The Statutes at Large: From the Magna Charta, to the End of the Eleventh Parliament of Great Britain, Anno 1761 [continued to 1807], Volumen40;Volumen1225J. Bentham, 1795 |
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... the fervice of his Majesty's navy . Cap . 6. For punishing mutiny and defertion ; and for the better payment of the army and their quarters . VOL . XL . a Cap . 7 . Cap . 7. For the regulation of his Majefty's marine.
... the fervice of his Majesty's navy . Cap . 6. For punishing mutiny and defertion ; and for the better payment of the army and their quarters . VOL . XL . a Cap . 7 . Cap . 7. For the regulation of his Majefty's marine.
... navy . Cap . 10. For granting to his Majefty additional duties of excife on foreign wine and fweets . of Cap . 11. For granting to his Majefty additional duties excife on worts , wash , and other liquors , made in England , for ...
... navy . Cap . 10. For granting to his Majefty additional duties of excife on foreign wine and fweets . of Cap . 11. For granting to his Majefty additional duties excife on worts , wash , and other liquors , made in England , for ...
... navy , and feamen , non - commiffioned officers of marines , and marines , ierving in his Majefty's navy , to allot part of their pay for the maintenance of their wives and families . Cap . 29. For raifing a certain number of men , in ...
... navy , and feamen , non - commiffioned officers of marines , and marines , ierving in his Majefty's navy , to allot part of their pay for the maintenance of their wives and families . Cap . 29. For raifing a certain number of men , in ...
... navy and victualling bills . Cap . 33. For defraying the charge of the pay and cloathing of the militia , in that part of Great Britain called England , for one year , beginning the twenty - fifth day of March one thousand feven hundred ...
... navy and victualling bills . Cap . 33. For defraying the charge of the pay and cloathing of the militia , in that part of Great Britain called England , for one year , beginning the twenty - fifth day of March one thousand feven hundred ...
... navy and army , whilft on fervice , to fend and receive letters at a low rate of poftage ; and for permitting patterns and famples of goods to be tranfmitted by the poft at an eafier rate than is now allowed by law . Cap . 54. For the ...
... navy and army , whilft on fervice , to fend and receive letters at a low rate of poftage ; and for permitting patterns and famples of goods to be tranfmitted by the poft at an eafier rate than is now allowed by law . Cap . 54. For the ...
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Términos y frases comunes
acts of parliament affembled affigns alfo annuities appointed arifing authoriſed authority aforefaid bank of England bills Britain cafe caufe cauſe certificate Chap charge churchwardens cocoa cocoa nuts cofts common court cuftoms difcharged directed duties exchequer excife faid act faid commiffioners fame fhall feaman fecurity ferve fervice feven hundred feveral fhall be paid fhillings fhip or veffel figned filk forfeitures fpirits ftamp fubject fucceffors fuch fhip fuch officer fuch perfon fufficient fums of money further enacted hereby herein-before houfes hundred and ninety-five iffue impofed inrolled intereft intituled juftices land lawful mafter magiftrates Majefty Majefty's marines militia navy oath offence officer or officers paffed parish payable payment penalties perfon fhall perfon or perfons port pounds prefent Majefty provifions purpoſes purſuance raifing raiſed receipt refpectively reign ſaid Saint Clement Scotland ſhall ſhip ſuch therein thereof thouſand ſeven hundred tranfmitted treaſurer uſed vellum virtue warehouſe
Pasajes populares
Página 246 - Upon any kind of goods and merchandises, and also upon the body, tackle, apparel, ordnance, munition, artillery, boat, and other furniture, of and in the good ship or vessel called the...
Página 246 - ... arrests, restraints, and detainments of all kings, princes, and people, of what nation, condition, or quality soever, barratry of the master and mariners, and of all other perils, losses, and misfortunes, that have or shall come to the hurt, detriment, or damage of the said goods and merchandises, and ship, &c., or any part thereof.
Página 246 - ... surprisals, takings at sea, arrests, restraints, and detainments of all kings, princes, and people, of what nation, condition, or quality soever...
Página 247 - Be it known that as well in own name as for and in the name and names of all and every other person or persons to whom the same doth, may, or shall appertain, in part or in all...
Página 247 - ... labour, and travel for, in and about the defence, safeguard and recovery of the said goods and merchandises and ship, &c., or any part thereof, without prejudice to this insurance; to the charges whereof we, the assurers, will contribute, each one according to the rate and quantity of his sum herein assured.
Página 247 - And so we the assurers are contented, and do hereby promise and bind ourselves each one for his own part, our heirs, executors, and goods to the assured, their executors, administrators, and assigns for the true performance of the premises...
Página 147 - Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That...
Página 50 - Defendants in such Action or Suit may plead the General Issue, and give this Act and the Special Matter in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the same was done in pursuance and by the Authority of this Act...
Página 247 - Corn, fish, salt. fruit, flour, and seed are warranted free from average, unless general. or the ship be stranded - sugar, tobacco, hemp, flax, hides and skins are warranted free from average, under five pounds per cent., and all other goods, also the ship and freight, are warranted free from average, under three pounds per cent. unless general, or the ship be stranded.