The bank to appoint a ca. fhier and accountant ge cashier. rity aforefaid, That the faid governor and company of the bank of England, and their fucceffors, fhall, from time to time, until all the faid annuities fhall be redeemed or determined, appoint and employ neral, and the one or more fufficient perfon or persons within their office in the treafury to or- city of London to be their chief or firft cashier or cashiers, and one der money to other fufficient perfon within the fame office to be their accounbe paid to the tant general; and that fo much of the monies by this act appropriated for the purpose as fhall be fufficient from time to time to anfwer the faid feveral and refpective annuities and other payments herein directed to be made out of the said monies, fhall, by order of the commiffioners of the treasury, or any three or more of them, or the high treasurer for the time being, without any further warrant to be fued for, had, or obtained in that behalf, from time to time, at the refpective days of payment in this act appointed for payment thereof, be iffued and paid at the receipt of the exchequer to the faid first or chief cashier or cashiers of the faid governor and company of the bank of England, and their fucceffors for the time being, by way of impreft, and upon account for the payment of the faid feveral and refpective annuities Cafhier to pay payable by virtue of this act; and that such cashier or cashiers to whom the faid money fhall from time to time be issued, shall, from time to time, without delay, pay the fame accordingly, and render his or their accounts thereof according to the due courfe of the exchequer; and that the faid accountant general for the time being fhall from time to time inspect and examine all receipts and payments.of the said cashier or cashiers, and the youchers relating thereto, in order to prevent any fraud, negligence, or delay. annuities without delay, and the ac countant general to infpect his ac counts. Cashier to give IX. And be it further enacted, That the cafhier or cashiers of receipts for the governor and company of the bank of England, who shall fubfcriptions, have received, or fhall receive any part of the faid contributions which may be affigned before towards the faid fum of eighteen millions, fhall give a receipt or Dec. 10, 1795. receipts in writing, to every fuch contributor, for all fuch fums, within five days after re. ceived, into the exchequer. and that the receipts to be given fhall be affignable, by indorfe ment thereupon made, at any time before the tenth day of December one thousand feven hundred and ninety-five, and no longer : Caflier to give provided always, That such cashier or cashiers fhall give fecurity to fecurity, and the good liking of any three or more of the commiffioners of the to pay money treafury, or the high treasurer for the time being, for duly anfwering and paying into the receipt of his Majefty's exchequer, for the publick use, all the monies which they have already received, and fhall hereafter receive, from time to time, of and for the faid fum of eighteen millions, and for accounting duly for the fame, and for performance of the truft hereby in them reposed, and fhall, from time to time, pay all fuch monies as foon as he or they fhall receive the fame, or any part thereof, or within five days afterwards, at the fartheft, into, and fhall account for the fame in the exchequer, according to the due courfe thereof, deducting thereout fuch fums as fhall have been paid by him or them in purfuance of this act, for which fums fo paid allowance fhall be made in his or their accounts. countant ge X. And be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That in A book to be the office of the accountant general of the governor and com- kept in the acpany of the bank of England for the time being, a book or books neral's office fhall be provided and kept in which the names of the contributors for entering fhall be fairly entered; which book or books the said respective contributors contributors, their refpective executors, adminiftrators, fuccef- names, a duplicate of fors, and affigns, fhall and may, from time to time, and at all which fhall be feasonable times, refort to, and infpect, without any fee or charge; tranfmitted to and that the said accountant general fhall, on or before the fifth the auditor day of July one thousand seven hundred and ninety-fix, tranfmit of the exchean attefted duplicate, fairly written on paper, of the faid book or books, into the office of the auditor of the receipt of his Majesty's exchequer, there to remain for ever. quer. taxes. XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Contributors fuch contributors duly paying the whole fum fo fubfcribed, at or duly paying their fubfcripbefore the refpective times in this act limited in that behalf, and tions to be their respective executors, administrators, fucceffors, and affigns, entitled to fhall have, receive, and enjoy, and be entitled by virtue of this their annuities act, to have, receive, and enjoy, the faid feveral annuities by this free from act granted, in respect of the sum so subscribed out of the monies granted and appropriated in this feffion of parliament for payment thereof, and fhall have good and fure interests and estates therein, according to the feveral provisions in this act contained, as well in respect of the said transferrable annuities, after the rate of three pounds per centum per annum, and of four pounds per centum per annum, as of eight fhillings and fixpence per annum, payable and transferrable at the bank of England: and that the faid feveral annuities fhall be free from all taxes, charges, and impofitions whatsoever. XII. Provided always, That in cafe any fuch contributors who Subscriptions have already depofited with, or fhall hereafter pay to the faid ca- paid in part, and not com hier or cashiers, any fum or fums of money, at the time, and