Imágenes de páginas

upper parts not open in April, 1666,


Hunter, Gov., supplied the Oneydas with
ammunition, 470.

Huntting, Col. Ben, promotes the whale

fishery from Long Island, 228.
Huntting, Rev.Nathaniel, second minister
of East Hampton, 252.

Hutchinson, Anne, noticed, 12; murdered
by Indians, 13.

Hutchinson, Governor Thomas, his his-
tory of Massachusetts noticed, 232;
commission to Massachusetts Boun-
dary Commissaries, 323.

Indians, wars of the Dutch with, 11; fall
upon the Dutch of Manhattan, 9;
friendly to English there, 10, 14;
propagation of the Gospel among the,
14; mode of converting in Massa-
chusetts, 86; difficulties anticipated
with, in New Jersey, 116; hostilities
of, in Virginia, 123; numerous in
Rhode Island, 144; sketch of the, of
Long Island, 257; fight between the
Block Island and Montock Indians, 258;
on Gardiner's Island, 262; treaty with
the Maquas and Senecas, at Albany,
September 24, 1661, 336; to have
passes under seal when they go south,
396; southern Indians come north to
negotiate a peace, 396; receive a belt
from Canada, 401; wavering and in-
clined to peace with the French, 404;
demand assistance against the French,
428; report to Governor Fletcher on
affairs concerning the, 432; promised
the benefits of the place, 437; French
tampering with, 444; propositions to
the five nations and the Schackhook
or river Indians, 445; desire ammu-
nition to make war on the Wagaahaes,
461; five nations not to receive the
Tuscaroras until they make peace with
the Flatheads, 463; deed of lands in
Western New York, 457, 488, 494;
agree to defend the house at Oswego,


Inwood, William, noticed, 213.

[blocks in formation]

Keith, William, Governor of Pennsylva-
nia, letter to the Governor of New
York, 480.

Kellond, Thomas, reports from New
England, 46; seeks for Whalley and
Goffe, ib.; noticed, 68.
Kennebec River, French expedition to-
wards, 175.

Kennedy, Archibald, noticed, 338.
Kidd, Captain William, noticed, 259;
his transactions on Gardiner's Island,
268, 269.

Kieft, Governor William, his troubles
with the Indians, 2; invites immigra
tion from New England, 2.

King's Province, noticed, 107; reasons
why it should remain to Rhode Island,

King Charles I., reception of the news of

his death in Massachusetts, 24, 29, 39.
King Charles II., signifies his good-will
towards Rhode Island, etc., 153.
Kings County, on Long Island, noticed,


Ingoldsby, Colonel Richard, noticed, 401. Lamberton, George, imprisoned, 4.
Ipswich, loyal petition from, 134.
Iron Works in Massachusetts, noticed, 41.
Isle of Wight, see Gardiner's Island.
Isle Plowden, see Manati.

Land, the Act for vacating extravagant
grants of, noticed, 183.

Jamaica, noticed, 43.
James II. a Papist and friend of the
French, 170; his officers continued

in New York by King William, 203.

Lands, unimproved in New Hampshire to
be granted, 281, 282.

Lawrence, Sir John, noticed, 213, 218.
Laws of New York; the Duke's laws re-
ferred to, 75; to be reviewed and
sent to England for confirmation, 76 ;
their character noticed, 119; void,

unless confirmed within a year by the
Duke, 119.

Lawyer, an able, wanting in New Eng-
land, 36.

Leete, Governor, noticed, 46.

Leisler, Jacob, his execution referred to,
204; difficulties arising from his pro-
ceedings, 246, 248.

Leverett, Captain, hinders the reduction

of the Dutch, 11; agent in England,
24, 39; threatens to deliver New Eng-
land to Spain, 24, 30; notice of his
return to Massachusetts, 24, 30; no-
ticed, 79.

Liberty of Conscience, not allowed in
Massachusetts, 27, 30; in New York
and Massachusetts, 208.
Light-house on Montauk Point, built by
John McComb, 226.

