fix months next after the fact committed, and not afterwards, and fhall be laid in the county or place where the cause of complaint did arife, and not elsewhere; and the defendant or defendants in every fuch action or fuit may plead the general iffue, and give General iffue. this act and the special matter in evidence at any trial to be had thereupon; and if the jury fhall find for the defendant or defendants in any fuch action or fuit, or if the plaintiff or plaintiffs fhall be nonfuited, or difcontinue his or their action or fuit, after the defendant or defendants fhall have appeared, or if upon demurrer judgement fhall be given against the plaintiff or plaintiffs, the defendant or defendants fhall have treble cofts, and have the Treble cofts. like remedy for the fame as any defendant hath in other cafes to recover cofts by law. XLI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That this This act may at may be altered, varied, or repealed, by any act or acts to be be altered or made in this prefent feffion of parliament. repealed this feffion. uled. XLII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the forms of the proceedings relative to the feveral matters Forms in an contained in this act, which are fet forth and expreffed in the nexed scheSchedule hereunto annexed, may be ufed on all occafions, with dule may be fuch additions and variations only, as may be neceffary to adapt them to the particular exigencies of the cafe; and that no objec- No objection tion shall be made, or advantage taken, for want of form in any to be made for fuch proceedings by any perfon or perfons whatever. want of form. THE SCHEDULE To which this act refers. No. I. FORM of appointment of general feffions. To the juftices of the peace for the county (riding, er WHEREAS it is enacted, by an act, intituled, [here fet forth the title of the act], and paffed on the day of that the juftices of the peace acting in and for the county of them them by the faid act, in purfuance of notice to be given by the clerk of the peace, with the confent of two juftices of the peace, in any newspaper ufually circulated in the faid county of five days at the leaft before the day appointed for holding fuch court notice is hereby given that I clerk of the peace for the county (riding, or divifion) of at the of day of by virtue of the powers and in purfuance of the direction contained in that act, have appointed, and do hereby appoint, with the affent of A. B. and C. D. two of the juftices of the peace of the faid county, (riding, or divifion), a general feffions, to be holden the next enfuing, in the faid county, (ridhall there fituate, at the hour. in the forenoon of the fame day, for the purpofe of carrying the faid act into execution, and that I have in pursuance thereof directed this notice to be publifhed in the newspapers. ufually circulated in this county, ing or divifion), at the of called The (riding, or divifion), on the next ensuing, being meeting. day of days before the faid time of 4. B. { Clerk of the peace for the county of No. 2. FORM of appointment of number of men to be raised in the Several diftricts. To be annexed to the order to high conftable. AT the general feffions of the peace, held by virtue of an act, intituled, [Here fet forth the title of the att], on the day of at we, the juftices of the peace, in and for the county of affembled at the above feffions of the peace, do hereby appoint the number of men to ferve for the hundred of (or city, town, rape, lath, wapentake, or district), and also for each parifh, tything, or place, feparately fupporting its own poor, or extra-parochial place within the faid hundred, (or city, town, rape, lath, wapentake, or diftrict), within the county of as follows; videlicet, And who are refpectively to be raised on or before the day of day of of now next enfuing. Dated this No. 3. FORM of orders of the general feffions to the chief conflables, &c. To A. B. chief conftable of or To A. B. and C. D. conftables of To A. B. or (or conftables of the parishes of (where more than one are united). WE, A. B. C. D. &c. juftices of the peace, in and for the faid county, affembled at a general feffions, held by virtue of, and for the purpose of carrying into execution, an act, intituled, [Here fet forth the title of the act], do hereby require you to give notice to the churchwardens or overfeers of the poor of the parish [or tything of or name of place, as it may be, of the number of men appointed by us to be levied for the feveral parishes, tythings, or places, within your district, and of the time of raifing the fame, according to the lift hereunto annexed; and you are hereby required to make a return to the juftices of the peace in and for your diftrict, at the first petty feffions to be holden for the faid diftrict by virtue of the faid act, on the next following, being the day appointed for making returns of all matters and things done by you, according to the directions therein contained. Signed for and by order of the faid juftices, and according to the directions of the faid act. M day of FORM of the notice to