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·Sev 3 V. 566
Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Albany, in
Journal of the Treaty held at Albany, in August, 1775, with the Six
Nations by the Commissioners of the Twelve United Colonies,
met in General Congress at Philadelphia.
Journal of Mr. Christopher Gist, who accompanied Major George
Washington in his first visit to the French Commander of the
Troops on the Ohio.
Journal of a Treaty held in 1793, with the Indian Tribes north-
west of the Ohio by Commissioners of the United States.
Autobiography of the Rev. John Barnard.
- 101
- 177
Repeal of the Clause in the Act of the Assembly of Rhode Island
excepting Roman Catholics from the Privileges of Freemen.
Memoir of Rev. John Allyn, D. D. By Convers Francis.
Memoir of Samuel Davis, Esq.
- 253
Memoir of Rev. James Freeman, D. D. By F. W. P. Greenwood. 255
Memoir of Rev. John Prince, L.L. D. By Charles W. Upham.
Memoir of Rev. Ezra Shaw Goodwin.
A Letter from Col. George Morgan to Gen. Washington, inclosing
the Lord's Prayer in Shawanese.
General Abstracts of the Bills of Mortality for the City of Boston,
for the three years, 1833-1835.
Acknowledgment of Donations.
- 288
- 291
List of Members.
• 299