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c Parents and Children.
a Mafters and Servants.
Magiftrates and Subjects. 228
The Duties of the Minifters of Chrift. 233
of Chriftian Believers towards
their Minifters.
364 b.
ro3 a, &c.
Union, p. 186 a.
250 e.
f V. p. 184 h, i.
h V. p. 220 c.
187 e. 190 b. V. Duty of Min. p. 240b.
IV. Adultery, p. 194.
V. Corrupt. Virg. ibid. V. p. 252 a.
God, p. 138 f, g, h,
145 a, b.
* V. Truft in
IV. Love of God, p. 144 i.
b V. Adult. p.
194. 241 C.
a V. p. 197 e, 1
p. 101 a. 102 e. g V. Peace and
• V. p. 145 c. 155 b, d. 163 c.
V. Meditation, p. 274 C. 275 C.
God, 8, 140 b, V. Mercy of God, p. 40.
V. p. 162. a.
V. Truft in