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Paffed anno tricefimo quinto


Being the Fifth Seffion of the Seventeenth Parliament of Great Britain.



Cap. 1. OR continuing and granting to his Majesty certain duties upon malt, mum, cyder, and perry, for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five. Cap. 2. For granting an aid to his Majefty by a land tax, to be raised in Great Britain, for the fervice of the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-five.

Cap. 3. To continue, for a limited time, an act, made the laft feffion of parliament, intituled, An act to impower his Majefty to fecure and detain fuch perfons as his Majefty fball fufpect are confpiring against his perfon and government.

Cap. 4. For enabling his Majefty to prohibit the exportation, and permit the importation, of corn, and for allowing the importation of other articles of provifion, for a limited time, without payment of duty.

Cap. 5: For raising a certain number of men, in the feveral counties in England, for the fervice of his Majesty's navy.

Cap. 6. For punishing mutiny and defertion; and for the better payment of the army and their quarters.



Cap. 7.

Cap. 7. For the regulation of his Majefty's marine forces while on fhore.

Cap. 8. For authorifing the company of proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal to vary the courfe of a certain part of the faid canal, in the county of Hertford, fo as to render the navigation thereof more safe and convenient; and for making fome other amendments and alterations in an act, made in the thirtythird year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for making the

faid canal.

Cap. 9. For procuring a fupply of men from the feveral ports of this kingdom, for the fervice of his Majefty's navy.

Cap. 10. For granting to his Majefty additional duties of excife on foreign wine and fweets.


Cap. 11. For granting to his Majefty additional duties excife on worts, wash, and other liquors, made in England, for extracting fpirits for home confumption; and for preventing diftillers from making ufe of wheat or wheat flour in making wath for extracting spirits.

Cap. 12. For granting to his Majefty additional duties of excife on foreign fpirits.

Cap. 13. For granting to his Majefty additional duties of excife on tea, coffee, and cocoa nuts.

Cap. 14. For railing the fum of eighteen millions by way of


Cap. 15. For rendering effectual his Majefty's orders in council of the fixteenth and twenty-first days of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, refpecting the admiffion of the effects mentioned in the faid orders into the ports of this country, to be warehoufed; and for indemnifying all perfons who have acted in confequence of fuch orders.

Cap. 16. For applying certain fums of money, raised in the county of Derby by virtue of feveral acts of parliament made respecting the militia of this kingdom.

Cap. 17. For appointing commiffioners to put in execution an act of this feffion of parliament, intituled, An act for granting an aid to his Majesty by a land tax, to be raised in Great Britain, for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety five, together with thofe named in two former acts for appointing commiffioners of the land tax.

Cap. 18. To repeal an act made in the last feffion of parliament, intituled, An act to enable his Majefty to establish a court of criminal judicature in Norfolk Island; and for better enabling his Majefty to establish fuch court in the faid ifland.

Cap. 19. For rendering more effectual an act of the prefent feffion of parliament, intituled, An all for raising a certain number of men, in the feveral counties in England, for the fervice of his Majefty's navy.

Cap. 20. For granting certain duties of customs on the importation of fruit, fallad oil, wafte filk, and timber, and on the exportation of British rock falt, and coal.

Cap. 21. For raising a certain fum of money, by loans or exchequer

exchequer bills, for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five.

Cap. 22. For raifing a further fum of money, by loans or exchequer bills, for the fervice of the year one thousand feven hundred and ninety-five.

Cap. 23 For granting to his Majeffy the fum of two hundred thoufand pounds, to be iffued and paid to the governor and company of the bank of England, to be by them placed to the account of the commiffioners for the reduction of the national debt.

Cap. 24. Further to continue an act, made in the thirtythird year of his Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for establishing regulations refpecting aliens arriving in this kingdom, or refident therein, in certain cafes.

Cap. 25. For further continuing an act, made in the thirtythird year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for eftablishing courts of judicature in the island of Newfoundland, and the islands adjacent.

