Imágenes de páginas

For the city and county of the city of London, one hundred and ninety-eight.

For the county of Middlefex, inclufive of the divifion commonly called The Tower Hamlets, and the liberty of the Tower, four hundred and fifty-one.

For the county of Monmouth, fifty-eight.

For the county of Norfolk, with the city and county of the city of Norwich, two hundred and fixty.

For the county of Northampton, one hundred and thirty-seven. For the county of Northumberland, with the town and county of the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and the town of Berwickupon-Tweed, one hundred and feventy-fix.

For the county of Nottingham, with the town and county of the town of Nottingham, one hundred and fixty-one.

For the county of Oxford, one hundred and twenty-seven.
For the county of Rutland, twenty-three.

For the county of Salop, one hundred and feventy-fix.
For the county of Somer fet, three hundred and fifty-one.

For the county of Southampton, with the town and county of the town of Southampton, two hundred and thirty-fix.

For the county of Stafford, with the city and county of the city of Litchfield, two hundred and forty-five.

For the county of Suffolk, two hundred and fixty-three. For the county of Surrey, three hundred and twenty-three. For the county of Suffex, with fuch of the cinque ports as are fituate within, the faid county, one hundred and feventy-two. For the county of Warwick, with the city and county of the city of Coventry, one hundred and ninety-three,

For the county of Westmoreland, fixty-nine.

For the county of Worcester, with the city and county of the city of Worcester, one hundred and twenty.

For the county of Wilts, one hundred and fixty.

For the eaft riding of the county of York, with the town and county of the town of Kingston upon Hull, one hundred and feventy-five; for the weft riding of the faid county, fix hundred and nine; and for the north riding of the faid county, with the city and county of the city of York, two hundred and ninety


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For the county of Anglefea, thirty-four.

For the county of Brecknock, forty-one.
For the county of Cardigan, thirty-fix.

For the county of Carmarthen, with the county borough of Carmarthen, fixty-feven.

For the county of Carnarvon, thirty-fix.
For the county of Denbigh, feventy-three.
For the county of Flint, thirty-eight.
For the county of Glamorgan, feventy-fix
For the county of Merioneth, forty-three.
For the county of Montgomery, fixty-nine.

For the county of Pembroke, with the town and county of the town of Haverfordwest, forty-fix.

For the county of Radnor, twenty-fix,

B 4

II. And

Admiralty to appoint offi

cers to regulate the admiffion of men, &c.

Juftices, within 21 days after paffing this act, to


II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the commiffioners for executing the office of lord high admiral of Great Britain for the time being, and they are hereby required, to constitute and appoint, in fuch of the counties, ridings, or divifions, in fuch part of Great Britain as aforesaid, (except in the city and county of the city of London), fo many officers to regulate the admiffion of men to be levied under the authority of this act for his Majesty's service, as the said commiffioners fhall deem neceffary; who, being fo respectively appointed, shall establish a convenient place or places of rendezvous, in each fuch county, riding, or divifion, (except the city and county of the city of London as aforefaid), for the reception of fuch men; and every fuch man fo to be levied fhall, before his inrolment, be examined by one fuch regulating officer at the leaft, as to his ability to serve his Majefty; and every fuch officer fhall have full power of approving or of rejecting any man tendered to serve his Majefty, fubject nevertheless to fuch controul and fuperintendance as by this act is particularly directed.

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the juftices of the peace acting in and for the several counties, ridings, and divifions aforefaid, fhall, within a time not exceeding hold a general twenty-one days after the paffing of this act, affemble together at feffions for fome convenient place in each county, riding, or divifion, where carrying it in- the general quarter feffions of the peace have heretofore or ufually to execution, been held, and there hold a court of general feffions, for the purpofe of carrying effectually into execution the powers given ta them by this act; and that in every cafe where any city, town or borough, cinque port or liberty, is hereby united with any county at large, riding, or divifion, in eftimating the number of men to be raised by virtue of this act, the justices of fuch city, town or borough, cinque port or liberty, fhall affemble themfelves together with the juftices of fuch county at large, riding, or divifion, and the juftices fo affembled fhall refpectively have and be entitled to exercise the powers and jurifdictions of juftices of the peace, in all things touching the execution of this act, as well for fuch city, town, borough, cinque port or liberty, as alfo for fuch county at large, riding, or divifion, and fhall be deemed and taken to be fuch juftices refpectively, without any other or further qualification; and that the faid juftices fo affembled may, from time to time, as often as they fhall find it neceffary, adjourn fuch court of general feffions, fo that fuch adjournment shall not be for any longer time than from day to day (Sundays excepted) until they fhall have fully and effectually carried this act into execution, in respect of the powers vested in such court of general feffions by this act, except as to fuch adjournment as fhall be made to the quarter feffions as herein-after is mentioned.

