and fhews him, whom he should confider as his Neighbour. ing in Oyl and Wine, and fet him on his own Beaft, and brought him to an Inn, and took Care of him. 35 And on the Morrow when he departed, he took out Two Pence, and gave them to the Hoft, and faid unto him, Take Care of him; and whatsoever thou fpendeft more, when I come again, I will repay thee. 36 Which now of these Three, thinkeft thou, was Neighbour unto him that fell among the Thieves? 37 And he said, He that fhewed Mercy on him. Then faid Jefus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise. 89 in fome of the Oil and Wine, which he had taken Sect. 107. Now, faid our Lord to the Lawyer he was dif- 36 (1) Two Denarii, or Roman Pence.] These were in Value about Fifteen Pence of our Money. It is a very probable Circumftance, that a Man travelling without any Attendants, and now going out to a confiderable Distance from Home, fhould not have more to Spare; efpecially as he was to travel thro' fo dangerous a Road, and fo it would have been very imprudent to charge himself with much more Money, than he was like to want in his Journey; which would be the lefs, as it was ufual for Travellers in those Parts to carry their Provifion with them. Compare Gen. xxviii. 18. and Joh, ix. 12, 13, \ VOL. II, M IMPROVE 90 Sect. 107. Ver. 26. Reflections on the Exercife of Charity and Benevolence.. O IMPROVEMENT. F how great Importance is it, that we should every one of us be in good Earneft making this Enquiry, which the Scribe addreffed to our Luke x. 25. Lord, What shall I do that I may inherit Eternal Life! What ought we not willingly to do, and to bear, that we may fecure fo great a Felicity? Still will our Lord answer us from his Word, that we must keep the Commandments of GOD, while we are looking to him as the End of the Law for Righteousness. (Rom. x. 4.) Happy are they that faithfully do it, that thro' the Grace manifefted in the Gospel they may have a Right to eat of the Tree of Life! (Rev. xxii. 14.) Ver. 27. Ver. 31, 32. Ver. 33. Ver.33,-35. Ver. 37. May this Abstract and Summary of the Commandments be written, as it were in Golden Characters, on the Table of each of our Hearts! May we love the Lord our GOD with all the united Powers and Faculties of our Souls, and our Neighbour as fincerely and fervently as ourselves! And may we learn from this beautiful Parable of the good Samaritan, to exercise our Charity to our Fellow-Creatures, in the most amiable Manner! The Jewish Priest and Levite had, no doubt, the Ingenuity to find out fome Excuse or other, for paffing over to the other Side; and might, perhaps, formally thank GOD for their own Deliverance, while they left their Brother to bleed to Death for Want of their Affiftance. Is it not an Emblem of many living Characters, perhaps of fome, whofe Sacred Office lays them under the strongest Obligations to diftinguished Benevolence and Generofity? But the good Samaritan acted the Part of a Brother to this expiring few. Ob Seed of Ifrael! ob Houfe of Levi, and of Aaron! will not the Day come, when the humane Virtues of Heathens fhall rise up in Judgment against thee! " ; Let us reflect with Shame, what are the Differences between one Christian and another, when compared with thofe between a Samaritan and a few! Yet here the Benevolence of a good Heart overcame even these and in the View of a wounded dying Man, forgot that he was by Nation an Enemy. Whofe Heart does not burn within him, whofe Eyes do not overflow with Tears of Delight, while he reads fuch a Story? Let us go, and do likewife, regarding every Man as our Neighbour, who needs our Affiftance. Let us exclude every malignant Sentiment of Bigotry and Party Zeal, which would contract our Hearts, into an Infenfibility for all the Human Race, but a 'little' felect Number, whofe Sentiments and Practices are fo much our own, that our Love to them is but Self-Love reflected. With an honeft Opennefs of Mind let us always remember the Relation between Man and Man, and feel and cultivate that happy Inftinet, by which God, who has formed our Hearts in many Inftances akke, has in the original Conftitution of our Nature, ftrongly and graciously bound them to each other. SECT. CHRIST comes to Bethany, and is entertained there. SECT. CVIII. CHRIST vifits his Friends at Bethany; and commends the Diligence with which Mary attends his Preaching, while her Sifter Martha was too anxious about the Entertainment of her Guests. Luke X. 38, to the End. A LUKE X. 38. 