OR, THE REVERSES OF FORTUNE, A TALE OF REAL LIFE, BY MARY JANE SHEILD. LONDON: WHITTAKER AND CO., AVE MARIA LANE; AND R. GRANTHAM: S. RIDGE, HIGH-STREET. PREFACE. "The nightingale may claim the topmost bough, COWPER. THE oft repeated apology for intruding upon the notice of the public-"the solicitations of friends,"has truly been the cause of this narrative seeking a place amidst the various evanescent publications of the present day: and as the small and fragile bark sometimes meets with a better fate than does the stately vessel; so, perhaps, the insignificance of this unpretending little volume, compared with the tomes around, may save it from being utterly wrecked upon the rugged coasts of criticism. Frieston, August 12, 1839. |