Ligonia, the province of, noticed, 21.
Livingston, Robert, certifies the docu-
ments relating to the destruction of
Schenectady, 172, 176; noticed, 390,
392; paid for rebuilding the Mohags
fort, 403; his commission as Secretary
or Agent to the Indians, 446; com-
mission for his re-appointment, 453.
Livingston, Robert, Jr., journal and con-
ference with the Indians at the Sene-
cas' castle, 471.
Livingston, Philip, Secretary of Indian
Affairs, 488; commission as Town
Clerk, etc. of Albany, and Secretary
of Indian Affairs in N. Y., 509.
Livingston, Robert, R., commissioner on
part of N. Y. to settle boundary with
Massachusetts, 319.

Lloyd, Thomas, Governor of Pennsylva-
nia, noticed, 397.

Locke, John, his Two Treatises of Gov-
ernment quoted, 195.

Logan, James, Secretary of Pennsylvania,
noticed, 468.

London, great fire in, noticed, 159.
Long Island, see Manati; settlers alarmed
by hostility of the Indians and Dutch,
11; Nicolls's account of, 75; produc-
tion of tobacco in, 117; description
of, 225; representation to Connecticut
at the time of the revolution of 1688,

Lovelace, Francis, Colonel, recommended
by Samuel Maverick for employment in
America, 32.

Lovelace, John, Lord, extract from his
instructions, 458.

Ludwell, Thomas, his letters to the Earl
of Clarendon, 120, 159.
Lusher, Major, noticed, 79.

Macgregore, Mrs. Margaret, widow of
Major Hugh, noticed, 404.
Madagascar, New York trade with, 206.
Maid-stone, original name of East Hamp-
ton, 229.

Maine, inhabitants unwilling to remain
under either Massachusetts or Gorges,
71, 73; Royal Commissioners appoint
justices there, 71; various patents for
the Territory, 72.

Mallebar, Cape, Dutch name of Cape
Cod, 3.

Mairbour, M., and other French emissa-
ries, noticed, 444.

Manati, Manitie, Long Isle, petition for

grant of, 213; the commodities of, 214.
Manatos Island, reduction of the town
upon, 58.

Manhattan, memoir concerning New
Netherland or, 1.

Manhattans, its settlement noticed, 329.
Manitie, see Manati.
Manchannock, Indian name of Gardiner's
Island, 261.

Mann, John, Surveyor-General of Jamai-
ca, noticed, 43.

Map, of the Territory of Massachusetts,


Manning, Captain John, recommended
for employment in New England by
Samuel Maverick, 57; noticed, 337.
Maquas Sachems, propositions of the,
to the authorities at Albany, 165; an-
swer upon their propositions by the
authorities at Albany, 169.

Maquas Indians to be encouraged in their
loyalty, 373; are N. Y. Indians and so
to be acknowledged, 376; conference
with Governor Dongan, 378; acknowl-
edge the Duke's government, 381.
Marlborough, Earl of, noticed, 33, 34.
Mary, Queen, letter to the Governor of
Pennsylvania to assist New York
against the French, 400.

Maryland, dissent from Virginia in re-
spect to planting, 108; sectaries and
quakers there, 111; Indian hostilities
in that province, 377; directed to aid
New York against the French, 400.
Massachusetts, Book of Laws, 16; look:
on themselves as a free state, 17; the
key of the Indies, 18; swallows up
other patents, 21, 41; loyalty of the
people in, 23; oath of allegiance not
used in, 23; severity of the govern-
ment there, 23; petition and address
to the King, 25; violation of their
Charter, 26; stubbornness of the, 73;
Cartwright's account of, 82; just lim-

its of, 86; has engrossed the whole
trade of New England, ib.; claim lands
in Rhode Island by conquest from the
Pequods, 91; injustice and oppression
in, 102; design to ruin Rhode Island,
101; forfeited their charter, 105;
propensity to independency, 106; ob-
stinacy of the rulers there, 113; loyal
petitions to the General Court, 127,
129; proceedings on the King's let-
ters, 127; his orders disregarded, ib.;
masts sent to the King, 129; en-
croachments upon Rhode Island, etc.,
140; and oppressions, 145; its gov-
ernment contrasted with that of New
York, 208; intrudes on territory of
New York, 284, 286, 498; settlers on
the grants, noticed, 298; act appoint-
ing Commissioners to settle boundaries
between, and New York, 322; charter
of the Province, 338; refuses assist-
ance to New York, 424; offers to treat
separately with the five nations, 477;
not allowed to do so, ib., 478; desires
assistance of New York Commission-
ers in making peace with the Eastern
Indians, 491.

