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who are grieved and wearied with the burden of our fins. Thy property is always to have inercy; to thee only it appertaineth to forgive fins. Spare us therefore, good Lord, fpare thy people whom thou haft redeemed; enter not into judgment with thy fervants, who are vile earth, and miserable finners; but fo turn thine anger from us, who meekly acknowledge our vilenefs, and truly repent us of all our faults; and fo make hafte to help us in this world, that we may ever live with thee in the world to come, through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Then shall the people fay this that followeth, after the Minifter:

URN thou us, O good, Lord, and fo fhall we be

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turned. Be 'favourable, O Lord, be favourable to thy people, Who turn to thee in weeping, fafting, and praying. For thou art a merciful God, Full of compaffion, long-fuffering, and of great pity. Thou fpareft when we deferve punishment, And in thy wrath thinkeft upon mercy. Spare thy people, good Lord, fpare them, And let not thine heritage be brought to confufion. Hear us, O Lord, for thy mercy is great, And after the multitude of thy mercies look upon us, through the merits and mediation of thy bleffed Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Then the Minifter alone fhall fay, HE Lord blefs us, and keep'us; the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon us, and give us peace now and for evermore.



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Pointed as they are to be fung or faid in CHURCHES.



Plalim i. Beatus vir, qui non abiit.

LESSED is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, nor ftood in the way of finners: and hath not fat in the feat of the fcornful.

2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord: and in his law will he exercife himfelf day and night.

3 And he hall be like a tree planted by the water-fide: that will bring forth his fruit in due feafon.

4 His leaf alfo fhall not wither and look, whatsoever he doeth, it fhall profper.

5 As for the ungodly, it is not fo with them but they are like the chaff which the wind fcattereth away from the face of the earth.

6 Therefore the ungodly, fhall not be able to ftand in the judgement: neither the finners in the congregation of the righteous.

7 But the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: and the way of the ungodly fhall perish


Pfalm i.] In this pfalm we are taught; 1. That one mark of a good man is, that he fhun all intercourfe with the wicked and ungodly; that he obferve none of their falfe maxims, imitate none of their diforders, and that he make his chief pleasure confift in meditating upon and keep


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HY do the heathen fo furiously rage together and why do the people imagine a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth ftand up, and the rulers take counsel together: against the Lord, and against his Anointed,

3 Let us break their bonds afunder: and caft away their cords from us.

4 He that dwelleth in heaven, fhall laugh them to fcorn : the Lord fhall have them in derifion.

5 Then fhall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his fore displeasure.

6 Yet have I fet my king: upon my holy hill of Sion. 7 I will preach the law, whereof the Lord hath faid unto me: Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee.

8 Defire of me, and I fhall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance: and the utmost parts of the earth for thy poffef fion.

9 Thou shalt bruise them with a rod of iron and break them in pieces like a potter's veffel.

10 Be wife now therefore, O ye kings: be learned, ye that are judges of the earth.

1 Serve the Lord in fear and rejoice unto him with


12 Kifs the Son, left he be angry, and so ye perish from the right way if his wrath be kindled (yea, but a little) bleffed are all they that put their trust in him.



ing the law of God. z. That the righteous are perfectly happy; that the Lord knows and bleffes them, and makes them profper. 3. That the wicked will not escape his vengeance; and that, fooner or later, they will fall into the utmost miferies.

Pfal. ii. The confidence which David manifefts in this pfalm, fhews, in general, that attempts against the defigns of God are vain; that what he has decreed will always come to pass; and that nothing can hurt those whom he loves and has promised to blefs. But the application which the apostles make to our Lord of thefe words, " Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee," leads us more efpecially to confider this pfalm as it relates to the kingdom of Jefus Chrift, the Son of God, which has been eftablished in the world, in fpite of all oppofition from kings and the great

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Pfalm iii. Domine, quid multiplicati?

Like they that rife again realed that trouble me: many

are me.

2 Many one there be that fay of my foul: There is no help for him in his God.

3 But thou, O Lord, art my defender: thou art my worfhip, and the lifter up of my head.

4 I did call upon the Lord with my voice: and he heard me out of his holy hill.

5 I laid me down and flept, and rofe up again: for the Lord fuftained me.

6 I will not be afraid for ten thousands of the people: that have set themselves againft me round about.

7 Up, Lord, and help me, O my God: for thou smitest all mine enemies upon the cheek-bone; thou haft broken the teeth of the ungodly.

8 Salvation belongeth unto the Lord, and thy bleffing is upon thy people.


Pfalm iv. Cum invocarem.

EAR me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou haft fet me at liberty, when I was in trouble; have mercy upon me, and hearken unto my prayer.

2 O ye fons of men, how long will ye blafpheme mine honour: and have fuch pleasure in vanity, and feek after leafing?

3 Know this alfo, that the Lord hath chofen to himself the man that is godly: when I call upon the Lord, he will hear



men of the earth, and will fubfift for ever. And fince this kingdom is eftablished among us, and we have the happiness to be Chrift's fubjects, let us fubmit ourselves to this glorious King; let us ferve him with humility and joy; let us dread expofing ourselves to his wrath; and let us place all our truft and confidence in his favour and protection.

Pfal. iii.] David's firm confidence in God, when purfued by his fon Abfalom, teaches us, that a man who fears God may be reduced to great extremities; but that, whatever condition he is in, he is eafy and full of truft; that he fears not men, having God on his fide; that he rifes up and lies down with confidence, and always depends upon the divine affiftance, even in the greatest dangers. PRAC


Stand in awe, and fin not: commune with your own heart, and in your chamber, and be still.

5 Offer the facrifice of righteousness: and put your truft in the Lord.


6 There be many that fay: Who will fhew us any good? 7 Lord, lift thou up: the light of thy countenance upon

8 Thou haft put gladness in my heart: fince the time that their corn, and wine, and oil increased.

9 I will lay me down in peace, and take my reft: for it is thou, Lord, only that makest me dwell in fafety.


Pfalm v. Verba mea auribus.

Onder my words, O Lord: confider my meditation.

2 O hearken thou unto the voice of my calling, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I make my prayer: 3 My voice fhalt thou hear betimes, O Lord: early in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. 4 For thou art the God that haft no pleasure in wickedness neither shall any evil dwell with thee.

5 Such as be foolish fhall not ftand in thy fight: for thou hatest all them that work vanity.

6 Thou shalt destroy them that speek leafing: the Lord will abhor both the blood-thirsty and deceitful man.

7 But as for me, I will come into thine house, even upon the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.

8 Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness, because of mine enemies make thy way plain before my face.

9 For there is no faithfulness in his mouth: their inward parts are very wickedness.


Pfal. iv.] We learn from this pfalm, 1. That good men always apply to God in their diftrefs. 2. That the enterprifes formed against thofe whom God favours, are in vain, and without effect. 3. That worldly men feek after nothing but the advantages of this life, but that the righteous afpire after the favour of God; that his favour is all their happiness, and all their fecurity; and fills their hearts with more joy, even under the greatest afflictions, than worldly men feel in their greatest plenty and profperity.


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