And foretells the destruction of the unbelieving Jews. 63 and with a sudden overthrow destroyed them all. SECT. 50 Even thus shall (Gen. xix. 14, 24.) Even so shall it be in the cxxviii. it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. 51 In that day, he which shall be upon Luke day when the Son of man is revealed, when he In that day, if any one shall be taking the air 31 the house-top, and his on the house-top, or be retired thither for any turn back. wife. 32 Remember Lot's sect. clxi.) But remember the awful example 32 of Lot's wife, with the dreadful issue of her delay and looking back, (Gen. xix. 26.) and take heed lest, like her, you perish in that sudden vengeance, which shall overtake your former abode, if you allow yourselves to linger in it, or turn back for the sake of any thing you have left 33 Whosoever shall there. For in that day, he that shall seek to 33 shall lose it and whe, preserve his life by retiring into some fortified soever shall lose his city, and especially into that where it might life, shall preserve it. seem he should be safest, shall lose it ; but he that shall be thought to take the ready way to lose his life, shall preserve it; for they who regard my admonitions, and retire, however their conduct may be censured as imprudent, shall survive the general ruin. seek to save his life, e Indulging themselves in all kinds of luxury and extravagance.] It is not unseasonable for Great Britain to recollect, that when a pompous and luxurious way of living has come to its height in many of the most considerable ancient and modern nations, there has been a very sudden transition to the lowest state of servitude and ruin. All histories abound with instances of this kind; and God grant that our own age may not add one to the number! I tell d Let him not come down into the house to take it away.) This shews, beyond all controversy, that this discourse refers not to the final judgment, from which there can be no escape; but to the destruction of Jerusalem, from which it is well known that many Christians were preserved by this caution. Sce Grotius in loc.-The Jewish houses were built with a flat roof, and had stairs on the outside to go down from the top. Compare note e on Luke v. 19, Vol. VI. p. 247. e The 92 Reflections on our safety under the care of Christ. 41 And many resorted unto him, and said, John did no miracle: but all things that John true. SECT abode for a while, till the fury of the multitude was a little abated. And many of the inhabiJohn tants of that place who had been, formerly acX. 41. quainted with the Baptist, and remembered the strong and repeated testimonies which he had spake of this man, were borne to Jesus, came to him there, to attend upon his preaching, and said among themselves, John indeed did no miracle himself; but he foretold extraordinary things of another; and we now find, that all the things which John said of this man were exactly true, which is a Divine attestation to the mission and authority of both. 42 And many of them believed on him there, and happily improved this little season of his recess lieved on him there. among them, as the means of their instruction and establishment in piety. 42 And many be Ver. IMPROVEMENT. It is worthy of remark, that we here see our Lord Jesus at a 22 festival, appointed only by human authority, in commemoration of a national deliverance. He came from Galilee to observe it in the temple, though it was winter; and brought with him, as at all times, a heart glowing with the most ardent and amiable zeal, for the honour of God, and the salvation of men, even of those who were studying to insnare and destroy him. 24, 25 What prudence, mingled with spirit and sweetness, runs through his answers to them! What inestimable blessings does he propose, to invite them to enter into his fold! May we never forget those gracious words! May we ever be entitled to all the comfort of 28 them! I give unto my sheep eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of my hand. Lord, may we be found in the number of those secure and happy souls, even 27 of those who know thee, and who obey thy voice, and follow thee, whithersoever thou leadest them by thine example, thy Providence, and thy Spirit! Then may we look on our eternal life and happiness, as inviolably secure. Safely indeed may we trust it in 30 his hands, who could say, in so sublime, and so glorious a sense, I and the Father are one. The enemies of our salvation must tri28, 29 umph then over Omnipotence itself, before they can wrest the sheep of Christ out of his hands; nor will his fidelity to God, or his love to them, suffer them to be seduced by fraud, any more than destroyed by violence. Blessed situation of the little flock! O thou faithful, thou compassionate, thou Almighty Shepherd, gather thou our souls with theirs; and never suffer us to forget of how great importance it is, that we still continue near thee, that we look up to thee for our defence Reflections on the coming of Christ. 