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ISAIAH 18-37.
LECTURE 1119-1143.
18. 1. Ethiopia is charged to note 1119. The present which all men
God's judgments.
19. 1. The burden of Egypt, of its
princes and people.
19.16. The smiting and the healing
of Egypt.
20. 1. The captivity of many Egyp-
tians and Ethiopians foretold.
21. 1. The burdens of the desert of
the sea, of Dumah, and of Ara-
ought to give to God.
1120. The misery of having no
useful employment.
1121. The conversion of the Gen-
tiles to the true faith.
1122. Of trusting in God and not
in the world.
1123. That no might nor glory of
man can avail before God.
22. 1. The burden of the valley of 1124. The care and concern of
23. 1. The burden of Tyre.
24. 1. How God will visit for sin,
and will reign in Zion.
25. 1. The praise of God for deliver-
ing his people.
26. 1. A song of thanks for the safety
of God's people.
27. 1. The deliverance of God's peo-
ple from their enemies.
28. 1. The sin and judgment of
Ephraim and of Judah.
28. 14. The sure foundation laid.
The divine husbandry.
29. 1. Woe to Ariel, by reason of
its sin.
29. 13. The hypocrisy of the Jews.
The joy of the faithful.
30. 1. Woe to those who fly to E-
gypt for succour.
30. 18. Blessings in store for God's
people; judgments for his ene-
31. 1. An assurance that the Lord
would himself defend Zion.
32. 1. The kingdom of Christ fore-
33. 1. Jerusalem delivered from
Sennacherib, and at peace.
34. 1. Judgments awaiting all na-
tions, and especially Idumea.
35. 1. Peace and prosperity for God's
people foretold.
36. 1. Rabshakeh is sent by Sen-
nacherib to Jerusalem.
37. 1. Hezekiah applieth to Isaiah,
and prayeth to God.
37.21. Isaiah assureth Jerusalem of
Christ for his people.
1125. The right use of wealth.
1126. The sins and judgments to
which we are exposed.
1127. The Gospel blessings for
which God is to be praised.
1128. Our joy in the assurance of
life from the dead.
1129. The twofold application of
prophetic words.
1130. That the sensual are not
meet hearers of the Gospel.
1131. The vanity of trusting in a
refuge of lies.
1132. The dreadful judgment of
being blinded to the truth.
1133. The evil effects of formality
and hypocrisy.
1134. How our safety lies in re-
pentance, and calm confidence.
1135. That we must stand in awe
of the terrors of the Lord.
1136. The duty of looking first of
all to God for help.
1137. The present establishment
of Christ's kingdom.
1138. The triumph, gain, and joy
of the true Christian.
1139. How God will deal with the
enemies of his people.
1140. The happiness which the
Gospel establishes in the heart.
1141. That we ought not to listen
to the solicitations of sin.
1142. The end of our calling is
that we glorify God.
1143. God is omnipotent to save
or to destroy.
ISAIAH 38-53.
LECTURE 1144-1166.
38. 1. Hezekiah's sickness, reco- 1144. How we must live if we
very, and thanksgiving.
39. 1. The Babylonish embassy.
Captivity in Babylon foretold.
40. 1. Consolation in Christ pro-
claimed to God's people.
40. 12. The attributes of Jehovah, as
compared with idols.
would not lose by dying.
1145. Of being humble minded in
the midst of success.
1146. Divine power and divine
love united in our Saviour.
1147. The greatness and goodness
of our God.
41. 1. The Lord challengeth false 1148. The blessedness of having
gods to do as He. the Lord for our God.
41. 17. False gods are further chal- 1149. How we must choose the
lenged by the Lord.
Lord for our God.
1150. Against being ashamed of
God and of his Gospel.
1151. The Jews witnesses to the
truth of God's word.
1152. Duties accompany the pri-
vileges of God's people.
1153. The prevalence of idolatry
ought to humble us.
1154. Thankfulness due to God
for the revelation of Himself.
1155. Against irreverent specula-
tions on the origin of evil.
1156. The doctrines of the Gospel
preached in prophecy.
1157. The salvation of God pro-
claimed to the unbelieving.
1158. The awful end which awaits
ungodly Christians.
1159. How God has chosen us,
and also warned us.
1160. How our present privileges
and future bliss are foretold.
there is no peace for them.
49. 1. Christ is to be glorified in the
salvation of the Gentiles.
