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to the same matter, the rules of Equity shall prevail."

To notice, in their proper places, the few changes specifically made by s. 25 (as altered by the Act of 1875, s. 10) is all that the Author has considered it necessary or safe to do. Where there is a variance between the rules of Equity and Common Law, it will appear from the Manuals as they stand; and clause (11) above quoted will determine that the former shall prevail.

These Statutes will doubtless be very beneficial as affecting pleading and practice, by brushing away a vast quantity of rubbish, and rendering pleading and practice more subservient to the purposes of justice, rather than obstructive to the ends of justice, and in fact subversive thereof, as they too often have been. But the importance of these measures, as regards Jurisprudence, would seem to be small.

September, 1880.

J. W. S.


Page 135, line 3, for The principal Game Act “is” read "was." Aud at end of par. 327 add-By the stat. 43 & 44 Vict. c. 47, the Ground Game Act, 1880 (passed 7th Sept., 1880, after this Manual was printed), further provision is made to enable occupiers of land to protect their crops from injury and loss by ground game.

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