He gives them a commission to preach and baptize. MAT. XXVIII. 19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, bap 485 ccii. Mark such convincing evidence', and finally persits SECT. Observe then the extent of your commission; Mat. and go forth therefore, not only into Judea, but XXVIII tizing them in the into all the rest of the world, and proselyte all 19 name of the Father, the nations of the earth to the faith and obeand of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. dience of my gospel', baptizing them in the awful and venerable name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"; that by this solemn i When opened with such convincing evidence.] This is by no means a proper place to inquire into the proportion between the evidence which was peculiar to the days of the apostles, and that which is common to our own. But I hope it will be considered, on the one hand, how improbable it is, that a Divine revelation, introduced as the gospel was, should ever be left so destitute of proofs in after-ages, that an honest man, after impartial consideration, might reject it; and on the other, how fit it was, that the danger of neglecting it should be strongly declared, lest it should seem itself to have left men at liberty to trifle with it. Shall be condemned, &c.] As for the objection which has been urged against the truth of Christianity, from the damnatory sentence which it here and elsewhere pronounces on those that reject it, I have considered it at large, since the former publication of this volume, and attempted to shew that it is so far from being conclusive, that it would rather have been a greater difficulty in the scheme of Christianity if it had contained no such sentence. See my second letter to the Author of Christianity not founded on Argument. And I must earnestly entreat any reader, who fancies there is any force in what the deists urge on this head, attentively to consider what is there offered, before he presume on the contrary sentiment, which may perhaps be an error as fatal, as it is absurd. i Proselyte all the nations of the earth.] The whole tenor of the succeeding books of the New Testament shews that Christ designed by this commission that the gospel should be preached to all mankind without exception, not only to the Jews, but to all the idolatrous Gentiles: but the prejudices of the apostles led them at first to mistake the sense, and to imagine that it referred only to their going to preach the m Baptizing them in the name of the Fa- other, 486 ccii. And promises to be with them to the end of the world. SECT. Solemn initiatory ordinance they may profess their subjection to each of these Divine persons, Mat. and, maintaining suitable regards to each, may. XXVIII receive from each correspondent blessings: And 20 Teaching them 20 see that you instruct the converts whom you whatsoever I to observe all things Mark XVI. 17. have end of the world. so baptize, teaching them to keep and ob- commanded you: and extent o. MARK XVI. 17. And these signs shall name shall they cast out dewith new tongues. vils, they shall speak And he yet farther added, So far as it is necessary and expedient for the confirmation of my follow them that begospel, and the establishment of my cause and here; in my interest in the world, a miraculous power shall attend you, and others who shall join with you or succeed you in the first plantation of my church; and in particular, these signs, and others no less wonderful, shall follow them that believe, and be performed by those who in a lively manner exercise their faith in God, when he is inwardly exciting them to such operations p: in my name they shall cast out the most obstinate and mischievous demons who may have other, among the generality of Christians of the certain truth of the things contained to the end of the world. n I am always with you, even to the end of the world.] As Christ's presence with his surviving apostles and other ministers was as necessary after the destruction of Jerusalem as before it, nothing seems more unreasonable than to limit these words by such an interpretation, as to refer them only to that period: nor does it indeed appear that the end of the world, is ever used in any other than the most extensive sense. o Amen! may it indeed be!] Though the word Amen, with which each of the gospels ends, seems chiefly to have been intended as an intimation of the conclusion of the book, and as an asseveration in it; yet I think the turn here given to it in Matthew very natural, considering its connection with that promise, which was undoubtedly the greatest strength and joy of that good man's heart. St. John uses the like turn in more express language, in the last verse but one of the Revelation. Surely I am come quickly : Amen! Even so, come Lord Jesus! P These signs shall follow them that believe, &c.] It is exceeding evident, that the word believe, in this place, must signify something different from that faith which had in the preceding verse of Mark been required as indispensably necessary to salvation; and can have no other rational interpretation than what is here given. q They Reflections on the commission Christ gave his apostles. they drink any deadly 487 ccii. have possessed the bodies of men; they shall SECT. by an extraordinary, and hitherto unknown, effusion of my Spirit, be enabled with the Mark greatest fluency and propriety to speak in vari- XVI. 17 ous new languages which they have never 18 They shall take learnt; They shall take up serpents without 18 up serpents, and if being bitten or endangered by them q: and if, thing, it shall not hurt by some secret or open attempt made to destroy them; they shall lay them, they drink any deadly and malignant hands on the sick, and poison, it shall not hurt them; [and] when they shall lay [their] hands on the sick and infirm, it shall be attended with a healing virtue, and they shall immediately recover without the use of any farther means. So that in consequence of this extraordinary confirmation, my gospel shall meet with a very general reception, and my heavenly Father, according to his promise, "shall give me the heathen for mine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for my possession." (See Psal. ii. 8.) they shall recover. Such was the purport of our Lord's discourse, and in this manner he conversed with his disciples till his ascension, with the account of which illustrious fact we shall conclude this important history of his life. IMPROVEMENT. 