Preamble. 30, and CA P. IV. An act for enabling his Majefly to prohibit the exportation, and permit the importation, of corn, and for allowing the importation of other articles of provifion, for a limited time, without payment of duty.-[February 13, 1795.] HEREAS it appears from the general average prices of cer Wtain forts of com in that part of Great Britain callers of cer that his Majefty is not now authorised to prohibit the exportation of fuch forts of British corn from Scotland, nor to permit the importation of fuch forts of foreign corn into Scotland, pursuant to the powers in him vefted by two acts, one paffed in the thirty-first year of his 31 Geo. 3. c. prefent Majefty's reign, intituled, An act for regulating the importation and exportation of corn, and the payment of the duty on foreign corn imported, and of the bounty on British corn exported; the other, paffed in the thirty-third year of his present 33 Geo. 3. c. Majefty's reign, intituled, An act to amend an act, made in the 65, recited. thirty-first year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for regulating the importation and exportation of corn, and the payment of the duty on foreign corn imported, and of the bounty on British corn exported: and whereas it is expedient, under the prefent circumftances, that his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, fhould be authorised, by and with the advice of his or their privy council, for a limited time, to prohibit generally the exportation of any fort of corn, and of other articles mentioned in the faid acts, · from any part of this kingdom, and to permit generally the importation of the fame into any part of this kingdom, whatever may be the general average price of any fuch fort of corn or of oatmeal, and -further to permit the fame to be imported in Britifh fhips, or in hips belonging to perfons of any kingdom or ftate in amity with his Majefly, and navigated in any manner whatever, and to permit the fame to be taken out of warehoufe, without payment of any duty whatever: may it therefore pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's moft excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament aflembled, and by the authority of the fame, That, from and after the paffing of this act, and until the expiration of fix weeks from the commencement of the next feffion of parliament, it fhall and may be lawful for his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, and he and they is and are Britain, of any hereby authorifed, with the advice of his or their privy council, whatever may be the general average price of any of the faid and permit the importation of forts of corn or of oatmeal in England or Scotland refpectively, any foreign from time to time, when and as often as the fame fhall be judged corn, &c. duty expedient, to prohibit generally for a limited time the exporfree, as alfo the taking out tation, from England and Scotland refpectively, of any British or foreign wheat, rye, barley, beer, or bigg, peafe, beans, oats, or any meal or flour, or bread, bifcuit, or malt, made thereof, or any Indian corn or maize, or meal or flour made thereof, and fumption, &c. to permit generally the importation, into England or Scotland re His Majefty in council may prohibit the: exportation from Great wheat, &c. foreign corn from warehoufes for home con spectively, spectively, of any foreign corn or other articles as aforefaid, in any British fhip or veffel, or in any other fhip or veffel belonging to perfons of any kingdom or ftate in amity with his Majefty, and navigated in any manner whatever, without payment of any duty whatsoever; and alfo the taking out of warehouse for home confumption, of any fuch foreign corn or other articles as aforefaid, without payment of any duty whatsoever; and also the entering of any fuch foreign corn or other articles as aforefaid, which fhall have been imported into this kingdom on or before the first day of December one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, and fhall remain on shipboard unentered, without payment of any duty whatfoever; and in like manner to recal fuch prohibition or permiffion, either in part or in the whole, if circumftances fhall appear fo to require, any thing in the faid before-mentioned acts, or in any other act, or part of any act, to. to the contrary notwithstanding; and if any perfon fhall export, Penalty for or fhall load or lay on board any fhip or other veffel with intent exporting or to export, or if any perfon fhall import, any corn or other arti- importing cles as aforesaid, contrary to fuch prohibition or permiffion of contrary heres his Majefty, by and with the advice of his privy council, the perfon fo exporting, or loading or laying on board with intent to export, or the perfon fo importing the fame, fhall be liable and fubject to the like forfeitures and penalties, and the faid corn or other articles, and the fhip or vefiel in which the same shall be exported, or loaded or laid on board, or in which the fame shall be imported, fhall be fubject and liable to the like forfeitures, and in like manner to be fued for, profecuted, recovered, and difpofed, as if the faid corn or other articles were exported, or loaded or laid on board, or imported, contrary to the provisions of either of the faid two acts, paffed in the thirty-firft and in the Power to prothirty-third years of his prefent Majefty's reign: provided al- hibit exportaways, That the power hereby granted to his Majefty, his heirs tion not to exand fucceffors, with the advice of his or their privy council, to tend to foreign prohibit the exportation from this kingdom, of any fort of corn ported and or other articles as aforesaid, fhall not extend, or be conftrued warehoused to extend, to any foreign corn, meal, or flour, that fhall have agreeable to been imported and warehoused, in the manner and on the con- firft recited ditions mentioned in the before-mentioned act of the thirty-first act, not taken year of his prefent Majefty's reign, and fhall not have been taken confumption. out of fuch warehouse for home confumption. corn, &c. im out for home carrying coaft. II. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, That in every fuch His Majefty in cafe it fhall and may lawful for his Majefty, his heirs and fuc- council may ceffors, with the advice of his or their privy council, to permit permit the the carrying coaftwife, or carrying out, or the exportation, of wife, &c. the feveral forts of corn, or other articles as aforefaid, for all or corn, &c. for any of the purposes mentioned in the faid two acts paffed in the the purpofes thirty-first and thirty-third years of his prefent Majefty's reign, the recited or either of them, in like manner, and in the fame proportions acts, &c. and quantities, and from and to the fame ports and places as is allowed by the faid two acts, or either of them, at fuch times as any of the feveral forts of corn, or other articles as aforefaid, mentioned in Certain articles may be imported into Great Britain from any place, in Bri veffels belong. are prohibited to be exported, fubject to the like fecurities, conditions, regulations, and restrictions, forfeitures and penalties, as are by the faid two acts, or by either of them, in any fuch cafe required and impofed. III. And whereas it is likewife expedient, under the prefent circumftances, to permit, for a limited time, the importation of certain other provifions into Great Britain, in British hips, or in fhips belonging to perfons of any kingdom or fate in amity with his Majefty, and navigated in any manner whatever, without payment of any duty whatever; be it therefore further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That, from and after the paffing of this act, and until the expiration of fix weeks from the commencement of the next feffion of parliament, it shall and may be lawful to and for any perfon or perfons whatever to import into Great Britain, from tifh veffels, or any port or place whatever, in any British ship or vessel, or in ing to places any other fhip or veffel belonging to perfons of any kingdom or in amity with ftate in amity with his Majefty, and navigated in any manner his Majefty, whatever, any beans called Kidney or French Beans, tares, lentiles, duty free. callivancies, and all other forts of pulfe; and alfo bulls, cows, oxen, calves, sheep, lambs, and fwine; beef, pork, mutton, veal, and lamb, whether falted or otherwife; bacon, hams, tongues, butter, cheese, potatoes, rice, fago, fago-powder, tapioca, vermicelli, millet feed, poultry, fowls, eggs, game, and four-crout, without the payment of any duty whatever, at all times before the faid expiration of fix weeks from the commencement of the faid next feffion of parliament; any thing in any act or acts of parliament to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. made with the IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority Entry of fuch aforefaid, That a due entry fhall be made of all fuch beans called articles to be Kidney or French Beans, tares, lentiles, callivancies, and all other officer of the forts of pulfe; and of fuch bulls, cows, oxen, calves, sheep, cuftoms, on lambs, and fwine; beef and pork, veal, mutton, and lamb; penalty of for bacon, hams, tongues, butter, cheese, potatoes, rice, fago, fagofeiture. How penalties may be fued for and difpofed of. powder, tapioca, vermicelli, millet feed, poultry, fowls, eggs, game, and four-crout, that fhall be imported by virtue of this act, or any order in council made under the authority thereof, with the proper officers of the customs at the port into which the fame fhall be imported; and in default thereof, the fame shall be forfeited, and fhall and may be feized by any officer or officers of his Majefty's customs. V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That all penalties and forfeitures created and incurred by this act, (and not herein otherwife fpecially directed to be profecuted and re covered), fhall and may be fued for, profecuted, recovered, and difpofed of, in fuch manner, and by fuch ways, means, and methods, as any penalties incurred, or any goods, fhips, or veffels, forfeited for any offence againft the laws of customs, may now be legally fued for, profecuted, recovered, and difpofed of; and the officer or officers concerned in feizures or profecutions under this act fhall be entitled to, and receive fuch fhare of the pro duce duce arifing from the feizures as they are now by law entitled to upon profecutions of feizures for unlawful importation, and to fuch fhare of the produce arifing from any pecuniary fine or penalty, or compofition paid for any offence againft this act, as they are now by any law or regulation entitled to upon profecutions for pecuniary penalties. VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That If any fuch