65 SECT. hently triumphs. May they who think most lightly of it, never have cause to wish at last for the return of those days of the Son Cxxvi. of man, which are now their burden, rather than their pleasure, 22 while they hear vital and inward religion in vain recommended and enforced! What our Lord says of his coming to the destruction of Jerusa-26--30 lem, may be applied, as it is elsewhere, to his appearance at the final judgment, of which the former was a figure. Thus shall the men of that generation be immersed in business and pleasure; and that tremendous day shall come upon them, even as a thief in the night; so that they shall find themselves overwhelmed with irrecoverable ruin, while they cry, Peace and safety; (1 Thes. v. 2,3.) And thus doth the awful hour of death, which consigns men over to judgment, surprise the generality of mankind, while they are thoughtless of it and unprepared for its approach, amidst all the solemn warnings of it which they daily receive. May we be always in a prepared posture, and daily live as on the verge of eternity! And if once we are engaged in a course of serious preparation, 32 let us remember Lot's wife, and take heed that we turn not back again. We flee as for our lives; let us not look behind us. What-31 ever is to be left, whatever is to be lost, it is enough if our life be given us as for a prey. If we have any just hope that it will be so given us, we have 34-36 a great deal of reason to own and adore the riches of Divine grace to us, of that distinguishing grace which has taken us when others are left; some perhaps, employed in the same business, and dwelling in the same place; and, may not I add, some lying in the same bed too! In a word, let all seriously bethink themselves, and flee from the wrath to come. God spared not Judea, that favourite country, when they rejected his gospel, and his Son: let us fear, lest he also spare not us; (Rom. xi. 20, 21.) In this respect also, wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. 37 The same causes will produce the same effects; and when we, in particular, of these happy, but sinful nations, consider our numerous and aggravated provocations, we shall see much greater reason to wonder that the judgments of God have been so long delayed, than that they should at last fall upon us with an insupportable weight, SECT. 66 SECT. cxxix. Christ delivers the parable of the importunate widow, SECT. CXXIX. Christ presses his disciples to perseverance in prayer by the parable of the importunate widow; and recommends humility by that of the Pharisee and publican. Luke XVIII. 1-14. THUS LUKE XVIII. 1. LUKE XVIII. 1. our Lord discoursed with his disciples AND he spake a parable unto them, of the approaching destruction of Jerusalem to this end, that men Luke by the Romans; and, for their encouragement ought always to pray XVIII.1 under those hardships, which they might in the and not to faint: mean time expect, from their unbelieving countrymen, or others; he spake a parable to them; which was intended to inculcate upon them this great truth, that, how distressed soever their circumstances might be, they ought always to pray with faith and perseverance, and not to faint under their trials. 2 For this purpose he discoursed to them in the following manner, saying, There was a judge in a certain city, who neither feared God nor reverenced man; but was wicked enough to set light by all regards to both, and to make his own humour and secular interest the only rule of 2 Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man. 4 And he would not 3 his actions. And there was a widow in that 3 And there was a for a while: but afterhanself, Though lear a Do me justice against mine adversary.] This is the undoubted import of the phrase εκδίκησον με : and care should have been ward he said within not God, nor regard 5 Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by taken in the version to express it so as not to suggest the idea of revenge. b She And declares the success of perseverance in prayer. 67 by her continual com- with this petition, she even stun and weary me SECT. ing she weary me. 6 And the Lord said, out with her cries b. exxix. And the Lord said, Hear, and observe, what Luke Hear what the unjust the unjust judge saith upon this remarkable occa- XVIII.6 judge saith. sion, and how he owns himself to be prevailed on by the continual cries of one whom other7 And shall not wise he would not have regarded. And if the 7 elect, which cry day earnest importunity of a poor widow thus preand night unto him, vailed on an unrighteous person, shall not a though he bear long righteous God much more be moved to vindicate God avenge his own with them? man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? his own elect, his chosen and dearly beloved people, that cry to him day and night, under the cruel oppression of their insulting enemies, even though he may seem to bear long with them, to 8 I tell you, that give them space for repentance? Yes, I say, 8 he will avenge them unto you, He will certainly vindicate them; and speedily. Neverthe- when he less, when the Son of once undertakes it, he will do it speedily too; and this generation of men shall see and feel it to their terror. Nevertheless, when the Son of man, having been put in possession of his glorious kingdom, comes to appear for this important purpose, will he find faith in the land? The persecution will be so severe as almost to bear it down: but let the remembrance of what I have now spoken be a comfort to my people, and a warning to those that injure them. 9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in them He also spake this other parable to certain 9 selves pharisees, with an arrogant conceit of their own b She even stun and weary me out.] The word υπωπιαξη is very emphatical, and signifies to stun or beat down by violent and repeated blows on the head. Compare 1 Cor. ix. 27. • Though he may seem to bear long with then, &c] The learned Elsner supposes μακροθύμων, with a small alteration in the accent, to correspond to βανίαν, and would render it, Shall he not avenge his elect, who cry to him, and wait patiently for it, that is, for his appearance in their favour? (Elsner Obsero. Vol. I. p. 265, 206.) But, as I cannot think the words will naturally bear such a construction, or that the authorities he produces are satis actory, I choose to retain our version. Nor can 1. on this interpretation, perceive any incons stency between ver. 7 and 8, since it is plein God might wait long, and yet at length execure a speedy and sudden vengeance on the persecuting enemes of his people. Compare Psal. Ixxiii. 19, Hab. VOL. VII. ii. 3. and especially Ecclus. xxxv. 18. to d Will he find faith in the land?] It is 1 e Aş |