Masts, sent to the King, 129.
Mather, Cotton, noticed, 261, 274; his
Magnalia quoted, 276.

Maverick, Samuel, his letters to the Earl
of Clarendon, 19, 22, 28, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35, 37, 38, 42, 45, 48, 56, 69, 77,
79, 157; letter to Colonel George
Cartwright, 126; proposes the reduc-
tion of the Dutch of New Netherland
and English of New England, 19; saw
the first settlement of New England,
31; testimonial from the merchants,
49; notice of his petition to the King,
67; looked on as the chief enemy of
Massachusetts, 74; his transactions
referred to, 89; his family in Ameri-
ca, 108.

Megapolensis, Samuel, noticed, 333, 336.
Meigs, Colonel, captures British at Sag
Harbor, 228.

Miantonimo, mentioned, 90, 92.
Milett, Jesuit Father, noticed, 401; let-
ter to Dominie Dellius, ib.; the Indians'
agreement to deliver him to the Eng-
lish, 402.

Military affairs, in East Hampton, 252.
Militia, Draft of every tenth man of all
troops and companies, except those
who were out whaling the previous
year, to protect Albany against the
French, 391.

Miller, Reverend John, chaplain to the

King's forces at New York, his opin-
ions concerning witchcraft in answer
to the questions of Sir William Phips,

Miller, Rev. Samuel, noticed, 225.
Minges, Captain, noticed, 34.
Minissinks, to join Six Nations against
the French, 393.

Minnisinek Indians welcome the return-
ing River Indians, 398.
M'Intyre, Donald, and others, turned out
of their possessions, 303, 304.
Minus, Captain, noticed, 34.
Minutes of Council, see Council Min-
utes of New York.
Minvielle, Lt. Col. Gabriel, offers money
to defray charge of expedition against
the French, 430.

Miscellaneous Documents, 201-222.
Mohawks Fort, cost of rebuilding, 403.
Moheags, Indians, noticed, 257.
Momoweta, sachem of Corchake, noticed,


Monroe, John, Justice of the Peace,
writes to the Council concerning the
iots, 303, 305, 310; is greatly dis-
tressed, 308.

Montague, John, his arguments relating
to New York Acts of Assembly, 177.
Montague, Lady, noticed, 261.
Montauk Indians, noticed, 257.
Montreal, noticed, 172, 174, 175.
Moody, Sir Henry, assists the Dutch

against the Indians, 14; noticed, 17.
Morgan, Major General, noticed, 57.
Morton, Nathaniel, secretary of Ply-
mouth Court, 60.

Morton, Thomas, his persecutions in Mas-
sachusetts, 40.

Moryson, Francis, letter to the Earl of
Clarendon, 108; his instructions from
Virginia, 109; recommends his neph-
ew for an appointment, 112.
Moses, the laws of, a source of belief in
witchcraft, 239.

Mulford, John, noticed, 235, 239; takes

the oath of allegiance, 240; member
of the Court at East Hampton, 245.
Mulford, Samuel, noticed, 244; goes to
England, 253; curious anecdote of, ib.

Nanfan, Capt. John, Lt. Gov., Act grant-
ing him £500, mentioned, 198; ad-
dress of the House of Representatives
to, 449.
Narragansett Bay, its great advantages,
143, 150.
Narragansett Country, advice of Cart-
wright concerning, 107.

Narragansett Sachems' deed to King
Charles I., 99; their submission, 140,
148, 149.

Nassau, Fort, noticed, 7, 8.