91 BOUT this Time (a) our Lord quitted Sect. 108. And he had a Sifter called Mary, who being 39 But Martha, too folicitous about the Va- 40 plexed (a) About this Time.] I exprefs myself in this indeterminate Manner, as to the Date of this little, but very inftructive Story, because I apprehend the Evangelift has not exactly determined when it happened, which it was of no Importance for us exactly to know. Ít might very poffibly be just at this Time; at least, the Want of any fufficient Reason for tranfpofing it, obliges me, on the Rules I have laid down to myself, to introduce it here. (b) Sate down at the Feet of Jefus, as an humble Difciple.] It is well known, that this was the Pofture, in which Learners attended on their Teachers, (compare Luke viii. 35. and Acts xxii. 3.) and likewife grew into a Proverb, for humble and diligent Attention. See the Authors cited by Wolfius, in loc. and efpecially Vitringa, Synag. lib. i. part. 2. cap. 6. (c) Was exceedingly hurried.] The Word wepalo properly fignifies, to be drawn (as it were) different Ways at the fame Time, and admirably expreffes the Situation of a Mind M 2 fur 92 Sect. 108. plexed about much ferving; and coming in to the Room where Jefus was, he, not without fome Luke X. 40. Warmth and Difcontent, expreffed how much the was offended at it, and faid, Lord, doft thou not mind, that my Sifter has left me to provide and ferve Mary's Attention to his Word is better than Martha's Care. 41 up the Entertainment alone, which is more than I And Jefus in Reply faid to her, Oh Martha, taken and came to him, and faid, Lord, doft thou not care that my Sifter hath left me to ferve alone? bid her therefore that the help me. furrounded with fo many Objects of Care, that it hardly knows which to attend to first. She had probably Servants, to whom the might have committed thefe Affairs; and the Humility and Moderation of our Bleffed Redeemer would have taken up with what had been lefs exactly prepared; especially as she had fo valuable, and fo fignal an Opportunity, of improving her Mind in Divine Knowledge. (d) Lend her helping Hand with mine.] This is the exact Import of ovarianas which is alfo with the utmoft Propriety used for the Affiftance, which the Spirit of GOD gives to the Infirmities of our frail Nature. Rom. viii. 26. (e) Disturbed with restless Agitation of Spirit.] The Word Tugban is no where elfe used in the New Testament. It seems to exprefs the restless Situation, of a Perfon in a tumultuous Croud, where fo many are preffing upon him, that he can hardly ftand his Ground; or of Water in great Agitation. (f) There is One Thing abfolutely necessary: evos de es1 Xpeta.] This is one of the gravest and most important Apothegms, that ever was uttered; and one can scarce pardon the frigid Impertinence of Theophylact and Bafil, who explain it, as if he had faid, One Dish of Meat is enough. (g) The good Part.] That ups fignifies a Portion, there can be no reasonable Doubt; but that here is any Allufion to the Custom, of fending the beft Portion of an Entertainment to a Gueft, to whom peculiar Honour was intended, feems too great a Refinement, and not exactly fuitable to the Occafion; tho' fome confiderable Criticks have defended it. (See Wolfius, in loc. and Elfner, Obferv. Vol. i. pag. 225, 226.) I think, rendering 7 ayatny pepida, the S Reflections on the Regard due to the One Thing needful. 93 taken away from her, I would not now hinder her Sect. 108. from pursuing; but rather invite thee to join with Luke X. 42. her in her Attention to it, tho' the Circumstances of our intended Meal should not be fo exactly ad- IMPROVEMEN T. O fteadily and zealously did our Blessed Lord purfue his Work, with Luke x. 38, fuch unwearied Diligence, and conftant Affection. No fooner is he 39. entered into the House of this pious Friend, but he fets himself to preach the Word of Salvation, and is the fame in the Parlour, which he had been in the Temple. Oh Mary, how delightful was thy Situation! Who would not rather have fate with thee at the Feet of Jefus, to bear his Wisdom, than have filled the Throne of the greatest Prince upon Earth! Bleffed were thine Eyes in what they faw, thine Ears in what they heard, and thine Heart in what it received and embraced, and treasured up as Food, which would endure to everlasting Life! How unhappily was her good Sifter deprived of the Entertainment of thefe golden Moments, while hurried about Meats and Drinks, and Tables Ver. 40.. with their Furniture, till the loft, not only her Opportunity, but her Temper too; as it is indeed hard to preferve it, without a refolute Guard, amidst the Croud and Clamour of domestick Cares! Happy that Mistress of a numerous Family, who can manage its Concerns with the Meekness and Compofure of Wisdom, and adjust its Affairs in fuch a Manner, as that it may not exclude the Pleasures of Devotion, and cut her off from the Means of Religious Improvement! Happy the Man, who in a preffing Variety of fecular Bafinefs is not fo cumbered and careful, as to forget that One Thing which is abfolutely needful; but refolutely chufes this better Ver. 41, 421Part, and retains it as the only fecure and everlasting Treasure! Oh that this comprehenfive important Sentence were ever before our Eyes! oh that. it were infcribed deep upon our Hearts! One Thing is needful. And what is this One Thing, but the Care of the Soul? what, but a humble Attention to the Voice, and the Gospel of Chrift? Yet, as if this were of all Things the most unneceffary, for what poor trifling Care is it not commonly forgot? yea, to what worthless Vanity is it not daily facrificed? Let the Minifters of Chrift, let the Friends of Souls in every Station, exert themselves, that all about them may be awakened duely to regard this great Interest; accounting it their Meat, and their Drink, to promote it.. the good Part, is more forcible, as well as more literal, than our Tranflation; as it intimates nothing elfe to deferve the Name of a good Part, when compared with this. Compare Mat. xix. 17. Se&t. 137. |