RIDING. See ACCIDENT-HORSE. responsibility for injury caused in, 1071–4 RIGHTS AND WRONGS. See TORTS. either founded on contract, or independent of contract, I. Concerning the person, character, or reputation. See TORTS. III. Concerning certain relations of life, as cognisable at common lar. 1. Domestic relations of life, 335-421 husband and wife, 335 -397. guardian and ward, 408–421 2. Relations of life in respect of property, 422-1060 landlords and tenants, 467-516 parties to bills of exchange and notes, 644-817 shipowners and charterers, 899-945 insurers and insured, 946-1019 bailors and bailees generally, 1020-1028 heirs, executors, administrators, and trustees, 1039- 3. Relations of life in respect of employment, 1061-1236 masters, servants, workmen, and apprentices, 1061- 1107 principals and agents, 1108-1165 solicitors, 1166-8 counsel, 1169–1171 medical men, 1172—1175 carriers, passengers, and owners of luggage, 1176–– 1219 innkeepers and guests, 1220-9 lodging-house keepers and lodgers, 1230—6 RIGHTS AND WRONGS-continued. IV. Enforcement of private rights, and redress of and protection damnum absque injuria, 1237-1240a injuria defined, 1239 injuria sine damno, 1241 division of rights and wrongs, 1243 transactions which have a contractive, a tortious, and a criminal aspect, 1244, 1245 responsibility for consequences of tort, 1246 1. Prevention of wrong by a mere personal act, 1248—1251 (2) stoppage in transitu, 1250, 1250a (3) countermand of delivery order or dock warrant, 1251 2. Redress by the act of the parties, 1252-1273 recaption, 1254 entry, 1255 abatement of nuisances, 1256, 1257 excessive exercise of a limited right, 1258 distress for rent, 1259 distress for damage feasant, 1260-3 seizing of heriots and things lying in franchise, 1264 (2) redress by the joint act of the parties, 1265 arbitration, 1267—1273 3. Redress by the operation of law, 1274—6 retainer, 1275 remitter, 1276 4. Redress and protection by the Courts, 1277-1376 RULES, operating as judgments, 832 contracts respecting, 217 SERVANT. See MASTER AND SERVANT. SERVITUDE. See NEIGHBOURING PROPRIETORS. SET-OFF, 890, 891 against debt due from a vendor, 535 against freight, 929 against price of goods sold by a factor or an agent, 1149, against debt due by executor or administrator to a bank, SEWER, unguarded, 27, 28 lateral support to, 443 SHAFTS, unguarded, 25 SHERIFF, action against, 1331 SHIPOWNERS AND CHARTERERS. See CARRIERS. shares in a ship, and number of registered shareholders, 900-3 mode of transfer, 904 certificate of mortgage, 909 transmission of mortgage, 910 discharge of mortgage, 911 charter-party, 912 freight, 913 shipper, charterer, freighter, owner, 914-916 demurrage, 919 lay or running days, 919 conveyance in a general ship, 920 bill of lading, 920-8 set-off against freight, 929 power to hypothecate or sell the ship, freight, or cargo, implied warranty of seaworthiness, 933 responsibility of shipowner, 934, 935 charges payable by merchant or consignee, 936 general average, 938—939 bottomry, 940-2 respondentia, 941, 942 interest, 943 SLANDER-continued. imputation of dishonesty, 74 where the circumstances rebut presumption of malice, 104 imputation of heresy, adultery, or unchastity, 106 words actionable on account of some special damage, 107 words injurious to a man in his profession or business, repetition of a slander, 112 slanderous imputation in answer to inquiry, 113 malice in ordinary cases, and in the case of privileged communications made in prosecution of crime, 116 liberty of judges and magistrates, 118 interpretation of slanderous expressions, 120 apology, 123 damages, 121 SOLICITOR, duty of, 1166 liability of, 1167, 1168 uncertificated, 192 drawing or indorsing bills or post-dated cheques, 629, 630 |