charge within every parish, tything, or place, as equal and impartial as poffible; and that where the parifhes, tythings, or places, fo added together, fhall lie in different hundreds, rapes, laths, wapentakes, or diftricts, within the fame county, riding, or divifion, to direct in what hundred, rape, lath, wapentake, or diftrict, the fame fhall be confidered, for the purposes of this act; and the faid juftices, and alfo the juftices at their petty feffions, and all churchwardens and overfeers of the poor of the faid parishes, tythings, and places refpectively, fo added together, fhall proceed to raise the proportion of men, in like manner as if they had been originally charged upon one parifh, tything, or place; and the churchwardens and overfeers of the feveral parifhes, tythings, and places, fo added together, fhall act together in the execution of this act as if they were refpectively officers of one and the fame parifh, tything, or place; and that where there fhall be any extra-parochial place, or other place wherein no rate for the relief of the poor fhall have been made within the space of three years next before the paffing of this act, it fhall be lawful for fuch juftices at fuch general feffions to add been made for fuch extra-parochial or other place where no rates have been three years, to places adjoin- made as aforefaid, for raifing the quota of men by virtue of this ing thereto. act, to any parish, tything, or place adjoining thereto, and where and alfo extra parochial or other places where no poors rates hall have Parish officers acting fo together, to hold their meetings in the place named firft in the order of general fef churchwardens or overfeers fhall be appointed and shall act; and fuch churchwardens or overfeers of fuch other parish, tything, or place, fhall, for the purposes of this act, by virtue of fuch addition, be appointed to act, and shall act, as churchwardens or overfeers of fuch extra-parochial or other place where there are no rates as aforefaid; and in all fuch cases the churchwardens and overfeers acting together for fuch parishes, tythings, or places (whether parochial or extra-parochial), by virtue of this act, fhall hold their meetings under this act in the parish, tything, or place, which fhall be named first in such order of general feffions; and if any difference or difagreement fhall arife between the inhabitants or officers of any parish, tything, or place, or between the officers of different parithes, tythings, or places, touching the execution of this act, the juftices of the Juftices at petty feffions to peace or magiftrates, acting in and for the diftrict where fuch determine dif- difference or difagreement shall happen, shall at any petty feffions, ferences be- and they are hereby authorised, at the request or upon the complaint of any inhabitant of any fuch parifh, tything, or place, to hear and determine the fame, and make fuch order therein as to them shall seem meet, and fuch orders fhall be final and conclufive to all parties. fions. tween inhabi tants or parish officers. mcn or boun X. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority Fines for de- aforefaid, That where any fuch parifhes, tythings, or places fhall fault of raifing be added together as aforefaid, and any fine or fines fhall be adties to be pro- judged to be levied for default of raifing the proper proportion of portioned be- men, or any fum or fums of money agreed to be given as a tween places bounty or bounties to any man or men raised in pursuance added toge of this act, fhall be directed to be levied, fuch fine or fines, and ther, accordbounty or bounties refpectively, fhall be divided and appor tioned, habited houses tioned, as near as may be, between fuch parishes, tythings, and ing to the places refpectively, in fuch proportions as the number of inhabited number of inhoufes affeffed to and paying the faid duties in each parifh, tyth- affeffed in ing, or place, shall bear to each other; and the refpective juf- each. tices are hereby authorised and required to divide and apportion the fame accordingly. in that where in the church ftands, &c. of the north XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That The charge where any parifh fhall lie in two or more counties, ridings, or for raifing divifions, the charge impofed upon fuch parifh, for raifing men men in any parish lying in for his Majefty's fervice by this act, fhall be in the county, rid- two counties ing, or divifion, where the church belonging to fuch parifh is fhall be made fituated, and that such parish fhall, for the purposes of this act, be deemed part of the county, riding, or divifion; and the bounty or bounties to be levied (or in cafe any fine or fines fhall be levied of fuch parish for default in not raifing men for the purposes of this act, then alfo fuch fine and fines respectively) fhall be paid to the treasurer of fuch county, riding, or divifion. XII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That, Craike shall be for the several purposes of this act, the conftablery of Craike, deemed part which is a parcel of the county of Durham, furrounded by part riding of of the north riding of the county of York, shall be deemed to be Yorkshire; fituate within, and part of, the faid north riding; and that part of that part of the parish of Maker, which lies in the county of Cornwall, fhall Maker as lies be deemed to be fituate within, and part of, the