Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be fung or faid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and at other. Times, when it fhall be commanded by the Ordinary. 1. God the Father of heaven: have mercy upon us miferable finners. O God the Father of beaven: bave mercy upon us miferable finners. 2. O God the Son, Redeemer of the world: have mercy upon us miferable finners. O God the Son, Redeemer of the world: have mercy upon us miferable finners. 3. O God the Holy Ghoft, proceeding from the Father and the Son have mercy upon us miferable finners. 1 O God the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and the Son: have mercy upon us miferable finners. 4. O holy, bleffed, and glorious Trinity, three perfons, and one God: have mercy upon us miferable finners. O holy, bleffed, and glorious Trinity, three perfons, and one God: bave mercy upon us miferable finners. 5. Remember not, Lord, our offences, nor the offences of our forefathers; neither take thou vengeance of our fins: PARAPHRASE. THE INVOCATION. 1. O heavenly Father, primary fource of the deity, and of all created beings, the first perfon of the ever-bleffed Trinity, fhew compaffion upon us, by pardoning our fins, and removing the punishment which we have incurred by them; it has already rendered us miferable, and, if it is not prevented by our repentance, will hereafter make us more wretched. 2. O God the Son, who before thou cameft among us, didit, by 2 most merciful agreement with the Father and united love for us miferable finners, bring about the redemption of the world, by thy being born into it and dying for it,-fhew thy pity unto us, &c. 3. O God the Holy Ghoft, the third Perfon of the ever-bleffed Trinity, who, by an emanation of effence which never had beginning, doft proceed or go out from the Father and the Son,-fhew thy mercy unto us, &c. 4. O divine Being, who doft at once unite triplicity and unity, thou Trinity of perfons in one Godhead, infinitely holy, and happy and glorious, have compaffion upon us, &c. Paraphrafe on the DEPRECATION. 5. O Lord, do not retain in thy remembrance our iniquities or the iniquities of our forefathers, whofe tranfgreffions thou doft often punisht вров ipare us, good Lord, fpare thy people, whom thou hast redeemed with thy moft precious blood, and be not angry with us for ever. 5. Spare us, good Lord. 6. From all evil and mifchief; from fin, from the crafts and affaults of the devil, from thy wrath, and from everlafting damnation. Good Lord, deliver us. 7. From all blindness of heart; from pride, vain-glory and hypocrify, from envy, hatred, and malice, and all uncharitableness. Good Lord, deliver us. 8. From Fornication, and all other deadly fin; and from all the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Good Lord, deliver us. PARAPHRASE. upon their pofterity. (Exod. xx.) Spare us therefore, merciful God, and exempt from punishment thy faithful people, whom thou hast redeemed by the most precious blood of Jefus Chrift, and be not as the royal Pfalmift expreffes it, angry with us for ever. Pfal. Ixix. 5. Let not thy punishments abide too long with us in this world; at leaft, we intreat thee to deliver us from thine eternal displeasure in the world to come. 6. We beseech thee to refcue us from all evil and mischief; (i. e. from every fpecies of moral and natural evil) from all the feveral kinds of fin which we may be guilty of; from all the craft of the devil, whereby he tempts us to the commiffion of it; from all his affaults, whereby he overpowers us by temptations; from thy wrath, which we have incurred by our tranfgreffions; and from everlasting damnation, which the heinoufnefs of our fins have deferved and fhould make us expect;-O gracious God, we beseech thee to deliver us from all thefe dreadful ills and calamities. 7. From blindness of heart or obftinate ignorance, whereby we may be rendered infenfible and unperfuadable, whilst under the dominion of fin; from pride, whereby we arrogate too great glory to ourselves, and treat chers with contempt; from vain glory, whereby we boast of whatever perfections we imagine ourfelves poffeffed of; and from hypocrify, whereby we counterfeit those which we have not; from envying any man's happiness; from hatred of their perfons; from forming any inalicious defigns against them, and paffing uncharitable judgments upon them ;-O gracious God, we beseech thee to deliver us. 8. From fornication, which is a moft grievous and mortal fin, and excludes men from the kingdom of God; from every other fin of the fame K impure 9. From lightning and tempeft; from plague, peftilence, and famine; from battle and murder, and from fudden death. Good Lord, deliver us. 10. From all fedition, privy confpiracy, and rebellion; from all falfe doctrine, herefy, and fchifm; from hardness of heart, and contempt of thy word and commandment, Good Lord, deliver us. 11. By the mystery of thy holy incarnation; by thy holy Nativity and Circumcifion; by thy Baptifm, Fafting, and Temptation, Good Lord, deliver us. PARAPHRASE. impure nature; from all the baits and temptations to which we may be expofed by the vanity of the world, our fleshly lufts, or the fubtilty of our grand adverfary, Satan ;-O gracious God, we befeech thee to deliver us. 9. Nor do we only pray against spiritual evils, by which our fouls may be offended; but we likewife befeech thee to deliver us from temporal ones, which may prove prejudicial to our bodies: therefore, from the dreadful confequences by which ftorms and tempefts are followed, both by land and fea; from the terrible ruin that accompanies confuming peftilences and famines; from the miferies and defolations of wars; from the heinous fin of murder; and finally from the unexpected stroke of fudden death;-O gracious God, we beseech thee to deliver us. 10. From the tumultuous distraction of faction and fedition; from the dangers of fecret piots and confpiracies; from the calamities that attend upon civil war and rebellion; from all troubles in the church, which may take rife from the preaching of heretical doctrines, or by fchifm and unreasonable feparation; from hardnefs of heart, which render God's chaftifements of no effect in bringing about our reformation, which prevent the force of his revelations from reaching us, and the motives of reward and punishment from operating upon our minds; from all contempt of thy holy word, whether manifefled by prophane jefts upon the fcripture, or the undervaluing the minifterial functions and the public fervice of the church; from defpifing the facred laws of God, by violating his holy commandments and treating fin lightly ;-O gracious God, we beseech thee to deliver us. Paraphrafe on the OBSECRATION. 