churchwardens. To the churchwardens or overfeers of the parish of or of the feveral parishes, tythings, or places of have NOTICE is hereby given to you, that the juftices of the peace in and for the faid county, at a general feffions affembled under and by virtue of an act, intituled, [Here fet forth the title of the al, by their order, bearing date the day of appointed one man, (or men), to be levied and raised for the parish (or if two or more parishes, tythings, or places are added together, name the parishes, tythings, or places); and you are hereby required, immediately after receiving this notice, to call to of u gether gether the principal inhabitants of the faid next at a vestry to be held within the said (if more parishes, &c. than one, here infert the parish, &c. first named in the order of appointment), to take into confideration the moft fpeedy and effectual means of raifing the said man (or men) appointed to be raised for the faid in pursuance of the faid act, of which meeting you are to give two days publick notice in writing, by affixing the fame on the church or chapel door of your parish or place (or, if more than one) church or chapel doors of your refpective parishes or places, or if there is no church or chapel in your parish, (or place), then on the nearest church or chapel door, according to the form annexed: and you are hereby required to take notice, that fuch man (or men) is (or are) to be raised on or before the day of enfuing, being twenty-one days after the date of the faid order; and that as foon as you have agreed with any person to serve, you are to produce every fuch perfon before the officer appointed to regulate the admiffion of men into the naval fervice for your parish, and if he thall approve of him, you are then to caufe him to be brought before two or more juftices of the peace of your diftrict, to be examined; and in cafe the regulating officer fhall reject any person raised by you, and you shall think yourself aggrieved thereby, you are to give to him immediate notice of your intention to appeal to the juftices at the next petty feffions to be held in your district; and you are to make a return of all matters and things done by you and the inhabitants aforefaid, or any of you or them, in pursuance of the faid act, and according to the directions herein contained, to the juftices of the peace acting in and for the district of at a petty feffions to be in the year of our holden at enfuing. Dated this Lord on the day of day of A. B. chief conftable of No. 5. next FORM of notice to the principal inhabitants of any parish or place, or parishes or places united together. To the principal inhabitants of NOTICE is hereby given, that you are required to meet on next enfuing, at a veftry (or meeting) at to take into confideration the most speedy men) appointed and effectual means of raifing one man (or to at a general feffions of the peace holden on the be raised by you for the fervice of the navy, in pursuance of an act, intituled, [Here fet forth the title of the act], and so that such man (or men) be raised, approved of, and inrolled in his Majesty's fervice, service, on or before the day of now next enfuing, being the time appointed for raifing fuch man (or men). FORM of order for fixing the time of appeals. To the churchwardens and overfeers of the feveral parishes, tythings, and places, within the of of in the county (riding, or divifion) and to each and every of them. MAT the firft petty feffions held by virtue of an act, intituled, [Here fet forth the title of the act], for the purpose of receiving the returns of the churchwardens and overfeers of the poor of the parishes, tythings, and places respectively, within this hundred, (or rape, lath, or wapentake, as the cafe may be), touching the execution of the orders given them under the above act, it is ordered by the juftices of the peace, acting in and for the faid diftrict, attending the faid petty feffions, that all appeals of parishes, tythings, or places, within the said district, charged to raise men, under the above act, against the proceedings of regulating officers appointed under that act, who fhall reject any man or men raised by the faid respective parishes, tythings, or places, whereby fuch churchwardens or overfeers fhall be aggrieved, fhall and may be heard and determined on the day of next enfuing, and on until fuch appeals fhall be determined at following, before fuch juftices as fhall then and there meet to hear and determine fuch appeals. Given under our hands and feals, the day of in the year of our Lord No. 7. FORM of order of justices upon a difference or disagreement between two parishes or places. M WHEREAS complaint hath been made to us A. B. Diftrict of C. D. juftices of peace, in and for the faid county of M. acting in and for this diftrict, and affembled at a petty fesfions this day of in the year of our Lord that (here fet out the com plaint), we do hereby order that (here fet out the order), and that this order fhall be final and conclufive upon all parties. Given under our hands and feals, this of our Lord in the year day of |