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a Charge them that are rich in this World, that they be not high minded, nor truft in uncertain Riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.

b When thou hast eaten, and art full, and haft built goodly Houses; and when thy Herds, and thy Flocks multiply; and thy Silver and thy Gold is multiplied; beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God; and thy Heart be lifted up, and thou fay in thine Heart, My Power, and the Might of my Hand, hath gotten me this Wealth.

Let the Brother of low degree, rejoice, in that he is exalted; but the rich, in that he is. made low; because, as the Flower of the Grafs, he fhall pass away.

d A certain rich Man faid to his Soul, Soul, thou haft much Goods laid up for many Years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and, be merry. But God faid unto him, Thou Fool, this Night thy Soul fhall be required of thee: Then whofe fhall thofe things be which thou haft provided? So is he that layeth up Treasure for himself, and is not rich towards God.

e Lo, this is the Man that made not God his Strength; but trufted in the abundance of his Riches, and ftrengthned himself in his Wickednefs.

f He faith, I am rich, and increafed with Goods, and have need of nothing; and knoweth not, that he is wretched, and miferable,, and poor, and blind, and naked.

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a Why boaffeft thou thy felf in Mischief, O mighty Man The Goodness of God enduretli continually...

b The wicked boafteth of his Heart's Defire: Through the Pride of his Countenance he will not feek after God. He hath faid in his Heart, I fhall not be moved; I fhall never be in Ad verfity. But the Lord fhall cut off all flattering Lips, and the Tongue that fpeaketh proud: things.

.. God will punish the tout Heart of the Con queror, and the Glory of his high Looks; who faith, I have removed the Bounds of the People, and have put down the Inhabitants, like a valiant Man. By the Strength of my Hand I have done it; and by my Wifdom, for I am. prudent. Shall the. Axe boaft it felf against him. that heweth therewith? or, Shall the Saw magnify it felf against him that shaketh it?or, Shall the Staff lift up it felf, as if it were no Wood? Therefore fhall the Lord of Hofts lop the Bough with Terror; and the high ones of Stature fháil berhewen down, and the haughty fhall be humbled...

God refifteth the proud, but giveth Grace: unto the humble; fubmit your felves therefore to God: Humble your felves in the fight of the Lord, and he fhall lift you up.

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Learn of me, (faith our Saviour) for I am meek, and lowly in Heart; and ye fhall find reft unto your Souls.

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a Put not forth thy felf in the Presence of the King, and stand not in the place of great Men: For better it is that it be faid of thee, Come up hither, than that thou fhouldft be put lower, in the prefence of the Prince, whom thine Eyes have feen.

h. When thou art bidden of any Man to a Wedding, fit not down in the highest Room, left a more honourable Man than thou be bidden of him; and he that bad thee and him come and fay to thee, Give this Man place, and thou begin, with Shame, to take the loweft Room: But, when thou art bidden, go and fit down in the lowest Room, that when he that bade thee cometh, he may fay unto thee, Friend, go up higher Then fhalt thou have Worship in the Prefence of them that fit at Meat with thee. For, whofoever exalteth himself fhall be abafed; and, he that humbleth himself fhall be exalted.

Be not ye as the Scribes and the Pharifees, who loved the uppermoft Rooms at Feafts, and the chief Seats in the Synagogues, and Greetings. in the Markets, and to be called of Men, Rabbi, Rabbi; who did all their Works to be seen of Men. And be not as the chief Rulers among the Jews, who loved the Praife of Men, more than the Praife of God.

d How can ye believe which receive Honour one of another, and feek not the Honour that cometh from God only?

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a Let the Women adorn themselves in modest ́ Apparel, with Shame-facedness and Sobriety.

b Bleffed are the poor in Spirit; for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

c Whofoever fhall humble himself as a little Child, the fame is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

d Tho' the Lord be high, yet hath he refpe& unto the lowly; but the proud he knoweth afar off. Surely he fcorneth the Scorners; but he giveth Grace unto the lowly.

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e When Pride cometh, then cometh Shame; ; but with the lowly is Wifdoms.

f Before Deftruction the Heart of Man is haugh--ty; and before Honour is Humility.

8 A Man's Pride fhall bring him low; but Ho-nour fhall uphold the humble in Spirit..

He that is of a proud Heart stirreth up Strife. Seeft thou a Man wife in his own Conceit? There is more hope of a Fool, than of him.

i A proud Look doth the Lord hate; and eve-ry one that is proud in Heart is an Abomination to the Lord.

* Woe unto them that are wife in their own. Eyes, and prudent in their own Sight. For the Day of the Lord of Hofts fhall be upon every one that is proud and lifted up, and he fhall be brought low: The lofty Looks of Man fhall be humbled; and the Haughtiness of Men fhall be bowed down; and the Lord alone fhall be exalted in that Day.:

1 Tim. 2. 9.

b Mat. 5. 3.

Mat. 18. 4..

• Prov. II. 2..

Prov. 28. 25.

d Pf. 138. 6. Prov. 3. 34.
f Prov. 18. 12. 8 Prov. 29. 23.
1 Prov. 6, 17, 16. Prov. 16. 5.

Prov. 26. 12.
*If, 5, 21. If, 2. 12, II,



a Ceafe from Anger, and forfake Wrath: Fret not thy felf in any wife to do Evil.

Be angry, and fin not: Let not the Sun go down upon your Wrath; neither give place to the Devil.

c Put away from thee a froward Mouth; and perverfe Lips put far from thee.

d Let not thy Spirit be provoked, so as to speak unadvisedly with thy Lips.

e Be not hafty, in thy Spirit, to be angry; for Anger resteth in the Bosom of Fools.

f Let every Man be fwift to hear, flow to fpeak, flow to Wrath; for the Wrath of Man worketh, not the Righteoufnefs of God.

8. Let your Moderation be known unto all Men: The Lord is at hand..

h Let the holy Women, who trust in God, adorn themselves with that which is not corruptible, even the Ornament of a meek and quiet & Spirit, which is, in the Sight of God, of great. Price..

i He that is foon angry, dealeth foolishly; and he that is hafty of Spirit, exalteth Folly: but he that is flow to Wrath, is of great Understanding.

kA Fool's Wrath is prefently known, but a prudent Man covereth Shame..

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