The parables of the grain of mustard-seed and of the leaven. 13 bound, lo these eigh whom Satan, by the Divine permission, has SECT. teen years, be loosed bound in this cruel manner, lo, for these eighteen from this bond on the sabbath-day? the glorious things that cxvii. years together, should be loosed from this bond Luke 17 And when he And when he had said these things, all his 17 18 Then said he, Unto what is the king Now on this occasion, for the farther encou-18 dom of God like? and ragement of his friends, and confusion of his whereunto shall I re- enemies, our Lord thought proper to intimate semble it? of mustard-seed, which a man took, and cast great tree: and the the great increase of his kingdom, notwithstand- 19 It is like a grain pagation of the gospel in the world? It is like 19 it. 20 And again he said, whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God? and hid in three mea whole was leavened. And again he said, To what else shall I liken 20 the kingdom of God, of which I have now been speaking? or how shall I describe the efficacy of 21 It is like leaven, its doctrine? It is like a little quantity of 21 which a woman took leaven, which a woman took and covered up in a sures of meal, till the mass of dough, consisting of no less than three measures of meal; and yet it insinuated and diffused itself thoughout till the whole lump was leavened. So shall the gospel make its way, and, by a secret influence, shall spread its efficacy through the hearts of men, till it has changed them into a likeness to itself. Compare Mat. xiii. 33. Vol. VI. p. 354.) 22 And he went And thus he went through all the principal cithrough the cities and villages, ties and villages of Galilee, teaching them where B2 soever 14 Reflections on the cure of the crooked woman rusalem. SECT. soever he came, and travelling on toward Jeru- villages, teaching and Ver. sect. cxxxiv.) and to spend the little remainder IMPROVEMENT. AGAIN do we see, in a very instructive instance, the power 12 and goodness of Christ. It wrought on a poor despised creature ; 16 but our Lord considered her as a daughter of Abraham, and honoured, even in her, whatever traces of her father Abraham's faith and piety his penetrating eye might discern. Her zeal and willingness to attend on public worship brought her out, though 11 she could not stand upright, and had probably in that respect a much better excuse for staying at home than many could make, who now often absent themselves from the much nobler services of the Christian sanctuary. 10,13 She met with Christ in the synagogue, and returned with a cure. And oh, how many, as the effect of such a pious zeal, though they have not been loosed from their infirmities, have at least been greatly strengthened to bear them. 16 Our Lord says that Satan had bound her. That malignant enemy to our bodies and souls rejoices in any opportunity of hurting either. But it is pleasing to think, that his power is always under the controul of Christ; and therefore shall never be exercised on his people any farther than their gracious Redeemer sees it consistent with their good, and will take care to render it subservient to it. 14 How gravely does this ruler of the synagogue instruct the people in a point of ceremony, while his heart was full of enmity to Christ, and hardened against every sentiment of human compas. 15 sion! Justly was his hypocrisy confounded and exposed. We should with pleasure see this Sun of Righteousness thus victoriously breaking through those clouds, which envy and malice had raised to obscure him, and diffusing his sacred light from one 18, 21 end of the heavens to the other. With pleasure should we view the accomplishment of these parables, which represent the success of his gospel as so great; and we should daily pray, with increasing earnestness, that all the remaining nations and kingdoms of this world may at length become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ: and sincere converts flock to him from every side, even as doves to their windows! Rev. xi. 15. and Isa. lx. 8.) SECT. Heaven should be sought with great and early care. SECT. CXVIII. Christ warns his hearers of the difficulty and importance of entering into the kingdom of heaven: and is not intimidated by the fear of Herod from pursuing his work. Luke XIII. 23, to the end. LUKE XIII. 23. THEN said one unto LUKE XIII. 23. him, Lord, are there AND, as Jesus was proceeding in his journey S few that be saved? 15 towards Jerusalem, where he designed to And he said unto them, be present at the feast of the dedication, being Luke in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to en ter in, and shall not be abie. attended by several of his disciples, in a pretty X111.23. But he said to them, Instead of amusing your- you, and be solicitous to secure your own safe24 Strive to enter ty: And let me urge it upon you, that you 24 exert your utmost strength to enter in at the strait gate, which I formerly mentioned as leading to eternal life, (Mat. vii. 14. Vol. VI. p. 235.) and strain, as it were, every nerve to break your way through those enemies, who are always ready to oppose your passage: for I seriously tell you the time is coming, when many will importunately seek to enter in, and shall not be able to do it. And, howsoever they may now despise and 25 Master of the house is trifle with the means of grace, this will hereafisen up, and bath shut ter be the case, even with the most stupid and negligent 25 When once the a Where he designed to be present at the feast of the dedication.) Mr. Whiston and some others place the following passages in