Babblings, and Oppofitions of Science, falfly fo called; That we do not give heed to Jewish Fables, and Commandments of Men that turn from the Truth; And that we strive not about Words to no profit; nor fuffer our felves to be mifled by Philofophy and vain Deceit, after the Tradition of Men, after the Rudiments of the World, and not after Chrift. As in the Epiftles of St. Paul, fo in the other Scriptures alfo, there are fome things hard to be understood; but we must be both unlearned, and unstable, if we wreft these to our own Destruction; for, generally, the Holy Writers have used great plainnefs of Speech; and they have never handled the Word of God deceitfully; fo that whoever will do his Will, may know of the Doctrine whether it be of God. b For, all that is needful for us to know of the common Salvation is fo plainly fet forth to us, that he may run that readeth: But if the Gospel be hid, it is hid to them only that are loft, in whom the God of this World hath blinded the Minds of them which believe not, left the Light of the Glorious Gospel of Chrift should shine unto them. e The Scriptures then being plain and eafy, fo far as is neceffary to make us Wife unto Salvation through Faith which is in Chrift Jefus; we ought to read them with the fame Sincerity with which they were written; not corrupting the Word of God, or perverting the Gospel of Christ, Joh. 7. 17. 1 Tim. 6. 20. Tit. 1. 14. 2 Tim. 2. 14. Col. 2. 8. 2 Cor. 2, 17. Gal. I. 7. 2. Tim. 3. 15. -after after our own Lufts, which make us unwilling to endure found Doctrine. a And, having confented to wholfome Words, even the Words of our Lord Jefus Christ, and to the Doctrine which is according to Godliness, we ought to continue in the things which we have learned, and have been affured of; without regarding what is faid, either by such as teach things that they ought not, for filthy Lucre's fake; or by unruly and vain Talkers and Deceivers, who being pufft up by their fleshly Mind, intrude into thofe things which they have not feen, or by fuch as make the Word of God of none Effect through their Tradition. i b Having therefore received of the Apoftles, by the Lord Jefus, how we ought to walk and to please God, Let us receive that which we have heard of them, not as the Word of Men, but (as it is in truth) the Word of God, which effectually worketh in them that believe: The Power and Demonftration of which is fuch, that, whofoever will not hear Mofes, and the Prophets, Chrift, and his Apoftles, yet fpeaking to us in the Scriptures, neither will he be perfuaded any other way, of the Truth of Religion, tho' one rofe from the dead to affure him of it. c The Gospel of Jefus Chrift, which, according to the Commandment of the Everlasting God, was made known to all Nations for the Obedi ence of Faith, This is the Word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever: This is that Wisdom 2 Tim. 4. 3. a1 Tim. 6. 3. 2 Tim. 3. 14. Tit. 1. 11. Tit. 1.10. Col. 2. 18. Mar. 7. 13. b I Theff. 4. I, 2, I. 1 Theff. 2. 13 I Cor. 2. 4. Luke 16. 31. Heb. 11. 4: Rom. 16. 25, 26. 1 Pet. 1. 23. Jam. 3. 17. Luke 21.15. from B 4 from above, which all the Adverfaries of it shall not be able to gainfay, or refift; by which also we are fav'd, if we believe, and obey, from the Heart, that Form of Doctrine, which is delivered to us in the Holy Scriptures. a And, as there is none other Name under Heaven, given among Men, whereby we muft be faved, but the Name of Jefus Chrift; fo neither is there any other Doctrine to be taught, but what is declared unto us in the Gospel which we have received, and wherein we ftand. b If any Man preacheth another Jefus; or if any Man, or an Angel from Heaven, preach any other Gospel unto us than that which the Apoftles have preached unto us, let him be accurfed. Ye fhall not add unto the Word which God commandeth you, neither fhall you diminish ought from it. a Add thou not unto his Words, left he reprove thee, and thou be found a Liar; for every Word of God is pure. If any Man fhall add unto the Words of this Book of the New Covenant, God fhall add unto him the Plagues that are written in this Book : And if any Man fhall take away from the Words of this Book, God fhall take away his part out of the Book of Life. f Wherefore, let us mark that which is noted in the Scripture of Truth, and lay up the Words of this Book in our Heart, and in our Soul; and let us teach them our Children, fpeaking of them a Acts 4. 12. TO. Luke 21. 15. 1 Cor. 15. 2. Rom. 6. 17. 1 Tim. 1. 3. 1 Cor. 15. I. b2 Cor. 11. 4. Gal. 1. 9, 8. Deut. 4. 2. d Prov. 30. 6, 5. Rev. 22. 18, 19. f Dan. 10. 21. Deut. 11. 18, 19. 2 Kin. 22. 13. Deut.' 11. 18, 19. when when we fit in our Houses, and when we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we rife up. a For the Commandment, which the Lord thy God commands thee this Day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off. It is not in Heaven, that thou shouldft fay, who fhall go up for us to Heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it and do it? Neither is it beyond the Sea, that thou shouldft fay, who fhall go over the Sea for us, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it and do it? But the Word is very nigh unto thee, in thy Mouth, and in thy Heart, that thou may'ft do it. And this is the Word which by the Gospel is preach'd unto us. b Secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but those things which are Revealed belong unto us and to our Children, for ever, that we may do all the Works of this Law. If therefore thou shalt afk, faying, What fhalb I do to inherit Eternal Life? The plain Anfwer is, what is written in the Law, and in the Gofpel? How readeft thou? Seek ye out of the Book of the Lord, and read therein all the Days of your Life, that ye may learn to fear the Lord your God, and to keep all the words of this. Law, and these Statutes, to do them. d Bleffed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this Book, and keep those things which are written therein. CHA P. II. Concerning GOD; His NATURE, ATTRIBUTES, and WORKS. a T HAT which may be known of God, is manifeft: For the Heavens declare the Glory of God, and the Firmament fheweth his Handy-work: So that we are without excufe, if, by the things that are made, we do not clearly perceive, and understand his eternal Power and Godhead. b The Lord is also known by the Judgment which he executeth. But the Scriptures having given us a plainer and fuller Account of the Divine Being, than the Reafon of Man can difcover, of it felf, the best, and eafieft way of coming to the right Knowledge of God, is, by his Word. From whence we learn, That he is the Maker, Preferver, and Governor of all things; That he is a Being every way perfect; the only God; who hath none other like him; and who is greater, and more excellent, than all other Beings: That he is a Spirit, Eternal and Unchangeable, and fills all Places by his Prefence; That his Happiness, Knowledge, Wifdom, and Power, are Infinite; That he is perfectly Good and Gracious, Righteous and Juft, True and Faithful, Pure and Holy And, that after all we do, or can know of him, he is incomprehenfible. Rom. 1. 19. Pf. 19. 1. Rom. 1.20, Pf. 9. 16. GOD |