angels; he shall appear in all the splendour of Zion's King, arrayed with that glory which he had with the Father before the world was. Then shall the reproach of the cross be wiped off, and all his sufferings fully recompensed. In his humble state, he was attended by twelve poor and illiterate men; but then shall he come with "ten thousands of his saints, and all the holy angels with him." He was introduced to his public ministry by the "voice of one crying in the wilderness;" but then shall his approach be announced by the "voice of the archangel and the trump of God." And he who on Mount Calvary was lifted up on the cross between two theives, shall then ascend his " great white throne, high and lifted up;" from whence, with unerring wisdom, and almighty power, he shall separate the righteous from the wicked, adjudging the one to everlasting life, and the other to endless misery. And Thus shall he appear, when he "comes the second time, without sin, unto salvation." ought not the prospect of this to have a mighty influence upon us in the meantime?" Behold he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also who pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him." great will be the confusion of ungodly men, when they see that Jesus, whose grace they despised, coming to fix their everlasting state. The multitude that came determined to apprehend him in How the days of his flesh, went backward, and fell to the ground, when, with an air of majesty, he only pronounced these few words, "I am he." And if the Lamb's voice was so terrible, how dreadful will he appear when he roareth as a lion? If his voice shook the earth when he published the law from Mount Sinai, how must it shake the hearts of his enemies, when he pronounceth the sentence of the law, and dooms to those punishments which the law hath awarded? But the prospect of this appearance is no less comfortable to believers, than it is terrible to the ungodly. Then shall his own people lift up their heads, and behold his glory with exceeding joy His coming shall be to them the dawning of an everlasting day. They know that he brings salvation with him, the full harvest of that light and gladness which were sown for them in time. He comes to wipe away all tears from their eyes, to complete their victory over death and hell, and to put their whole persons, souls and bodies, in full possession of that heavenly inheritance, " which is incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away." If it is comfortable at present to hear of him, to think of his love, to commemorate his death, and to behold his beauty in the ordinances of his grace; what must it be to see him in all the glory of his exalted state? When a dear relation, who hath been long absent in a far country, reVOL. III M turns to his kindred and friends, how do all con cerned hasten to meet him, and to express their joy at his arrival? And will not the saints then rejoice at the coming of their Saviour? With what transports of gladness will they cry out, Behold, yonder he comes! He whose blood hath redeemed, and whose Spirit hath sanctified us. Yonder he comes in whom we trusted, and for whom we have long waited; and now we see that he hath not deceived us, and that he hath not made us wait in vain. "Even so come, Lord Jesus."-And this leads me to the Fourth and last particular in the text, which is the character of those to whom this second appearance of our Lord shall be comfortable. They are such as " look for him." This short but significant description may be considered as including, 1st, A firm belief of this event. One who looks for it in the sense of the apostle's words, is as thoroughly persuaded of its certainty, as he is that the sun, which sets to-night, shall rise again tomorrow. His faith is built on the surest foundation, the word and promise of his Saviour himself; and, therefore, his heart is impressed with Christ's second appearance as much, at least as really, as if he already saw him coming in the clouds of heaven. But 2dly, The expression denotes the love and desire of this event. The saints take pleasure in the prospect of it, and accordingly are described by the apostle Paul (2 Tim. iv. 8.) by this very circumstance. They are such as "love his appearing." If the saints under the old dispensation longed for the manifestation of our Lord in the flesh, how much more ought we to long for that more glorious appearance which he shall make in the end of the world. The Atheist rejects this doctrine altogether; the profane scoffer says, "Where is the promise of his coming?" Carnal sinners are afraid of it, when alarmed with the rebukes of conscience; as when Paul preached of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled. But to the godly it is not matter of terror, but of delight. Nay, they would even hasten its approach, if it were in their power. A believer, when his heart is right, will say, like the mother of Sisera, when she cried through the lattice, " Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why tarry the wheels of his chariot ?" At the same time, 3dly, This expresssion imports a patient waiting for his appearance, in spite of all discouragements. Love makes the believer to long; but faith enables patiently to wait for his Lord's coming. What though he dwells in an unkind world, wounded with sharp afflictions, harassed with temptations, and oppressed with a body of sin and death? Yet all this notwithstanding, he still looks and waits with patience and resignation. He knows that the second coming of his Lord will abundantly compensate all his present delays and discouragements; and "that this trial of their faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, shall then be found unto praise, and honour, and glory." But the most essential part of the character of those to whom the second appearance of our Lord shall be comfortable, is, in the 4th and last place, An habitual preparation for this event. They will endeavour " to have their loins girded about, and their lights burning, and themselves like unto men that wait for their Lord, that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately." The best evidence which we can give that we truly look for him with faith and love, is our being diligent, that we may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. As the proper improvement, therefore, of all that hath been said, let me address to you this concluding exhortation. "Give all diligence to make your calling and election sure."" Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness, and the cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares."-" Let your whole conversation be such as becometh the gospel of Christ." Never think "that you have al |