Mercy endureth for ever. Who can exprefs the noble Acts of the Lord: or fhew forth all his praise? Pfalm lxii. 25, 26, 32. The Singers go before, the Minstrels follow after; in the midst are the Damfels playing with Timbrels. Give thanks, O Ifrael! unto God the Lord, in the Congregations, from the Ground of thy Heart. Sing unto God, O ye Kingdoms of the Earth! O fing Praises unto the Lord. Pfalm cvii. 8. O that Men would therefore praise the Lord for his Goodness, and declare the 1 the Wonders that he doeth for the Children of Men; that they would offer unto him the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving; and tell out his Works with Gladness. Pfalm ci. 1. I will fing of Mercy and Judg. ment: Unto thee, O Lord, will I fing. Pfalm lxiii, 4, to 9. For thy loving Kindness is better than the Life it felf: My Lips fhall praise thee. As long as I live, will I magnify thee on this Manner; and lift up my Hands in thy Name. My Soul shall be satisfied even as it were with Marrow and Fatnefs, when my Mouth parifeth thee with joyful Lips. Have I not remembered thee in my Bed: And thought upon thee, when I was waking? Because thou hast been my Helper, therefore under the Shadow of thy Wings will I rejoice. -Pfalm cxix. 97, 103, 111. O how love I thy Law! it is my Meditation all the Day. How fweet are thy Words unto my Mouth! Yea fweeter than Honey to my Taffe. Thy Testimonies have I taken as an Heritage for ever: For they are the rejoicing of my Heart. Pfalm cxxxviii. 1, 4, 5. I will praise thee with my whole Heart, before the Gods will I fing praife unto thee. All the Kings of the Farth fhall praife thee, O Lord, when they hear the Words of thy Mouth, yea, they fhall fing in the Ways of the Lord; for great is the Glory of the Lord. Pfalm xxvii. 6. Therefore will I offer in his Tabernacle, Sacrifices of Joy: I will fing; yea, I will fing Praifes unto the Lord. Pfalm xix. 8, 10. The Statutes of the Lord are Right, and rejoice the Heart: The Commandments of the Lord are pure, and giveth Light unto the Eyes: More to be defired are they than Gold; yea, than muca fine Gold: Sweeter alfo than Honey or the Honey-comb. Pfalm Pfalm xx. 5. We will rejoice in thy Salva tion, and Triumph in the Name of the Lord our God. Palm xxvi. 7, 8. That I may shew the Voice of 1 hanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous 3 Works. Lord, I have loved the Habitation of thy House, and the Place where thine Honour dwelleth. Revel. vii. 9. I beheld, and lo, in Heaven, a great Multitude, which no Man could Number, of all Nations and Kindreds, ard People, and Tongues, ftanding before the Throne, and before the Lamb cloathed with white Robes, and Palms in their Hands; and cried with a loud Voice, faying, Salvation to our God which fittetk upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb. And all the Angels flood round about the Throne, and fell before the Throne on their Faces; and worshipped God, faying, Amen. Bieffing, and Glory, and Wifdom, and Thanksgiving, and Honour, and Power, and Strength be unto our God, for ever and ever, Amen. Pfalm xxviii. 7. The Lord is hy Strength and my Shield, my Heart hath trufted in him, and I am helped: Therefore my Heart greatly rejoiceth, and with my Song, will I praise him. Palm xxxiv. 1. 3. I will bless the Lord at all Times, his Praise fhall continually be in my Mouth. O Magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his Name together. Pfalm xix. 14. Let the.Words of my Mouth and the Meditation of my Heart, be always acceptable in thy Sight, O Lord, my Strength, and my Redeemer. The glorious Choirs of Angels, evermore, Or thus: The Holy Angels do inceffantly, In Songs fublime, extol our God moft High, And as fome great, and learned Authors fay The Heavens refound with Ecchoes of his Praise. PETER BRETT. A Father to a Son.. Paternal Care my Son doth flow from me, Beware of Sin, and ftill make Ufe of Prayer, Pray, A Son to a Father. dearest Father, unto God, that I B leffings I hope will ftill attend us both, } } com |