49.14. Zion shall be replenished from 1161. That we either help or hin-
among the Gentiles.
der the Gospel cause.
50. 1. A suffering Messiah will be 1162. They who suffer with Christ
rejected through unbelief.
51. 1. Comfort is addressed to those
who seek the Lord.
58. 12. God comforteth his people against the fear of man.
52. 1. Redemption by Christ Jesus
foreshewn to the Church.
53. 1. The humiliation, and atoning
death of the Messiah.
will be glorified with Him.
1163. Assurance of help given for
the encouragement of faith.
1164. Caution against persecuting the people of the Lord.
1165. The extensive application
of prophetic language.
1166. They for whom Christ died
must desire to glorify their Sa-
a 2
ISAIAH 54-66.
54. 1. The multitude of Christian
converts is foretold.
LECTURE 1167-1182.
1167. Of examining whether we
profit by our Christian calling.
55. 1. Repentant sinners assured of 1168. The sure success of the Gos-
peace and joy and glory.
56. 1. The church of God will be
open to all without distinction.
pel, according to God's will.
1169. The wickedness of pastors
greatly provokes God's judg-
57. 1. A falling away and a return- 1170. The corruptions of Christ-
ing unto God foretold.
58. 1. The reproof of those who ob-
serve only the letter of God's
59. 1. Calamities denounced against
sinners in God's church.
60. 1. The increase of the Church
in numbers and glory.
ianity, and their reformation.
1171. Of adorning a reformed faith
by a reformed practice.
1172. The awful amount of wick-
edness in Christian lands.
1173. Of our arising and shining
in the light of the Lord.
60. 14. Great blessings promised to 1174. The future conversion of the
God's afflicted people.
61. 1. The commission and ministry
of Christ to the church.
62. 1. Salvation to be proclaimed to
Zion, and to be intreated for.
63. 1. The triumph of Christ. The
desolation of Israel.
64. 1. The prayer of God's people
when under his displeasure.
65. 1. The call of the Gentiles, and
rejection of all but a remnant of
the Jews.
65.17. An entirely new state of things
is foretold.
66. 1. The new dispensation shall
be spiritual and universal.
66. 15. Judgments awaiting sinners.
The piety of God's saints.
1. 1. The period in which Jeremiah
Jews to the Gospel.
1175. Of praising God by faith for
the fulfilment of his promises.
1176. Of praying to God that He
will fulfil his prophecies.
1177. How the Jews are to be
taught to pray to God.
1178. The kind of prayer which now
becomes the Christian church.
1179. The case of the faithful and
of the unbelieving contrasted.
1180. Of searching diligently into
the purport of prophecy.
1181. That we may rejoice rather
than mourn over Zion.
1182. The certainty of things pro-
mised or threatened by God.
LECTURE 1183-1188.
1183. God's tenderness of affection
manifested in this prophet.
1. 4. The Lord calleth Jeremiah to 1184. Our encouragement to serve be his prophet.
2. 1. The people of Jerusalem are reproved for their idolatries.
2.20. The false pleas of the Jews are
3. 1. The longsuffering of God. Ju- dah compared with Israel.
God with boldness.
1185. The evil and bitter conse-
quences of sin.
1186. The presumptuous boldness
of impenitent sinners.
1187. The responsibility of having eminent privileges.
3. 12. Promises of restoration to be 1188. Christian contrition, and
proclaimed to Israel.
faith, and devotion.
4. 1. Promises to Israel; threaten-
ings to Judah.
4. 19. A vision of terrible things to
befal Jerusalem.
5. 1. The hypocrisy, obstinacy,
adulteries, and infidelity of the
5. 19. The great attributes of God
set forth, and the sin of his peo-
LECTURE 1189-1210.
1189. The conditional nature of
the divine promises.
1190. The compassion of God in
the midst of his threatenings.
1191. Of taking warning from the
sins and judgments of the Jews.
1192. Of considering in all we do
the end thereof.
6. 1. The judgments coming on Je- 1193. God's ministers ought to re-
rusalem for her sins.
6. 16. The Lord proclaimeth sen-
tence against his people.
7. 1. The vain confidence of the
Jews in their temple is exposed.
7. 21. The vain trust of the Jews in
their sacrifices is denounced.
8. 1. God reasoneth by the prophet
with his sinful people.
8. 13. The judgments of the Lord.
The lamentation of the prophet.
9. 1. Jeremiah pitieth his people,
but abhorreth their iniquities.