11. And thefe our prayers we intreat thee to hear favourably, for the fake of our bleffed Saviour's merits; in confideration of that great mystery of godlinefs, whereby God is manifefted to us in the flesh, (1 Tim. iii. 16.) and the fecond perfon of the ever-bleffed Trinity condefcended to veil his Godhead and affume a body of flesh like unto ours; by his extraordinary humility, in being born of a virgin in fo mean and defpicable a place; by 4 12. By thine Agony and bloody Sweat; by thy Cross and Paffion; by thy precious Death and Burial; by thy glorious Refurrection and Afcenfion and by the coming of the Holy Ghost, Good Lord, deliver us. 13. In all time of our tribulation; in all time of our wealth; in the hour of death, and in the day of judgment, Good Lord, deliver us. 14. We finners do befeech thee to hear us, O Lord God; and that it may please thee to rule and govern thy holy Church univerfal in the right way; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. PARAPHRASE. by his circumcifion, whereby he himself fulfilled, and, for our fakes has abolished, the troublesome rights of the antient ceremonial law; by his facred baptifm, whereby he transferred that holy right into his religion; for the fake of his unparallelled example, in long and devout, fafting, and his fuffering himself to be tempted in order to inftruct us how to refift the affaults of the devil ;-O gracious God, we beseech thee to deliver us. 12. O blessed Saviour, in confideration of thy agony in the garden, and thy fweating drops of blood, when the weight of all our fins was laid upon thee; by thy fuffering, for our fakes, the ignominious death of the trofs, and the intolerable anguifh thereof; by thy yielding thy precious unfpotted life a prey to death; by thy fuffering thy body to lie in a cold and darkfome grave for our fakes; by thy rifing again from the Sepulchre, to convince us of our refurrection after death; and by thy afcending up into heaven, where, feated at the right hand of God, thou dost intercede for us and preparest for us a place in thofe manfions of eternal blifs; -O gracious God, we befeech thee to deliver us. 13. We therefore pray thee, in confideration of all thefe parts of thy mediatorfhip, and, for the fake of all these meritorious actions of thine, to afford us thy affiftance whenever we are rendered difconfolate, or too much elated and negligent by profperity; that thou wouldst fupport us under the terrors of death, and pardon our failings at the great day of jedgment;-O gracious God, we beseech thee to deliver us. Paraphrafe on the INTERCESSION. 14. And since thou deigneft to give ear to the fupplications of penitent faners, we, who by reafon of our numerous tranfgreffions, are afraid to affame to ourselves a greater title, we beseech thee to grant thy protection to thy holy church, and to enable it to maintain all the parts of the chriftian faith in exact purity; and to preferve it from being over-run by infidelity, or poifoned by herefy:-which petition, O gracious God, we beg of thee to grant us. 15. That 15. That it may pleafe thee to keep and ftrengthen in the true worshipping of thee, in righteousness and holiness of life, thy fervant George, our most gracious king and governor ; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. 16. That it may please thee to rule his heart in thy faith, fear, and love; and that he may evermore have affiance in thee, and ever seek thy honour and glory; We befeech thee to bear us, good Lord. 17. That it may please thee to be his defender and keeper, giving him the victory over all his enemies. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. 18. That it may please thee to blefs and preferve our gracious Qeen Charlotte, his Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, and the Royal Family. We beseech thee to bear us, good Lord. PARAPHRASE. 15. That thou wouldst be graciously pleafed to preferve and confirm, in the exercife and protection of the true religion, thy fervant George, who has, by thy efpecial Providence, been appointed to reign over us; that he may acquit himself with righteoufnefs in all the public adminiftrations of his high office, and adhere with holiness to all the particular obligations of the chriftian life-which petition, O gracious God, we beg of thee to grant us. 16. That thou, in whofe hand the hearts of princes are, (Prov. xxi.) wouldft vouchsafe to direct his mind in fuch a manner, and endue him with fuch holy principles, that he may always live in a fteady faith of all thy revelations and promifes; in a juft fear of thy fupreme authority; and a conftant attachment to thy law; that his truft and affiance may be more grounded upon thy protection and providence, than upon his fecular power; and that, in all his actions, he may make it his aim rather to promote thy glory than to aggrandize his own which petition, O gracious God, we beg of thee to grant us. 17. That it would pleafe thy goodness to defend him in all the dangers to which the high ftations of princes expofe them in an envious and wicked world, and to make him victorious over all his enemies, whenever he is engaged in war in the caufe of his country's liberties or religion:-which petition, O gracious God, we beg of thee to grant us. 18. That thou wouldst be pleafed to afford thy bleffing and protection to our gracious queen Charlotte, and all other branches of the royal family, which, by royal defcent and our laws, have a right to facceed to the throne of this nation which petition, O gracious God, we beg of thee to grant us. 19. That |