New Albion, papers concerning, 213.
New Amsterdam, not six houses of free
burgers in it in 1641-42, 1; military
force in, ib.; very delightsome and
convenient for situation, 3.
New England, severe government there

alluded to, 2; people assist the Dutch
against the Indians, ib.; the most con-
siderable of all his Majesty's colonies
in America, 35; whole trade of, en-
grossed by Massachusetts, 86; Con-
federacy, noticed, 92; the only coun-
try governed on genuine independent
principles, 209; directed to aid New
York against the French, 400; the
Indians put more than ordinary con-
fidence in their integrity, 415; no as-
sistance to be expected thence against
the French, 427; proposals from, to
engage the five nations against the
French, 462; letters from, concerning
Eastern Indians set on by Jesuits, 475.
New English Canaan, Morton's, referred
to, 40.

Newgat, Mr., noticed, 55.

New Hampshire, Minute of Council,
January 8, 1772, 298; lands to be
granted, 281, 282; boundaries of,
from Governor Wentworth's Com-
mission, 253; authorities proceed
against the rioters, 307.

New Hampshire Grants, New York and
the, 277; claimants under, notified to
appear, 291; rights of actual settlers to
be regarded, 292; representation of
New York committee containing ac-
count of the dispute, 496.
New Jersey, the Duke's Indenture to
Berkley and Carteret destructive to
his colony, 75; a place of refuge for
criminals from New York, 116; Gov-
ernor Nicolls proposes exchange of
Delaware for, 126.

New Netherland, memoir concerning, or
Manhattan, 1; onerous taxation and
excise there, 21.

New York, Fort James noticed, 74; Gov.
Nicolls arms the English and disarms
the Dutch there, 75; severe winter
there, 113; its destitute condition,
117; population three parts Dutch,
118; its flourishing condition will
bridle the ambitious saints of Boston,
118; tracts relating to, 163-200;
designs of the French against, 175,

204; arguments relating to acts of
Assembly, 177; governors impowered
to grant lands, 190; revolution in the
time of Leisler noticed, 203; the As-
sembly usurp authority to repeal laws,
201; not one church of England
nor one English school in the
colony, 206; trade with Madagascar,
ib. its government contrasted with
that of Massachusetts, 208; and the
New Hampshire Grants, 277; bounded
eastward by Connecticut river, 281;
Governor Wentworth asks information
concerning boundaries of, 282, 497;
neglects intrusion of Massachusetts on
its territory, 281, 498; proceedings
against the rioters, 296; Act appoint-
ing commissioners to settle boundaries
with Massachusetts, 319; representa-
tion of committee and commissioners
concerning boundaries with New
Hampshire, 496; boundary line with
Quebec settled, 501; agreement with
Connecticut, 528. See Minutes of

Niagara, French about to build a fort
there, 453; French fort there, noticed,
492, 494; French operations there,

Niantick Indians, noticed, 257.
Nicholson, Francis, Governor of Vir-
ginia, sends presents to the Governor
of New York for the Indians, 393;
complains of Indian outrages to the
Governor of New York, 396; desires
that New York Indians may have
passes under scal when they go south,
396; noticed, 459.

Nicolls, Matthias, recommended by
Samuel Maverick for secretary to the

Royal Commissioners, 57; translates
the letter of Denonville, 390.
Nicoll, William, commissioner on part of
New York to settle boundary with
Massachusetts, 319; report of, and
Gerard Bancker on the Mass. boun-
dary line, 325.

Nicoils, Colonel Richard, goes to New
York, 68; letters to the Earl of
Clarendon, 74, 113, 125; sends reports
of transactions at Boston to England,
113; on good terms with the Indians,
116; indulgent to the Dutch, 118; ad-
vises freedom of trade, 118; his ac-
count of the Duke's laws, 119; desires
they may be printed, ib.; proposes ex-
change of Delaware for the patent of
Berkeley and Carteret, 126; desires to
be recalled, ib.; grants a patent to the

settlers of East Hampton, 229; con-
sents to the articles of capitulation of
New Netherland, 336; confirms priv-
ileges of Renssalaerswick, 523.
Nimeecraft, Sachem of Narragansett,
noticed, 258.