county of Corn- in Cornwall, wall; and that the town and parish of Wokingham fhall be deemed part of that county; to be fituate within, and part of, the county of Berks; and that Wokingham, the township of Filey fhall be deemed to be fituate within, and part of the part of, the eaft riding of the county of York; and that Threap- county of wood fhall be deemed to be fituate within, and part of, the parish part of the Berks; Filey, of Worthenbury in the county of Flint; and that the parish of eaft riding of Saint Martin, called Stamford Baron, in the fuburbs of the bo- Yorkshire; rough and town of Stamford on the fouth fide of the waters called Threapwood, Welland, thall be deemed to be fituate within part of the county parish of part of the of Lincoln; and that the feveral towns and places herein-before Worthenmentioned, and deemed to be fituate within, and part of, the bury; and feveral counties, ridings, and places aforefaid, for the purposes Baron, part of this act, shall be fubject to the jurifdiction and authority of of Lincolnthe juftices of the peace and other officers of the respective fhire. counties, ridings, and places, within which fuch towns and places are hereby deemed to be fituate; any law, ufuage, or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding. Stamford XIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Parish officers the churchwardens or overfeers of the poor of every parifh, tyth- to call the ing, or place, to whom notice of fuch orders as aforefaid fhall be habitants toprincipal ingiven, thall, immediately after the receiving fuch notice, call gether, to together the principal inhabitants of fuch parifh, tything, or confider of place, to a veftry or other meeting, to take into confideration the the most efmoft speedy and effectual means of raifing the number of men of raifing appointed to be raised by them in purfuance of this act, of which men; meeting two days publick notice fhall be given in writing, by affixing the fame on the church or chapel door of every fuch parish, fectual means and, with ferve in the navy; and to make rates for the bounties, &c. parish, tything, or place, or where there is no church or chapel, then on the church or chapel door nearest thereto, fpecifying the caufe of calling fuch veftry or meeting; and it shall be lawful their confent, for the faid churchwardens and overfeers refpectively, with the to agree with volunteers to confent of the inhabitants of fuch veftry or meeting fo affembled, to agree with any perfon or perfons, fubject to fuch approbation or rejection as herein is mentioned, to enter as a volunteer or volunteers to serve his Majefty in the navy of Great Britain; and if any fuch churchwardens or overfeers fhall, pursuant to fuch confent, agree to give to fuch volunteer or volunteers any fum or fums of money, as a bounty or bounties for his or their engaging in fuch fervice, it fhall be lawful for fuch churchwardens or overfeers to make a rate upon the inhabitants of every fuch parifh, tything, or place, according to the rate then made for the relief of the poor; and where two or more parishes, tythings, or places, fhall be added together by virtue of this act, fuch rate shall be made generally for all fuch parishes, tythings, or places, fo added together, and fhall be divided and apportioned between them in fuch proportions as the number of inhabited houfes affeffed to and paying the faid duties in each fuch parish, tything, or place, fhall bear to each other respectively; which rates being published and approved of as rates for the relief of the poor are by law directed to be publifhed and approved of, it Parish officers fhall be lawful for fuch churchwardens or overfeers to collect, may reimand reimburse themfelves all fuch fum or fums of money as they burfe them. fhall have paid for fuch volunteer or volunteers as aforefaid, and the overplus (if any) fhall be applied, in like proportions as aforefaid, as part of the poor's rate; and all the like remedies, powers, rules, and methods, ufed, given, and applied, for afcertaining, levying, and collecting the rates for the relief of the poor, (except where other provifions are made by this act), hall be ufed, applied, and put in force, for afcertaining, levying, and collecting the rates to be made by virtue of this act, in all and every the parishes, tythings, and places, whether parochial or extra-parochial, charged with raifing men for fuch fervice as aforesaid, in as full and ample a manner as if the fame remedies, powers, rules, and methods, had been extended as well to fuch extra-parochial as parochial places, and were particularly fet forth in this act. felves money paid to volunteers. Power for collc&ing poor rates to extend to this act. of volunteers, XIV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the auJuftices may direct a third thority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful for the juftices of the peace, of bounties to before whom any perfon fhall be brought to be examined touchbe advanced, ing his confent to enter into the faid fervice, to direct any fum at the request not exceeding one third part of the bounty agreed to be paid to on their being him on his engaging to ferve, to be advanced to fuch perfon, or brought for to fuch of his family, and in fuch proportions, as he fhall request examination; at the time of his inrolment; and that the refidue of fuch bounty fhall be paid into the hands