9. 12. The Jews are exhorted to
mourn, and taught wherein to
10. 1. The vanity of idols is shewn.
The distress of the Jews.
11. 1. Jeremiah is directed to pro-
claim God's covenant.
11.11. Evil is denounced against the
Jews, and especially those of
buke sin faithfully.
1194. Of ruling ourselves and
trying ourselves by God's word.
1195. Of interceding in prayer for
the most wicked of men.
1196. The vanity of trusting in the
forms of religion without its
1197. Of God's listening for the
sound of our repentance.
1198. God's abundant care for
our salvation.
1199. How to behave in our in-
tercourse with the worldly.
1200. Proofs of God's delighting
in justice and mercy.
1201. The awful case of hypocri-
tical Christians.
1202. The state of Christians who
break their Christian covenant.
1203. Of praying that the day of
the Lord may come speedily.
12. 1. The dealings of God with his 1204. Our only way of safety is to
wicked people.
13. 1. The symbols of a linen girdle,
and of full wine bottles.
13. 15. The prophet warneth the
king, and the queen, and their
14. 1. A drought is described, and
deprecated by the prophet.
15. 1. God sentenceth his people,
encourageth Jeremiah.
16. 1. The general ruin of the Jews
is foreshewn.
17. 1. Trust in man and trust in God are contrasted.
be true Christians.
1205. The necessity of living to
the glory of God.
1206. The great danger of indulg
ing evil habits.
1207. Of praying to God under
discouraging circumstances.
1208. That God is at once just
and merciful.
1209. The good effects of a serious
1210. The humility and glory of those whose trust is in God.
17. 15. The prophet's persecutors.
The hallowing of the Sabbath.
18. 1. The type of the potter. Je-
remiah prayeth against his ene-
19. 1. Jeremiah foresheweth de-
struction by breaking a vessel.
20. 1. Jeremiah is cruelly entreated
by Pashur.
LECTURE 1211-1233.
1211. The close connexion of all
duties with one another.
1212. The equity of God's dealings
with mankind.
1213. The effect of outward sym-
bols on the mind.
1214. Of having recourse to God
under agony of pain.
21. 1. Jeremiah answereth Zedekiah 1215. That we ought to watch for
when besieged.
22. 1. A prophecy addressed to the
kings of the house of Judah.
22. 13. The sentence of Jehoiakim,
and of Jeconiah.
23. 1. A righteous Branch shall be
raised unto David.
23. 19. Against false prophets, and
scorners of the truth.
24. 1. The vision of two baskets of
figs, and its application.
25. 1. The seventy years captivity
in Babylon foretold.
25. 15. Various nations made to
drink of the cup of God's wrath.
26. 1. Jeremiah, tried for his life,
answereth courageously.
27. 16. Jeremiah is acquitted; and
other like cases are stated.
27. 1. Several kings are enjoined to
submit to Nebuchadnezzar.
27. 12. Zedekiah is enjoined to sub-
mit to the king of Babylon.
28. 1. The false prophecy of Hana-
niah; and his death.
29. 1. Jeremiah sendeth a letter to
the captives in Babylon.
29. 20. Jeremiah writeth concerning
the false prophets in Babylon.
30. 1. The restoration of Israel and
Judah is foretold.
30. 18. Joy promised to the re-
deemed. Wrath denounced to
the wicked.
31. 1. The Lord proclaimeth his
love towards penitent Israel.
31. 22. Strong assurances of redemp-
tion given to God's people.
the end of the world.
1216. National religion indispen-
sable to national prosperity.
1217. The continuance of God's
favour depends on man's faith-
1218. Of promoting the faithful-
ness and devotedness of ministers.
1219. The effect of being sensible
that God is ever present.
1220. Privileges confer no safety
in wilful sin.
1221. That God is omniscient and
1222. The fearful risk of stirring
up warfare.
1223. The courage which God's
grace is able to inspire.
1224. The safety of acting with
faith and courage.
1225. How that which God enjoins
becomes easy to bear.
1226. How the purposes of God
are unchangeable.
1227. That death proves the truth
of the word of God.
1228. How we ought to behave
during our sojourn on earth.
1229. Against harbouring a perse-
cuting spirit.
1230. Of helping forward the con-
version of the Jews.
1231. How we are to understand
the future restoration of the Jews.
1232. The tender mercy of God an
encouragement to repentance.
1233. Of beseeching God that He
will amply fulfil his gracious