Noble, George, noticed, 213.
Norton, John, agent for Massachusetts in
England, noticed, 37.

Notley, Thomas, Governor of Maryland,
commission to Henry Coursey to treat
with Indians, 377.

Nottingham, Earl of, mentioned, 401.
Nova Scotia, Colonel Temple's account
of, 50.

Nowedonak, Sachem of Shinacock, no-
ticed, 231.

Odianah, a Maqua Sachem, his speech to
Governor Dongan, 380.
Ogden, John, his difference with people
of East Hampton, 239.
Olcott, Justice, proceeds against the
Putney rioters, 307.

Oliver, James, to be ordered to England,

Queydas, complain of famine and want of
ammunition, 469.


Onondaga, the French at, 461.
Onondaga River, fort to be built at the
mouth of the, 490, 491, 492.
Orange Fort, its settlement noticed, 329.
Order in Council, settling boundary

between New York and Quebec, 505.
Oswego, see Onondaga River, house
there, 491; Indians object to it, 492;
withdraw their objections, 493;
French declare it a violation of the
Treaty of Utrecht, 494; not to be
abandoned, ib.; Six Nations agree to
defend the house at, 506; fort at,
noticed, 512, 513; French summons
to abandon it. 527.
Ottowawaes, mentioned, 429.

Pack, Roger, noticed, 213.
Paggatacut, Sachem of Munhansett,
noticed, 231.

Parliament, prohibit transportation of
sectaries and quakers to Virginia or
New England, 111.
Pascaraquay River, noticed, 71, 72; its
importance, 72-3.
Peace of Ryswick, news of, in New
York, 435.

Peirce, Capt., noticed, 85, 126; brings
mischievous reports, 130.
Pell, Thomas, sends vessel to trade with

Delaware, 5; begins the town of
Westchester, 12.

Penn, William, noticed, 232.
Penno, Joseph, noticed, 403.
Pennsylvania, directed to aid New York
against the French, 400.

Pequods, lands in Rhode Island, claimed
by Massachusetts, 91.
Pessicus, mentioned, 90, 92.
Peters, Hugh, noticed, 24.
Petitioners, names of loyal, in Massachu-
setts, 134; noticed, 135.
Petitions for lands on west side of Con-
necticut River, 291.

Pharaoh, George, chief of the Montock
tribe of Indians, 261.
Philip, Sachem, noticed, 108.
Philipse, Adolph, his removal from the
Council, 212; mentioned, 405.
Phillips, Eva. James, noticed, 338.
Phillipse, Frederick, offers money to de-
fray charge of expedition against the
French, 430.

Phips, Sir William, Governor of Massa-
chusetts, desires the opinions of New
York ministers on the subject of witch-
craft, 274; his questions, ib. ; declines
to assist New York, 405; proposes to
make a present to the Five Nations in
behalf of Massachusetts, 408; not con-
sidered politic to make separate pres-
ents, 408, 409, 410.

Pierson, Rev. Abraham, noticed, 232.
Pinchon, John, noticed, 336.
Pirates, frequent the island of Madagas-
car, 206; come to Long Island and
Delaware Bay, ib.

Pitkin, William, agent from Connecticut,

374, 375.

Plaisted, Roger, noticed, 90.
Planters, The Conditions for New, re-
ferred to, 75.

Plowden, Sir Edmund, his patent, 3; his
New Albion, 213; petition to the king,
220; noticed, 218; Earl of New
Albion, 221.

Plumb Island, noticed, 225, 226, 227,

Plymouth, Answer of the Court to the
Commissioners, 59; boundaries with
Rhode Island, 108, 127; charter,

Point Comfort, Fort to be erected, 121;
difficulties in the work, 160.
Porter, John, his case discussed, 93, 96,
97, 98, 99, 101, 104.
Prayer-Book, its use not allowed in
Massachusetts, 100.

Presents to the Indians given in the

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