Clerk of the

the affent of

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That peace, with the clerk of the peace of every county, riding, or divifion, where two juftices, a court of general feffions is hereby directed to be held, fhall, with to appoint the the affent of any two juftices of the peace of any fuch county, time of hold- riding, or divifion, appoint a time and place of holding the first


attend, the

court of general feffions, to be held by virtue of this act, of which ing the firft notice fhall be given in any newspaper ufually circulated in fuch general seffions. county, riding, or divifion, five days at the leaft before the day appointed for holding fuch court; and in cafe, at fuch time of appoint- If fufficient ing fuch court, or at any fubfequent time of appointing fuch court juftices do not by adjournment, there fhall not be juftices of the peace attending feffions may fufficient to hold fuch general feffions, any one juftice of the peace be adjourned. who shall there attend fhall and may adjourn the fame to the next day, and fo from day to day (Sundays excepted) until such court fhall be held; and in cafe no fuch juftice fhall attend at the time and place appointed for holding fuch court, then the clerk of the peace fhall adjourn the time of holding fuch court from day to day (Sundays excepted) until fuch court fhall be duly held.

feffions liable

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Treasury to the commiffioners of his Majesty's treafury for the time being caufe lifts to fhall cause to be prepared true lifts of the number of all the inha- be prepared bited houfes within the limits of the jurifdiction of each court of of inhabited general feffions, which are affefled and pay to the duties on inha- houfes within bited houses, or to the duties on houfes, windows, or lights, in the limits of fuch part of Great Britain as aforefaid, by virtue of any act or acts each court of of parliament now in force, diftinguishing therein each hundred, to pay the du rape, lath, wapentake, or diftrict, and also each parish, tything, ties on houfes, or place, within fuch hundred, rape, lath, wapentake, or diftrict, &c. and laid and fhall caufe the fame to be laid before the juftices then affem- before the jufbled at their respective courts of general feffions, by the refpec- furveyor of the tices by the tive furveyors of the faid duties, and to be by them verified on duties. oath, if required (which oath the faid juftices then affembled are hereby authorised to adminifter); and fuch juftices refpectively Juftices to ap fhall proceed to appoint what number of men fhall ferve for each point what fuch hundred, city, or town, rape, lath, wapentake, or district, number of men fhall ferve and alfo for each parifh, tything, or place, feparately fupporting for each hunits own poor, within fuch hundred, city, or town, rape, lath, dred, &c.; wapentake, or diftrict refpectively, and in proportion, as nearly as may be, to the number of houfes therein refpectively affeffed and paying to the faid duties, and fo as the whole number of men appointed by this act to be raised for fuch county, riding, or divifion, may be included, and fhall iffue an order, figned by the and to order clerk of the peace of fuch county, riding, or divifion, to the chief the conftables conftables or other officers of the refpective hundreds, laths, wa- to give notice of the number, pentakes, or other diftricts, within fuch counties, ridings, or divi- and the time fions as aforefaid, requiring them to give notice to the church- for raising wardens or overseers of the poor of every parifh, tithing, or place, them, to the Leparately supporting its own poor, within their refpective hun- parish officers. dreds, rapes, laths, wapentakes, or other districts, of the number of men fo appointed to be levied for fuch parishes, tythings, or places respectively, and of the time allowed for raifing the fame, and of making a return to fuch orders; all which particulars fhall be specified in fuch orders and notices refpectively and the faid juf- Juftices at getices, at fuch court of general feflions, fhall alfo appoint petty fef- neral feffions fions to be held within the different diftricts of each county, riding, to appoint petty feffions or divifion, wherein petty feffions have been ufually held, and alfo for receiving within returns, and

At first petty feffions, con

attefting and within each city, borough, town, cinque port, or liberty, having inrolling men. magiftrates of itself, for the purpofe of receiving the returns of the officers of the feveral parishes, tythings, or places, within thofe diftricts refpectively, and of attefting and causing to be inrolled the number of men to be raised by virtue of this act, after fuch perfons fhall be approved of by the regulating officer or offi. cers to be appointed for that purpofe; and the faid juftices fhall alfo appoint a time for holding the first petty feffions to be holden in each district under this act, at which firit petty feffions returns fhall be made by the chief conftables and other officers, and allo by the churchwardens or overfeers, of all matters and things done by them in pursuance of this act, according to the directions therein contained, and which petty feffions fhall be appointed at a day not later than twenty-one days after iffuing the orders before-mentioned; and fuch juftices, having completed fuch orders, fhall and may then adjourn their court of general feffions to the next quarter feffions of the peace to be holden for such county, riding, or divifion.

ftables and parish officers to make returns, &c.

