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rable: Therefore while Time is, prevent that, that in Time will be; for as one faid,

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If it be not prevented,

It will be repented.

In all Places, and in all Companies, remember the Prefence of God, and walk continually as inView of his all-feeing Eye; often confider that. God is every where prefent, and then you will ftady to be every where holy.

HEAVEN is the Seat of Glory, the Habitation of Angels, the Throne of the Judge, the refting Place of the Faithful, the Fulnefs of Delight; it is fair beyond Thought, and glorious beyond. Report.

For the Morning.

Praises to thee, my God, who haft me kept,
E ach Hour of the past Night, in which I flept,
Then keep me ftill, and all my Thoughts direct;
Each Day preferve me left I do tranfgrefs,
Remember me, and all my Ways do bless.

Bring to my View thy Goodness evermore,
Refresh me from thy unexhaufted Store,
Eternal Lord, I will thy Name adore.
Thou King of Kings, who greatly doft excel,
To all my Friends thy Kindness I will tell.


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For the Evening.

Pardon me, loving Lord, for thy dear Son, Ev'ry Miftake which I this Day have done, Teach me this Night, and always, Sin to fhun. E ver refresh me with thy boundless Grace, Reward thou me with everlasting Peace.

Be thou my Comfort and my Guide this Night, Revive and raife me, when I fee next Light, Extend thy Love, and grant I may do right: 'Thefe Favours from the Lord I now request, Then please to grant thofe Things, as thou feeft bett.

Protect me Lord, for on thee I depend,
Each Day be thou to me a conftant Friend,
T hou, as it pleafeth thee, canft Bleffings fend
Eternal Comforts from thy Bounty (pring,
Rewards do come from our almighty King.

Be thou my Guide, my Keeper, and my Stay,
Remember me, my God, 1 humbly pray,
E nrich my Mind with Things divine alway.
Then will I praife thy great and holy Name,
Through all my Life thy Love I will proclaim.




Thefe Words fpoke by Curtis Brett to his Brothers, &c. at his departure from them in Dublin, he going to London.

Cemented faft let fill our Love remain,
Until the happy Time we meet again;
Remember me, when in a diftant Land;
Think oft' on him, who is at your Command e
In all our Lives let Chriftian Love appear,
Saviour of all, preserve as while we're here.

Bequeath to us thy fweet and heavenly Grace,
Refresh and ftrengthen us to run our Race,
E ternity is coming on apace:

Then let us carefully improve our Time,
Think frequently on Things which are divine.

Peter Brett, in anfwer to bis Brother Curtis Brett.

Profperity, and true Comfort attend
Each Day our dearest Brother, and our Friend,
Thy Love we're certain doth to us extend;
E fteem our warm Defires, which are fincere,
Remember us each Time you go to Prayer.

Be evermore inclin'd our God to praise,
R equeft of him, and he will guide your Ways,
E ver may Happiness fill up your Days;
This is of all your Friends the juft defire,
Therefore strive ftill true Virtue to acquire.

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TEXTS of SCRIPTURE on different Subjects.

Texts which fhew that we should diligently read and fearch the Scriptures.


OHN v. 39. Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think he have eternal Life.

As xvii. 11. Then thefe were more noble than thofe in Theffalonica, in that they received the Word with all Readiness of Mind, and fearched the Scriptures daily, whether these things were fo.

2 Tim. iii. 15, 16, 17. And that from a Child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wife unto Salvation, through Faith which is in Chrift Jefus. All Scripture is given by Infpiration of God, and is profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof, for Correction, for Instruction in Righteoufnefs, that the Man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnish'd unto all good Works.

Rom. xv. 4, 5, 6. For whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for our Learning; that we through Patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Now the God of Patience and Confolation, grant you to be like-minded one towards another, according to Chrift Jefus.

Rom. xiv. 19. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for our Peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

It is delightful for to fpend our Youth.
Searching the Scripture, the pure Word of

And we cannot better spend our fpare Time,
Than for to meditate on things divine.


Texts of the Rich and the Poor, and that the Endeavours of the Poor, tho' ever sø deferving, are generally flighted and made · little of.

Cclefiaftes ix. 14. There was a little City, and few Men within it; and there came a great King against it, and befieged it, and built great Bulwarks against it: Now there was found in it a poor wife Man, and he by his Wifdom delivered the City, yet no Man remembered that fame poor Man. Then faid I, Wisdom is better than Strength: Nevertheless the poor Man's Wifdom is defpis'd, and his Words are not heard.

Ecclefiaftic. xiii. 20, &c. As the Proud hate Humility, fo doth the Rich abhor the Poor. A rich Man, beginning to fall, is held up by his Friends; but a poor Man being down, is thruft alfo away by his Friends. When a rich Man is fallen, he hath many Helpers; he fpeaketh things not to be spoken, and yet Men juftify him: The poor Man flip'd, and yet they rebuked him too; he fpake wifely, and yet could have no Place. When a rich Man fpeaketh every Man holdeth his Peace; and look, what he faith, they extol to the Clouds: But if a poor Man fpeak, they fay, What Fellow is this? And if he ftumble, they will help to overthrow him.

Prov. xxviii. 11. The rich Man is wife in his own Conceit: But the Poor that hath Understanding fearcheth him out. Better is the Poor that walketh in his Uprightnefs, than he that is perverfe in his Ways, though he be rich.

Prov. xxii. 2. The Rich and the Poor meet together: The Lord is the Maker of them all.

Prov. xviii. 11. The rich Man's Wealth is his ftrong City, and as an high Wall in his own Con

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