pleted, to be in the manner herein-before mentioned, in part of the fum or fums forfeited. fo by them refpectively fubfcribed, or their refpective executors, adminiftrators, fucceflors, or affigns, fhall not advance and pay to the faid cashier or cashiers the refidue of the sum or fums fo subscribed at the times and in the manner before mentioned; then, and in every fuch cafe, fo much of the respective fum or fums fo fubfcribed, as fhall have been actually paid in part thereof, to the faid cashier or cashiers, fhall be forfeited for the benefit of the publick, and all right and title to the said annuities, after the rate of three pounds and of four pounds per centum per annum, and of eight hillings and fixpence per annum, in refpect thereof, shall be extinguifhed; any thing in this act contained to the contrary thereof in anywife notwithstanding. XIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That As foon as as foon as any contributors, their executors, adminiftrators, fuc- fubfcriptions are completceffors, or affigns, fhall have completed their payments of the ed, they may whole fum payable by them refpectively, towards the faid fum of be transferred eighteen millions, the principal fum or fums fo by them fubfcribed at the bank.. and paid refpectively fhall forthwith be, in the books of the bank of be deemed of England, placed to the credit of fuch refpective contributors their executors, adminiftrators, fucceffors, and affigns, complet ing fuch payments refpectively; and the perfons to whofe credit fuch principal fums fhall be fo placed, their respective executors, adminiftrators, fucceffors, and affigns, shall and may have power to affign and transfer the fame, or any part, fhare or proportion thereof, to any other perfon or perfons, body or bodies politick or corporate whatsoever, in the books of the bank of England; and fuch fums fhall carry the feveral annuities, after the rate of three pounds and of four pounds per centum per annum respectively, redeemable by parliament, and the annuity of eight fhillings and fixpence per annum for fixty-five years and three months, and then to cease; and shall be taken and deemed to be ftock transferrable, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, until redemption of the faid annuities, after the rate of three pounds and of four pounds per centum per annum, in fuch manner as is herein-after mentioned, and until the determination of the said annuity of eight fhillings and fixpence per annum at the expiration of the faid period of fixty-five years and three months. XIV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Annuities to That all perfons who fhall be entitled to any of the annuities hereby granted in refpect of the faid eighteen millions, and all perfons perfonaleftate. lawfully claiming under them, fhall be poffeffed thereof as of a personal estate which fhall not be defcendible to heirs, nor liable to any foreign attachment by the custom of London, or other wife; any law, ftatute, or cuftom, to the contrary notwithstanding. Treasury may XV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That apply the mo- it fhall and may be lawful for three or more of the commiffioners ney paid into of the treafury, or the high treasurer for the time being, to iffue and apply, from time to time, all fuch fums of money as fhall be fo paid into the receipt of his Majefty's exchequer by the said cashier or cafhiers, to fuch fervices as fhall then have been voted by the commons of Great Britain in this prefent feffion of parliament. the exchequer. Accountant general to keep books for registering transfers. XVI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That books fhall be conftantly kept by the faid accountant general for the time being, wherein all affignments or transfers of all fuins advanced or contributed towards the laid fum of eighteen millions, fhall be entered and registered; which entry fhall be conceived in proper words for that purpofe, and fhall be figned by the parties making fuch affignments or transfers, or, if fuch parties be abfent, by their respective attorney or attornies thereunto lawfully authorifed, in writing, under his or their hand and feal, or hands and feals, to be attefted by two or more credible witneffes; and that the feveral perfons to whom fuch transfers fhall be made, fhall refpectively underwrite their acceptance thereof, and that no other method of affigning and transferring the faid annuities, or any part thereof, or any intereft therein, shall be Stock may be good or available in law: provided always, That all perfons pofdevised by feffed of any share or interest in either of the said stocks of annuwill, which ities, or any eftate or intereft therein, may devife the fame by must be enwill, in writing, attefted by two or more credible witnesses; but that that no payment fhall be made upon any such devife until so much tered with of the faid will as relates to fuch fhare, eftate, or intereft, in the the accounfaid ftocks of annuities, be entered in the faid office; and that tant general. in default of fuch transfer or devife, fuch fhare, eftate, or intereft, in the faid ftocks of annuities fhall go to the executors, adminiftrators, fucceffors and affigns; and that no ftamp duties whatsoever Transfers not fhall be charged on any of the faid transfers; any law or ftatute to be liable to stamp duty. to the contrary notwithstanding. fhier and ac XVII. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That out of the monies arifing from the con- Treasury to tributions towards raifing the faid fum of eighteen millions by an- dental expendefray inciDuities, any three or more of the commiffioners of the treasury, or ces out of conthe high treasurer for the time being, fhall have power to discharge tributions, and all fuch incident charges as fhall neceffarily attend the execution to allow falaof this act, in fuch manner as to them shall seem juft and reafon- ries to the caable, and also to settle and appoint fuch allowances as fhall be countant gethought proper for the fervice, pains, and labour of the faid cashier neral. or cashiers, for receiving, paying, and accounting for the faid contributions, and alfo fhall have power to make out of the confolidated fund fuch further allowances as fhall be judged reasonable for the fervice, pains, and labour, of the faid cafhier or cafhiers, for receiving, paying, and accounting for the said annuities payable by virtue of this act, and also for the service, pains, and labour, of the faid accountant general, for performing the truft repofed in him by this act; all which allowances, to be made as aforesaid, in refpect of the service, pains, and labour, of any officer or officers of the faid governor and company, shall be for the ufe and benefit of the faid governor and company, and at their difpofal only. this act to be XVIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That all the monies to which any perfon or perfons fhall become The 3 per entitled by virtue of this act, in refpect of any fum advanced or cents. under contributed towards the faid fum of eighteen millions, on which added to the the faid refpective annuities, after the rate of three pounds per joint ftock of centum per annum fhall be attending, fhall be added to the joint the 3 per ftock of annuities transferrable at the bank of England, into which cents. ; the feveral fums carrying an intereft after the rate of three pounds per centum per annum were, by feveral acts made in the twenty-fifth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirty-fecond, and thirty-third years of the reign of his late majeftyKing George the Second, and by feveral fubfequent acts, confolidated, and fhall be deemed part of the faid joint ftock of annuities, fubject nevertheless to redemption by parliament, in fuch manner and upon fuch notice as in the faid act made in the twenty-fifth year of his faid late Majesty's reign is directed in refpect of the feveral and refpective annuities redeemable by virtue of the faid act; and that all and every person and perfons, and corporations whatsoever, in proportion to the money to which he, she, or they, fhall become entitled as aforesaid by virtue of this act, fhall have, and be deemed to have, a proportional interest and share in the faid joint stock of annuities at the rates aforefaid. XIX, And and the 4 per cents to the joint ftock of 4 per cents. Annuities of added to the annuities for 99 and 98 years. 8s. 6d. to be Annuities granted by this act to be paid out of the confolidated fund. XIX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all the monies to which any perfon or perfons fhall become entitled by virtue of this act, in refpect of any fum advanced or contributed towards the faid fum of eighteen millions, on which the faid annuity after the rate of four pounds per centum per annum fhall be attending, fhall be added to the joint ftock of annuities, transferrable at the bank of England, into which the feveral fums carrying an intereft after the rate of four pounds per centum per annum, were, by two acts made in the twentieth and twentyfirst years of the reign of his prefent Majefty, and by feveral fubfequent acts, converted, and shall be deemed part of the said joint ftock of annuities, fubject nevertheless to redemption by parliament in fuch manner, and upon fuch notice as in the said acts are directed in respect of the annuities redeemable by virtue of the faid acts; and that all and every perfon and perfons, and corporations whatsoever, in proportion to the money to which he, she, or they fhall become entitled as aforefaid by virtue of this act fhall have, and be deemed to have, a proportional interest and share in the faid joint flock of annuities, at the rate aforesaid. XX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That all the faid annuities, after the rate of eight fhillings and fixpence per annum, to continue for a certain term of fixty-five years and three months, from the tenth day of October one thou. fand feven hundred and ninety-four, and then to ceafe, to which any person or perfons, bodies politick and corporate fhall be entitled by virtue of this act, in refpect of any fum or fums of money advanced or contributed towards raifing the faid fum of eighteen millions as aforefaid, fhall be added to and made one joint stock with certain annuities which, by two acts made in the first and fecond years of the reign of his prefent Majefty, were granted and made payable at the bank of England, for the refpective terms of ninety-nine years, and ninety-eight years, from the fifth days of January one thousand seven hundred and fixty-one, and one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-two refpectively, and then to cease; and which faid refpective annuities were confolidated and made one joint ftock of annuities by divers acts, made in the reign of his prefent Majefty, and fhall be paid, payable, and transferrable at the fame time and times, and in like manner with the faid annuities granted by the faid acts; and fo much money fhall, from time to time, continue to be fet apart, and iffued at the receipt of the exchequer to the faid cafhier or cafhiers of the bank of England, as fhall be fufficient to fatisfy and pay fo much of the said annuities, after the respective rates of three pounds per centum per. annum, of four pounds per centum per annum, and the annuities hereby granted to continue for a certain term of fixty-five years and three months, from the faid tenth day of October one thousand feven hundred and ninety four, and then to ceafe, together with the charges attending the fame, out of the confolidated fund; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. XXI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Perfons coun- That if any perfon or perfons fhall forge or counterfeit, or cause terteiting re |