Trials of mind on the doctrine of unconditional election and reprobation, and a gracious deliverance from a despairing mind, by God's appearing by his Spirit.-Page 12 to 18. The doctrine of unconditional election false; otherwise sa- - tan is but the servant of God—a subject of reward, as he Religious reflections while in the army, and a convincement of the impropriety of war; retirement from the army, and many promises made to God forgotten in a retired Resolutions for a reformation of life, with a sense of crea- Religious resolutions publicly manifested, and confirmation of God's loving kindness, by the interpretation of a for- mer dream._Trials of mind about baptism, and attach- ment to the Free-will Baptist church.-47–52. Trials about preaching-instruction by dreams. Religious disputes follow religious revivals, and the abuse of texts, with the inconsiderate use of Psalms and Hymns.—55–66. CHAP. IV. Doubts occasioned by the multiplicity of religious opinions, and the mind inadequate to find the truth by the scrip- Temptations to disbelieve the existence of a God and Sa- viour overcome. the gospel dispensation, supposing the scriptures to be the only rule for faith and practice-70--76. gospel too frequently prostitute their functions by light and trifling conversation.--97--100. Duty shown by the vision of the night.--101-105. CHAP. VI. First public testimony against the ordinances, and the opposition met with, of some in society.-106-117. By doubts and fears reduced to distrust a religious attainment and every witness known.-Confirmation by the revelation of God's Spirit at noon-day-118—128. CHAP. VII. Delay of duty, and adversity considered to be in answer to prayer.--Untimely vocal prayer, reproved.--131--139. Adversity considered as instruction.--The use of the sacrament attempted for the last time.--140--148. 1 The pretended benefit of the sacrament found to be ground. less, by the examination of others, and a dismission from society, requested.--149--154. CHAP. VIII. Ordination refused. A dream showing the condition of the church.-156--165. Dreams, a christian privilege, and the means by which God gave instructions to his people, from the patriarchal time, to the time of the apostles and early christians. A letter from society; ordination refused, with an acquaintance with Friends.--166--180. PLEA ON BAPTISM. The law of types given to man after the fall-what man fell from, and what man must be restored to.-188–197. The tabernacle and offerings, with the washing of water and the anointing of oil, taught the worshippers that mankind were polluted, and what they must be, to be restored to the image of God.-197-199. Baptism under the law of Moses. The term gospel rejec ted, and the term kingdom of heaven shown to be most proper, to show the distinguishing line between the legis lation of Moses and Christ, and John a prophet, and by birth a priest, and in life restricted by the law. John come to make known Christ. John preached the baptism of repentance, not water baptism; by repentance a people was made ready for the Lord. 206--217. John was to Christ what Moses was to John. 218-220. CHAP. II. John fulfils his mission in pointing out Christ to Israel.Christ baptized under the law. The kingdom of God, or the kingdom of heaven, preached by John, by Christ and his disciples as yet to come. Christ did not teach water baptism. 221---227. Christ's transfiguration on the mount, taught his disciples that the kingdom of Christ was yet to come, and that the law dispensation could not end until Christ was crucified, Mark, xi. 30. Luke, vii. 30; hence no reference to the baptism of water. John come in the way of righteousness, Matt. xxi. $2.-228---232. Christ suffered according to prophecy, in the last of Daniel's weeks, and the order of the tabernacle; the rending of the vail plainly shows when the proper christian dispensation commenced, and shows that water baptism, with other things, were under the law till then. 233 240. CHAP. III. The commission given to the apostles, Matth. xxviii. 19, did not include water baptism, but the baptism of the Spirit ; a baptizing virtue which was to attend the preaching done by the influence of the Spirit. 241 260. Five reasons why the commission should not be received for water baptism. 261 268. CHAP. IV. The apostles were men of religious prejudice, as well as other meu. Cornelius and his household the first and the last instance of Gentile baptism. The three thousand (Acts ii. 41.) were Jews, The Samaritans were Jews. The Corinthians, the Eunuch, Lydia and the Jailor were Jews, the twelve baptized by Paul, (Acts xix. 5.) were Jews. The council of elders and brethren at Jerusalem clear the Gentiles from baptism by water with other things. 269 285. The apostle Paul was not sent to baptize with water, and he believed in the one baptism of the Spirit as the one, and only christian baptism, Rom. vi. 4. 1 Peter, iii. 21. 1 Cor. x. 2, have no reference to the baptism of water. 286. 502. ON THE SACRAMENT, OR LORD'S SUPPER. CHAP. V. Christians disagree on the sacrament. The eucharist and sacrament, not mentioned in the scriptures of truth. Papists, Luther's and Calvin's notion about the sacrament; their jealousy towards each other manifested in the great sacramental contest in Germany. 303 316. CHAP. VI. Jesus Christ did not say of the bread and wine, "do this till I come." The historical account of the Jew's pass over compared with the scripture, showing that Christ's eating with the disci ples was of the passover, and that nothing of a sacramental nature was enjoined.-317--846. CHAP. VII. The breaking of bread mentioned in the scripture was done only at a Jewish feast or at a common family meal, Luke xxiv. 30. Acts ii. 24, 26.-xx. 7.-1 Cor. xi. have no allusion to a sacrament.-347-364. CHAP. VIII. The use of bread and wine, and water baptism is but one with the ceremonial law of the Jews.-565-368. The sacraments could not be enjoined on christians with out adding to the covenant made with Abraham, contrary to the oath of God.-369-372. The gospel sabbath transgressed by the sacramental observ ance, and christians forbade to touch, taste, or handle of all such things as perish with the using.-373-394. ON THE SCRIPTURES. CHAP. IX. Three opinions relative to the use and intention of the scriptures.-395-406. The scriptures are not so much as one stone in the foundation upon which God hath made man's salvation dependant, but the inward light, or the Spirit is the sure guide into all truth. The scriptures are not the word of God; they show what the word of God is.-407-431. ON ORDINATION. CHAP. X. The ecclesiastical succession cannot be proved without admitting the church of Rome, to be the true church. The wickedness of the papists, and the pretensions of protestants on ordination, found to be but pretensions. 432-440. The laying on of hands without proper authority, and without grace. The Spirit gives a proper qualification for a minister of the gospel.-441–443. THE CONCLUSION. Recapitulation, with a few remarks, showing that christian duty consists, 1stly, in love to God, 2dly, in leve to mam 444-453. |