London, at

feffions, to ap

VI. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authoMayor, &c. of rity aforefaid, That the mayor, recorder, and aldermen of the city of London, affembled at the general feffions of the peace to be held the general in and for the faid city, by virtue of this act, fhall appoint the point thenum- number of men to ferve for each ward or parifh, precinct, liberty, ber of men to and place, feparately fupporting its own poor, within the city, and ferve for each county of the city of London aforefaid, as nearly as may be to the ward, &c. in amount of the affeffment to the duties on inhabited houses, and proportion to the amount of the duties on houfes, windows, or lights, in fuch ward or parish, the duties on precinct, liberty, and place refpectively, instead of the number of houfes, &c. houfes therein respectively affeffed and paying to the said duties, as herein-before directed; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

feffed; and the

VII. And, for enabling the mayor, recorder, and aldermen of the city of London aforesaid to appoint or apportion the number of men berein-before directed, be it further enacted by the authority aforeClerks to the faid, That the clerk or clerks to the refpective commiffioners for commiffioners for the duties carrying into execution the feveral acts of parliament refpecting on houfes, &c, the duties on inhabited houfes, and the duties on houfes, windows, in London, to or lights, in the city and county of the city of London aforefaid, prepare lifts of fhall prepare, or caufe to be prepared, true lifts of the number of the numbers all inhabited houfes which are affefled, and pay to the duties on of houfes af inhabited houses, or to the dutites on houfes, windows, or lights, amount of the in the city and county of the city of London aforefaid, by virtue affelments in of any act or acts of parliament now in force, and alfo the amount each ward, Ecc. to be laid of the affeffments of the faid duties refpectively, diftinguishing therein each ward or parifh, precinct, liberty, or place, feparately fupporting its own poor, within the city and county of the city of London aforefaid; and the faid lifts fhall refpectively be verified on oath by the faid clerk or clerks, if required, (which oath the faid mayor, recorder, or aldermen refpectively, are hereby authorised to adminifter), and laid before the mayor, recorder, and aldermen, affembled at their refpective general or quarter feffions aforesaid.

before the

mayor, &c.


VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That, within every county, riding, or divifion, (not being a city, What juftices town, or borough, and a county of itfelf, nor a city, borough, hall hold the Lown corporate, cinque port, or liberty, having refpectively their petty fellions. own magiftrates or juftices), the juftices of the peace ufually acting in and for the diftrict wherein fuch petty feflions fhall be directed by the court of general feffions to be held, or fuch other juftices as fhall be specially appointed by the court of general fethons to act in fuch diftrict, which they are hereby authorised to appoint in every diftrict where they fhall fee occafion, fhall be the juftices for holding fuch petty feffions, and no other; and that within any city, borough, town corporate, cinque port, or liberty, or any city, borough, or town, being a county of itself, the juftices or magiftrates of fuch city, borough, town corporate, cinque port, or liberty, and no other, fhall hold fuch petty Juftices to feffions within fuch city, borough, town corporate, cinque port, hold the petty or liberty; and fuch juftices refpectively fhall meet and hold feffions when their refpective petty feffions at the time and place appointed by the general appointed by the general feffions, and fhall receive the returns of the church- feflions, and wardens and overfeers of the poor of all fuch parishes, tythings, receive the and places refpectively, touching the execution of the orders returns of the parish officers. given to them under this act; and fhall, at their first petty feffions to be held by virtue of this act, fix a time or times for hearing feflions to fix First petty the appeals of parishes, tythings, or places, charged to raise a time for men under this act, against the proceedings of regulating officers hearing apto be appointed under this act, as herein-after is directed; and peals, &c. fhall give notice at what time or times, place or places, any fuch appeal may be heard and determined, and which shall not be later than twenty days after the refpective times appointed for making returns by the churchwardens or overfeers repectively; and fuch juftices fhall then and there meet to hear and determine fuch appeals, and in all refpects fhall do and execute, with diligence and difpatch, all matters and things intrufted to

them by this act; and any one or more of fuch juftices there at- Petty feffions tending, or in default of fuch attendance the high conftable or may be adother principal officer of the peace of the hundred, rape, lath, journed. wapentake, city, borough, town, liberty, or place, wherein fuch petty feffions fhall be held, fhall have authority from time to time to adjourn the petty feffions, giving publick notice of the time. and place of holding the next adjourned feffions, and fo from time to time, as there fhall be occafion, by caufing fuch notice in writing to be affixed on the door of the church or chapel of the place where fuch feffions fhall be held, two days at least before the time of holding fuch feffions, where fuch time fhall intervene, otherwife at fuch convenient time as fhall be most expedient.

IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, General fef That it fhall be lawful for the faid juftices at their general fions may add feffions to add together, whenever they fhall think it neceflary, together two or more places two or more parishes, tythings, or places, for the raifing any for raifing man or number of men, by virtue of this act, fo as to make the men, &c.


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