a different order, and introduce them after this feast; but it does not appear that Christ was ever in Galilee before his resurrection, after this journey. He was indeed at Ephraim, or Ephrem. (John xi. 54. sect. cxli.) but, as that city lay on the confines of the tribe of Benjamio, at no great distance from Jerusalem (Ligfoot's Disquisit. Chorogr. in Joan. cap. vii. § 1.) the argument which Mr. Whiston draws from thence in favour of his order must be very inconclusive. See Whiston's Harmony, p. 385 and 403. b Evert your utmost strength to enter in at the strait gate.] The original word αγωνιζισθε fully expresses this. It imports the act of contending in the most ardent and resolute manner with antagonists in games or in war; and may well intimate that the strait gate is beset with a variety of enemies, through which, if we aspire to a crown of eternal glory, we must break and force our way: a representation equally just and awakening! Compare 1 Cor. ix. 25. Col. i. 29. 1 Tim. vi. 12. and 2 Tim. iv. 7. c Many will seek to enter in.] The Prussian version renders it, shall try, or attempt : but I apprehend from the context, that it refers to importunate entreaties when they were actually excluded, rather than to feeble attempts now; though it is an awful truth that these likewise will be unsuccessful. d The 16 cxviii. Many at last shall cry in vain to be admitted. SECT. negligent of mankind, as soon as ever the great shut to the door, and doord, and you among the rest, shall begin to and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence you are: and drunk in 26 Some of you may perhaps then plead an inti- 26 Then shall ye shall begin to say, Lord, we have eaten and drank streets. our 27 But he shall say, 27 have forgot us: Nevertheless, he will persist I tell you, I know you from my remembrance, since your hearts were 28 This awful word, how little soever you may 28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all a The master of a family, &c.] There is a majesty and pathos in this passage, as in many others, which no paraphrase can retain, in which the very words of our Lord do not make a part. • We have eaten and drank in thy presence.] Perhaps some of the nine thousand whom he had fed by miracle may at last be in this miserable number. (Compare John vi. 26.)-Brennius refers it to their hav ing eaten the sacrifices presented to God according to the Mosaic constitution.-But different persons may use this plea in different senses; and they who, while their hearts are hardened in impenitence and unbelief, have profaned the Lord's-supper by an unworthy participation of it, will find a sad sense peculiar to themselves, though it might not be chiefly intended. f Herod Some think to terrify him with a threatening from Herod. of God, and 17 all the prophets in the and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets of the SECT. kingdoorsee haust succeeding ages, in actual possession of the exvii. kingdom of God; and shall find yourselves cast out with contempt, and thrust back with just in-XIII. 28. out. and from the west, and Luke 29 And they shall dignation. Yea, they shall come from the most 29 come from the east, distant heathen lands, even from the east and the from the north, and west, and from the north and the south, and shall from the south, and sit down in joyful multitudes, to partake of the shall sit down in the heavenly banquet with your pious ancestors in kingdom of God. 30 And, behold, there are last which shall be first, and there last. the kingdom of God, while you are utterly ex- And, behold, this shall be the case, not only of 30 a few, but of great numbers; for there are many are first which shall be who are now last in point of religious advantages, that shall then be first in honour and happiness; and there are many who now appear first, that shall then be found last; and, on account of their abused privileges, shall appear as the most infamous and miserable of mankind. (Compare Mat. xix. 30, and Mark x. 31, sect. cxxxvii.) 31 The same day there came certain of These things our Lord said in his journey 31 the ramseesaying through Galilee towards Jerusalem; making unto him, Get thee many pauses in his way, that, in consequence of out, and depart hence: the shortness of his stages, he might have an for Herod will kill opportunity of greater usefulness. And it came thee. to pass on that day, when he uttered these dis- 32 And he said unto them, Go ye and tell that fox, Behold I cast But Jesus was so far from being at all alarmed 32 at this intimation, that he said to them with great out steadiness, Go, and tell that fox, that crafty, wicked, ↑ Herod is determined to kill thee: θέλει σε αποκλειναι.] For the force of this phrase compare note b on John vii. 17, sect. xcix. and note 2, on John i. 43, Vol. VI. p. 126. It is very probable, considering both the wicked character and suspicious temper of Herod, that though he had a curiosity to see Christ (compare Luke ix. 9, xxiii. 8.) he was uneasy at his spending so much time in Galilee, lest he should occasion him some embarrassment either with regard to the Jews or the Romans; yet fearing, after all the anxiety which the murder of John the Baptist had given him, to make any attempt on his life, he might think fit thus to endeavour to terrify him with an empty threatening. In this view there would be a peculiar propriety in calling him for, rather than lion, wolf, or bear; to which savage beasts the prophets had sometimes, with a plainness becoming their character, compared wicked princes. Compare Zephaniah iii. 3. Ezekiel xxii. 27. and Prov. xvii. 12. & And |