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for the annui

ftrictions in

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That His Majefty's and every the powers, precepts, directions, and claufes, to be letters patent ntained in his Majefty's letters patent to be made as aforefaid, ty to be good, the better and more certain payment and affurance of the faid notwithstandarly fum of fifty thousand pounds per annum, shall be, and are ing any rereby enacted to be good and effectual in the law, according to the laft mentenor and purport of the faid letters patent, to be expreffed, tioned act, twithstanding any restriction, or other matter or thing conned in the faid act of parliament, made in the first year of her e Majefty's reign, intituled, An act for the better fupport of her ajefty's household, and of the honour and dignity of the crown, and y mil-recital, non-recital, omiflion, or other defect, in the faid ters patent, in any wife notwithstanding.

VI. And be it further enacted and declared by the authority

refaid, That the faid yearly fum of fifty thousand pounds fhall Annuity to be paid to her royal highnefs, or to her ufe, or for her benefit, paid without fee. thout any fees or charges to be demanded or taken by the of ers of the exchequer, or any others, for payment thereof. VII. And, in order to prevent any doubts which might arise respectthe right of her royal highness the princess of Wales, in the event her furviving his royal highness the prince of Wales, to dower, any part of the perfonal eftate of his royal highness, over and ve the jointure hereby provided for her royal highness; be it


in bar of

cted by the authority aforefaid, That the acceptance by her Annuity to be al highnefs of the jointure herein provided fhall be, and be dower. med to be, a bar to any right or claim to dower, or to any

t of the perfonal eftate of his royal highness, in the event of furviving his royal highness.

VIII. Saving to all and every perfon and perfons, bodies poli- Refervation k or corporate, their heirs, executors, adminftrators, and of rights. gns, (other than the King's majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, other than to fuch perfon or perfons who do or may stand ed or poffeffed in truft for his Majefty, his heirs and fuccefs), all fuch right, title, intereft, and demand whatsoever, which y, or any of them, have or may have, of, in, to, or out of, the enues, rents, or duties aforefaid, or any part thereof respecely, before the making of this act, as fully and effectually, to intents and purposes, as if this act had not been made; this , or any thing therein contained, to the contrary notwithnding.


act for repairing the common fewer in New Bridge Street, Black Friars, in the city of London, or making a new fewer inftead of the defective part or parts thereof, and for maintaining and cleanfing he fame.









Paffed in the thirty-fifth Year of the Reign of King GEORGE III.;
in the Year of our Lord one thousand feven hundred and ninety-
five, being the fifth Seffion of the seventeenth Parliament of Greas
Britain, which began the thirtieth Day of December one thousand
feven hundred and ninety-four, and ended by Prorogation on the
twenty-feventh Day of June, one thousand feven hundred and

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Canals, Navigable.

TGrand Junction Canal to vary

O authorise proprietors of the

the course of part of the faid canal
in the county of Hertford, and for
amending and altering 33 Geo. 3.
c. 80. for making the faid canal.
Chap. 8.

2. For making a navigable cut from
the Grand Junction Canal in the
precinct of Norwood to Paddington
in Middlefex. Chap. 43..
3. To enable Francis duke of Bridge-
water to make a navigable cut from
his prefent navigation in Worley,
to Pennington, near the town of
Leigh in Lancashire. Chap. 44.
4. For making a navigable canal from
Southampton to the city of New
Sarum in Wiltshire. Chap. 51.
5. The like from the river Thames
or Ifis, at Abingdon in Berkshire, to

communicate with the Kennet and
Avon canal at Trowbridge in Wilt-
bire. Chap. 52.

6. For making a navigable cut from
the Stratford-upon-Avon canal, in
the parish of Lapworth, into the
Warwick and Birmingham canal, in
the manor of Kingswood, in War-
wickshire. Chap. 72.

7. For making and extending a navi
gable cut from Watford to Saint
Albans in Hertfordshire. Chap.
8. For making and maintaining a
navigable canal from and out c
the navigation from the Trent to
the Merfey near Stoke-upon-Trent in
Staffordshire, to Newcastle-under-
Lyme. Chap. 87.

Canada, Upper.

7,1751. for the civil establishment
there. Chap. 120.

Cape Breton, Iland of.

1,800l. for the civil eftablishment
of the island of Cape Breton in Am
rica. Chap. 120.

Cartlon House.

25,000l. for compleating Carte
Houfe. Chap. 120.


Carts with lefs than four wheels
trade, having the words, "A "axed
used principally in husbandry of
Cart" on them, to pay ros. a year, in

lieu of the duties by 25 Geo. 3. C.
47. and 29 Geo. 3. c. 49. and horks
drawing fuch carts not liable to any
duty. Chap. 109.

Chelsea Hofpital.

Hospital. Chap. 120.
149,8561. 15. id. for Chi

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Coffee and Cocoa Nuts.

1. See Excife. Chap. 13.

2. Commiffioners of excife in Great
Britain to provide warehouses
for lodging coffee and cocoa nuts,
and to appoint officers to attend
them. Chap. 118.

3. Officers of excife to mark casks
of coffee or cocoa nuts on board
fhips importing them, and if un-
fhipped before, they may be feized.
Same act, f. 10.

4. Within fourteen days after being
warehoused the coffee and cocoa
to be taken out of the cafks by
the importer and weighed, at
which time the damaged parts
may be feparated, &c. and im-
porters not complying with the-
directions of this act to forfeit 50%.
Same act, f. 11.


Duties impofed by 27 Geo. 3. c.
13. and 35 Geo. 3. c. 13. to ex-
tend to coffee and cocoa delivered
for home confumption out of ware-
houfes provided under this act.
Same act, f. 13.

6. Regulations for taking coffee and
cocoa out of warehouses, and it
may be delivered for home con-
fumption on production of certifi-
cates of payment of duties, and no
warehoused coffee or cocoa to be
delivered but in the intire cafk,
and not less than 112 pounds, and
warehouse rent of Is. a ton to be
paid before delivery of coffee or
cocoa. Same act, f. 14.
7. If coffee or cocoa be not taken

out of warehoufes within three
years, it may be fold for payment
of duties, &c. and rool. penalty
for obstructing officers or rescuing
coffee, &c. Same act, f. 21.

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