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That God, at all Times, has given Mankind sufficient Means of knowing whatever be requires of them; and what those Means are.




HIS early Visit, Sir, gives me Hopes it
will not be a short One.

B. I come to talk with You on a Sub-
ject, which may, perhaps, keep me longer
with You than You defire.

A. Your uncommon Temper and Candor, in debating even the most important Points, will always make your Conversation agreeable, thơ ever so long; but pray, what is to be the Subject of our Morning's Discourse?

B. I was Yesterday in Company with a great many Clergymen, it being our Bishop's primary Visitation; where the Com



Complaint was general, of the Coldness and Indifference, with which People receiv'd the speculative Points of Chri stianity, and all its holy Rites; for which formerly they had shewn so great a Zeal. This Coldness they chiefly imputed to those Low Church-men, who lay the main Stress on Natural Religion; and withal so magnify the Doctrine of Sincerity, as in Effect to place all Religions on a Level, where the Professors are alike fincere. The Promoters of these Notions, as well as the Notions themselves, were expos'd with Warmth ; how justly I will not determine, till we have talk'd the Matter over with our usual Freedom: For which Reason, I have made You this early Visit, and wou'd be glad to know the Sentiments of so good a Judge, on these Two important Points; viz. Sincerity, and Natural Religion.

A. I thank You for this Favour, and shall freely tell You, I so little agree with those Gentlemen in relation to Sincerity, that I think a fincere Examination into religious Matters can't be too much press'd; this being the Only Way to discover True Christianity: The Apostles thought themselves oblig'd, in making Proselites, to recommend an impartial Search; they both defir'd, and requir'd Men to judge for themselves, to prove all Things, &c. this they thought neceffary, in Order to renounce a Religion, which the Force of Education had impress'd on their Minds; and embrace another directly contrary to the Notions, and Prejudices, they had imbib'd. Nay, even those very Men, who most ridicule the Doctrine of Sincerity, never fail on other Occafions to affert, that Infidelity is owing to the Want of a fincere Examination; and that whosoever impartially confiders Chriftianity, must be convinc'd of its Truth. And I might add, That cou'd we suppose, a sincere Examination wou'd


not always produce this Effect, yet must it always make Men acceptable to God; fince that is all God can require; all that it is in their Power to do for the Discovery of his Will. These, in short, are my Sentiments as to This Point; and as to the Other, I think, too great a Stress can't be laid on Natural Religion; which, as I take it, differs not from Reveal'd, but in the Manner of its being communicated: The One being the Internal, as the Other the External Revelation of the fame Unchangeable Will of a Being, who is alike at all Times infinitely Wife and Good.

B. SURELY, Sir, this must be extremely heterodox. Can you believe, that Natural and Reveal'd Religion differ in nothing, but the Manner of their being convey'd to us?

A. As heterodox as I may seem at present, I doubt not, but by asking you a few Questions, to let you see, I advance nothing in either of these Points without Reason; and in Order to it, I defire to be inform'd, Whether God has not, from the Beginning, given Mankind some Rule, or Law, for their Conduct? And whether the observing That did not make 'em acceptable to him ?

B. There can be, no Doubt, but the observing such a Law, must have answer'd the End for which it was giv'n; and made Men acceptable to God.

A. WHAT more can any external Revelation do, than render Men acceptable to God? Again,

IF God, then, from the Beginning, gave Men a Religion; I ask, was That Religion imperfect, or perfect ?

B. Most perfect, without Doubt ; fince no Religion can come from a Being of infinite Wisdom and Perfection, but what is absolutely perfect.

A. CAN, therefore, a Religion absolutely perfect, admit of any Alteration; or be capable of Addition, or Diminu

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