Ει δε τις υπο τείων μη πάσχη των λόγων, υπό μόνων αν των εν αδε δικαςηρίων υπευθυνθείη, SIMPLIC. in EPICTET. Proem. LEEDS: PRINTED BY EDWARD BAINES, FOR THE EDITORS; CONDER, BUCKLERSBURY; BUTTON, PATERNOSTER-ROW; 141. THE publication of this second volume of the FAMILY EXPOSITOR hath been delayed so long, beyond my own expectation, and that of my friends, that it may perhaps seem necessary to introduce it with an apology for that delay. But it would be tedious to enumerate a variety of circumstances which have concurred to occasion it. It is generally known, that the unusual severity of the last winter laid a kind of embargo on the press; and they that are at all acquainted with the business of printing, will easily apprehend, that under the most faithful and careful direction, a work of considerable bulk is liable to many other interruptions, even where the manuscript is entirely finished before the impression is begun. But after all, the chief reason why this hath been published no sooner, is (what I hope my subscribers will easily excuse) the large addition I have made of more than fifty sheets to the hundred which I was by the proposals obliged to deliver. On the mention of this, I think myself obliged to renew my thanks to those, who, by honouring me with their names and encouragement on this occasion, have put it into my power to publish the work with such improvements; and shall think myself happy, if those improvements, however laborious and expensive to the author, may render it more acceptable and useful to them. The tables prefixed to the first volume are included in this, and represent the disposition of the harmony in so clear a view, that by comparing them together it would not be difficult to find any particular text. But a deference to the request of some of the subscribers, engaged me to add another table at the end of this volume (of the same kind with that in Mr. Bonnel's Harmony), which will at once direct both to the section and page where any verse may presently be found. I cannot pretend so much as to conjecture when the remainder of my undertaking will be completed. I shall however proceed in it as fast as my health and other affairs will permit. In the mean time, I think it necessary to observe, that I have, by the advice of some considerate and judicious friends, deferred the index, and some other things which I intended to have thrown into an appendix here, till I have finished what I am preparing on the Acts; that so they may stand, as they very properly will, at the end of the historical books of the New Testament. The Family Expositor being originally printed in six volumes, the second volume began with sect. xc. but, the present edition being comprised in five volumes, our second begins with sect. cxvi. and the tables of chapters and sections which were formerly divided between the two volumes, are now found at the beginning of the first. Such a change, though we notice it, is of no great importance, and is attended with no disadvantage to the reader. Probably most will consider it an alteration for the better. VOL. VII. A How |