arin cafe any fuch beans called Kidney or French Beans, tares, len- ticles have tiles, callivancies, or other forts of pulfe; or bulls, cows, oxen, by Dec. 1, calves, fheep, lambs, fwine, beef, pork, veal, mutton, lamb, ba- 1794, and rebeen imported con, hams, tongues, butter, cheese, potatoes, rice, fago, fago- main on board powder, tapioca, vermicelli, millet feed, poultry, fowls, eggs, fecured in game, or four-crout, herein-before permitted to be imported warehouses, unentered, or without payment of duty, fhall have been imported into this they may be kingdom on or before the faid firft day of December laft, and fhall delivered for remain on fhipboard unentered, or fhall be lodged and fecured home conin any warehouse or warehoufes in this kingdom under his fumption, du Majefty's locks, the duties due by law not having been paid on fuch goods, it fhall and may be lawful for the proper officers of his Majesty's cuftoms in England and Scotland refpectively, during the continuance of this act, to deliver any fuch goods to the Importers or proprietors thereof for home confumption, without payment of any duty whatever, on a regular entry being first made for the fame, with the proper officers of the customs; any law, cuftom, or ufage, to the contrary notwithstanding. ty free. VII. Provided nevertheless, and be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That notwithstanding any thing contained His Majefty in this, or in any other act, it shall and may be lawful to and for in council his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, during the continuance of may prohibit this act, by and with the advice of his or their privy council, importation or permit the from time to time to prohibit, or from time to time to permit, of fuch artithe importation of any beans called Kidney or French Beans, cles, as may tares, lentiles, callivancies, and all other forts of pulfe; and of bulls, cows, oxen, calves, sheep, lambs, fwine, beef, pork, veal, mutton, lamb, bacon, hams, tongues, butter, cheese, potatoes, rice, fago, fago-powder, tapioca, vermicelli, millet feed, poultry, fowls, eggs, game, and four-crout, for fuch time or times, and in fuch manner, and under fuch reftrictions and regulations, as may be thought expedient and proper. be thought expedient. ders made in VIII. And be it further enacted, That copies of fuch orders Copies of oras fhall be made by his Majefty in council, for any of the pur- council to be pofes mentioned in this act, if made when parliament is fitting, laid before thall be laid before both houfes of parliament within three days parliament. after the fame fhall have been iffued; and if made when parlia ment is not fitting, then within fourteen days after the meeting of the next feffion of parliament. IX. ful to alter or repeal this prefent act, and every or any thing altered or reProvided always, and be it enacted, That it shall be law- Act may be therein contained, in this present feffion of parliament. CAP, pealed this Preamble. Men to ferve in the navy fhall be levied in England, in the proportions following, viz.. CA P. V. W An act for raifing a certain number of men, in the feveral counties in England, for the fervice of his Majesty's navy.[March 5,1795.] HEREAS it is expedient for the publick fervice, at the prefent conjuncture, that the most effectual measures should be adopted, for providing a speedy fupply of men to ferve in his Majesty's navy may it therefore please your Majefty that it be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament aflembled, and by the authority of the fame, That there fhall be levied, within that part of Great Britain called England, the dominion of Wales, and the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, in the feveral counties, ridings, and divifions, herein-after mentioned, fuch able-bodied men to ferve his Majefty in the navy of Great Britain, at fuch times, and in fuch manner, as is herein directed; and that the number of men to be levied by virtue of this act fhall be as follows; (that is to fay), For the county of Bedford, fixty-feven. For the county of Berks, one hundred and eight. For the county of Bucks, one hundred and feventeen. For the county of Cambridge, one hundred and twenty-fix. For the county of Chester, with the city and county of the city of Chefter, two hundred and forty-fix. For the county of Cornwall, one hundred and ninety-four. For the county of Dorfet, with the town and county of the town of Poole, one hundred and forty-two. For the county of Durham, one hundred and feventy-three. For the county of Gloucester, with the city and county of the city of Gloucester, and the city and county of the city of Bristol, two hundred and one. For the county of Hereford, one hundred and two. For the county of Hertford, one hundred and fourteen. For the county of Huntingdon, forty-five. For the county of Kent, with the city and county of the city of Canterbury, and fuch of the cinque ports as are fituate within the faid county of Kent, four hundred and forty. For the county of Lancaster, five hundred and eighty-nine. For the county of Leicester, one hundred and eighty-three. For the divifion of Lindley, in the county of Lincoln, with the city and county of the city of Lincoln, one hundred and ninetyone; for the divifion of Kefteven, in the faid county of Lincoln, ninety-three; and for the divifion of Holland, in the faid county of Lincoln, fifty-eight, For |