16 WITH how ill a grace could the Jews complain of any Mat. deficiency in the evidence of our Lord's resurrection, when he xxviii, appeared alive to so great a number as five hundred at once! How glad must these disciples be when they saw the Lord! and with what pleasure must they hear him speaking of those things which i. 3. concerned the kingdom of God! They shall take up serpents.] Jamblicus (Vit. Pythag. cap. 28) says that Pythagoras could do this; and very credible writers have asserted, that in the eastern nations there is an art of charming snakes and serpents by the force of music, so as for a while to suspend their disposition to hurt. (See Bochart. Hierozoic. part 2. lib. iii. cap. 6. and compare Psalm Iviii. 4, 5. and Eccles. x. 11.)-But this power was un doubtedly exerted without any such artifice and included (as in the case of Paul, Acts xxviii. 3-5.) an ability to heal the most dangerous wounds given by the bite of the most noxious animals. We r If by some secret or open attempt made to destroy them, they drink, &c.] I add this clause, that none may imagine God ever intended that these miraculous powers should be used merely for ostentation, or to gratify the curiosity of spectators. Considering to what degrees of cursed refinement the art of poisoning was by this time brought, as well as how frequently execution was done, by giving poison to condemned persons in the age and country in which the apostles lived, such a promise as this will appear more important than the reader might at first apprehend. Acts 488 SECT. ccii. xxiv. 47 Reflections on the commission Christ gave his apostles. We have surely perpetual reason for thankfulness, when we think of that commission which Christ gave to his disciples: nor is it a circumstance of little importance, that they had it in charge, Luke when they published this message of grace, to begin at Jerusalem ; though the religious opportunities that were abused by that engrateful city had already been so great, and their provocations so many. Amazing condescension of the Prince of Peace, that he sent his ambassadors of peace to them when they had hardly laid aside the weapons with which they had slain him, and were scarce rested after the cruel fatigue which their officious malice had given them in abetting his murder! Behold, he offers them all the invaluable blessings purchased by his blood, while it was yet, as we may say, warm upon mount Calvary! and on the same principles, even unto this day, where sin hath abounded, there is grace abounding much more. (Rom. v. 20.) xvi. 15. The commission he gave his apostles, though it began at Jerusalem, did not end there; nor was it confined within the narrow limits of Judea; but they were appointed to go into all the world, Mark and preach the gospel to every creature. We to this day, in our remote land, enjoy the benefit of it. Let us remember the im portant consequences that will one way or another attend the 16 gospel thus brought us. If we believe it, we shall be saved; but if we believe it not, we shall be damned. Life, or death, O my soul, is the certain issue of it, with regard to thee in particular. Be surety to thy servant, O Lord, for good (Psal. cxix. 122.) and let my life be precious in thy sight! Luke Christ opened the understanding of the apostles, to apprehend the xxiv. 45 sense of scripture. Let us study that sacred book with an humble dependence upon the aid of that blessed Spirit by whom it was dictated. And let these apostles who were thus divinely taught, be reverently regarded as our surest guides, when we are studying the oracles of the Old Testament; considering the extraordinary commission with which Christ sent them forth, the power from on 49 high with which he invested them, and the ample credentials which he thereby gave them. Mat. 20 These miraculous donations are now ceased, but that valuable xxviii. promise still continues in force, That he will be with his ministers always, even unto the end of the world. In the strength of that gracious assurance, O thou faithful and true Witness, would thine humble ambassadors still go forth to all the labours and difficulties before them: remember thy word unto thy servants (Psal, cxix. 49.) and may it be unto us according to it! Amen! SECT. The disciples are again bid to wait for the Spirit at Jerusalem. SECT. CCIII. Christ, after his last discourse with his disciples, ascends to heaven in their sight, from the mount of Olives in the neighbourhood of Bethany; and they joyfully return to Jerusalem, waiting for the Spirit. Mark XVI. 19, to the end. Luke XXIV. 50, to the end. John XX. 30, to the end. XXI. ult. Acts I. 4-12. ACTS I. 4. SUCH ACTS I. 4. 489 Acts AND being assembled together with was the conversation Jesus had with SECT. them, [he] command- his disciples at Jerusalem, and such the eciii. ed them that they commission he gave them and now at length, should not depart from having gathered them together on the fortieth day for the promise of the after his resurrection, he charged them again, as Father, which, saith he had done before (Luke xxiv. 49, p. 484), ke, ye have heard of not to depart from Jerusalem, to employ them Jerusalem, but wait me. selves in any secular cares at home; but rather to spend some succeeding days in extraordinary devotion in the temple, or in their secret retirements; that they might, with the most becoming temper, wait for the accomplishment of that promise of the Father, which, [said he] you have again and again heard from me, both before and since my resurrection. (Compare John xiv. 26. xv. 26. xvi. 7. and Luke xxiv. 5 For John truly 49.) For John indeed baptized with water, when baptized with water; he was sent to call men to repentance; but you but ye shall be baptized with the Holy well know, that he declared at the same time, Ghost, not many days bence. LUKE XXIV. 50. -And he led them ny. there was one coming after him, who should baptize in a more glorious manner with the Holy Spirit" (see Mat. iii. 11, Vol. VI. p. 103, And in accomplishment of this prediction, as you now are to be sent forth to preach the gospel, and to bear witness of me as the true Messiah, that whosoever shall believe in me may obtain remission of sins, you shall be plentifully furnished from above with all those graces that may enable you to fulfil your ministry, and by my means shall be baptized with an extraordinary effusion of the Holy Spirit; and this shall be done not many days hence. 5 1. 4 And he then took them with him out of the Luke out as far as to Betha- city, and passing over the brock Kedron again, XXIV. in a very different manner from that in which he 50 had lately crossed it (John xviii. 1, p. 342), he led them out to the mount of Olives, and brought them through that riage of hills, as far as to the boundaries of Bethany3. a As far as to the boundaries of Bethany.] word wg; but what is said elsewhere will This at least must be the import of the not allow us to extend it to the town itself: for |