Rivers and Harbors Omnibus Bill ; Miscellaneous Projects and Amendments: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate, Seventy-eight Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 3961, an Act Authorizing the Construction, Repair, and Preservation of Certain Public Works on Rivers and Harbors, and for Other Purposes ..

U.S. Government Printing Office, 1944

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Página 267 - In the exercise of its power to prescribe just and reasonable rates the Commission shall give due consideration, among other factors, to the effect of rates on the movement of traffic by the carrier or carriers for which the rates are prescribed...
Página 1 - That penstocks or other similar facilities adapted to possible future use in the development of hydroelectric power shall be installed in any dam herein authorized when approved by the Secretary of War upon the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers and of the Federal Power Commission...
Página 267 - ... the need, in the public interest, of adequate and efficient railway transportation service at the lowest cost consistent with the furnishing of such service ; and to the need of revenues sufficient to enable the carriers, under honest, economical, and efficient management to provide such service.
Página 1 - That the following works of improvement of rivers, harbors,and other waterways are hereby adopted and authorized, to be prosecuted under the direction of the Secretary of War and supervision of the Chief of Engineers...
Página 657 - sacredness of property" is talked of, it should always be remembered, that any such sacredness does not belong in the same degree to landed property. No man made the land. It is the original inheritance of the whole species. Its appropriation is wholly a question of general expediency. When private property in land is not expedient, it is unjust.
Página 662 - ... encourage the most widespread use by Secretary thereof at the lowest possible rates to consumers consistent with sound business principles, the rate schedules to become effective upon confirmation and approval by the Federal Power Commission.
Página 727 - No right to the use of water for land in private ownership shall be sold for a tract, exceeding one hundred and sixty acres to any one landowner...
Página 569 - That for the purpose of controlling the floods, improving navigation, and regulating the flow of the Colorado River, providing for storage and for the delivery of the stored waters thereof for reclamation of public lands and other beneficial uses exclusively within the United States, and for the generation of electrical energy as a means of making, the project herein authorized a self-supporting and financially solvent undertaking...
Página 485 - As used in this section the term "commerce" shall include the use of waterways by seasonal passenger craft, yachts, house boats, fishing boats, motor boats, and other similar water craft, whether or not operated for hire.
Página 630 - ... upon such terms and at not to exceed such price as the Secretary of the Interior may designate; and if any landowner shall refuse to agree to the requirements fixed by the Secretary of the Interior, his land shall not be included within the project if adopted for construction.

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