Cap. 26. To continue the laws now in force for regulating the trade between the fubjects of his Majefty's dominions and the inhabitants of the territories belonging to the united states' of America, so far as the fame relate to the trade and commerce carried on between this kingdom and the inhabitants of the countries belonging to the faid united states.

Cap. 27. For altering, amending, and rendering more effectual, an act, made in the last feffion of parliament, intituled, An aft for amending so much of an act, paffed in the thirteenth and fourteenth years of the reign of his late majesty King Charles the Second, intituled, An act for ordering the forces in the feveral counties of this kingdom, as relates to the militia of the city of London; and for the better ordering the fame.

Cap. 28. To enable petty officers in the navy, and feamen, non-commiffioned officers of marines, and marines, ierving in his Majefty's navy, to allot part of their pay for the maintenance of their wives and families.

Cap. 29. For raifing a certain number of men, in the feveral Counties, ftewartries, royal burghs, and towns, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, for the fervice of his Majesty's navy.

Cp. 30. For granting to his Majesty several additional duties on stamped vellum, parchment, and paper; and for repealing a certain exception as far as relates to bonds given as fecurity for the payment of one hundred pounds or under, contained in an act of the twenty-third year of his prefent Majefty's reign.

Cap. 31. For extending the provifions of an act, made in the thirty-fourth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, to cutters, luggers, thallops, wherries, fmacks, or yawls, of any built whatever; for amending an act, made in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, more effectually to fecure the performance of quarantine, and for amending feveral laws relative to the revenue of cuftoms; for amending an act,

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made in the thirty-third year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for the relief of the captors of prizes, with refpect to the bringing and landing certain prize goods in this kingdom; and for authorising the commiffioners of excife at Edinburgh to grant licences to manufacturers and dealers in tobacco and fnuff, within the limits of the chief office of excife at Edinburgh.

Cap. 32. For granting annuities to fatisfy certain navy and victualling bills.

Cap. 33. For defraying the charge of the pay and cloathing of the militia, in that part of Great Britain called England, for one year, beginning the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand feven hundred and ninety-five.

Cap. 34. For enabling the magiftrates, in the feveral counties in Great Britain, to raife and levy, under certain regulations, fuch able-bodied and idle perfons as fhall be found within the faid counties, to ferve in his Majesty's navy.

Cap. 35. For making allowances, in certain cafes, to fubaltern officers of the militia, in time of peace.

Cap. 36. For granting to his Majefty a certain fum of money, to be raised by a lottery.

Cap. 37. For enabling his Majesty to raise the sum of two millions five hundred thousand pounds for the ufes and purposes therein mentioned.

Cap. 38. To continue feveral laws relating to the granting a bounty on certain species of British and Irish linens exported, and taking off the duties on the importation of foreign raw linen yarns made of flax; to the difcontinuing the duties payable on the importation of tallow, hogs lard, and greafe; and to the prohibiting the importation of foreign wrought filks and velvets; and for making perpetual an act, made in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, to prohibit the exportation of tools and utenfils made ufe of in the iron and steel manufactures of this kingdom; and to prevent the feducing of artificers or workmen employed in thofe manufactures to go into parts beyond the feas.

Cap. 39. For allowing a drawback of the duties upon coals ufed in carrying on the Pennygored works, in the county of Pembroke.

Cap. 40. To enable his Majefty to grant to the right honourable John earl of Upper Offory in the kingdom of Ireland, baron Upper Offory, of Ampthill, in the county of Bedford, his heirs and affigns, in fee fimple, all the estate, right, title, and intereft, remaining in his Majefty, in and upon the haye or walk of Farming Woods, in the foreft of Rockingham, in the county of Northampton, and alfo the reverfion of certain offices, rents, and other hereditaments in the faid county of Northampton, to which the faid earl of Upper Offory is entitled for three lives, under a grant from his prefent Majefty, upon a full and adequate confideration to be paid for the fame.

Cap. 41. To continue the term, and alter and enlarge the powers, of an act, made in the thirteenth year of the reign of

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