of the faid treasurer, there to remain until the fame fhall become payable to fuch perlon, on his being mustered on board any of his Majefty's fhips of war as herein is directed. and the refi due to remain in the hands of the treafurer till they are mustered on board. XV. And before the culars. XV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Volunteers to every perfon who fhall agree to enter himself as a volunteer in be brought fuch fervice as aforefaid fhall be produced before the officer or nearest reguofficers appointed to regulate fuch fervice at the neareft place of lating officer, rendezvous to any parish, tything, or place, for which fuch vo- and if approv lunteer fhall agree to ferve; and in cafe fuch officer or officers ed, before two juftices, fhall, on examination, approve of fuch volunteer or volunteers who fhall certo ferve his Majesty, then fuch volunteer or volunteers may tify their enforthwith be brought before two or more juftices of the peace tering, and acting in and for the district where any fuch parifh, tything, or certain parti. place, fhall be fituate; and in cafe it fhall appear to fuch juftices of the peace that fuch perfon of perfons hath or have voluntarily entered himself or themselves in fuch fervice, then fuch justices fhall, and they are required, forthwith to certify under their hands that fuch perfon or perfons hath or have voluntarily entered himself or themselves in the fervice of his Majesty's navy, fetting forth therein the place or places of the birth or lawful fettlement, age or ages, and calling or callings, of him or them refpectively, if the fame fhall be known; and fhall alfo, at the foot of every such certificate, enter the amount of the sums to be paid as a bounty or bounties to fuch volunteer or volunteers, on his or their entering into fuch fervice, and the fums (if any) Certificates to be delivered to which fhall be directed to be advanced to him or them at the time of his or their inrolment; and which certificates fhall be officer, who the regulating delivered to fuch regulating officer or officers, and the regulating fhall caufe the officer or officers hall thereupon caufe fuch perfon or perfons volunteers to refpectively to be inrolled in his Majefty's naval fervice. be inrolled. XVI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That in cafe the regulating officer or officers at the nearest place If regulating of rendezvous aforefaid fhall reject any perfon or perfons pro- officer reject duced before him or them as fuch volunteer or volunteers as the parish ofa volunteer, aforefaid, as unfit to ferve his Majefty, and the churchwardens ficers may ap or overfeers of any parifh, tything, or place, for which fuch per- peal to the fon or perfons fhall have been tendered to ferve, fhall think petty fellions. themselves aggrieved by fuch determination of fuch officer or officers, it fhall and may be lawful for fuch churchwardens or overfeers, on giving immediate notice to fuch regulating officer or officers of their intention, to appeal to the juftices of the diftrict wherein fuch parish, tything, or place, fhall be fituate, aflembled at the next petty feffions to be holden by virtue of Regulating this act; and fuch regulating officer or officers, on receiving officer, before fuch notice, fhall, and he and they is and are hereby required, peal, to write hearing apbefore the time of hearing fuch appeal, to fet down his rea- his reafons fons in writing for fuch rejection, which reafons, being pro- for fuch reduced before fuch juftices at fuch petty feffions, it fhall be jection. lawful for fuch juftices, on due confideration thereof, and on Justices order due examination of the perfon or perfons fo rejected, to give to be final. order therein, as in their difcretion fhall feem expedient, which orders fhall be final and conclufive to all parties; and in cafe If they re. fuch juftices fhall fee caufe to refcind the determination of fuch fcind the deregulating officer or officers, and fhall caufe to be delivered to termination of fuch the officer, and caufe to be delivered to him a cer. be inrolled. fuch regulating officer or officers fuch certificate as is hereinbefore directed, then fuch regulating officer or officers fhall forthwith caufe fuch perfon or perfons, fo raised and approved tificate, he of, to be inrolled in his Majefty's fervice as a volunteer or fhall caufe the volunteers; and the faid officer or officers fhall cause an entry volunteer to to be made, in fome book to be kept by him or them, of the names of volunteers or perfons inrolled by virtue of this act, Officer to en- and of the parishes or places of their last abode or lawful fetter the names, tlement, if they can be known, and of their ages and defcrip&c. of perfons inrolled in a tions, and fums paid on their account, and to whom the fame book, and to fhall be paid, and fhall caufe true copies or duplicates of fuch tranfmit du entries to be tranfmitted to the fecretary of the admiralty for the plicates to the time being, and which fhall be made in the form herein-after Tecretary to the admimentioned; and the parish, tything, or place, parishes, tythings, ralty. or places, for which fuch volunteer or volunteers fhall be fo inrolled to ferve, fhall be discharged in respect to fuch volunteer Places for which volun- or volunteers fo inrolled, unless fuch volunteer or volunteers teers are in- fhall afterwards, and before he or they fhall be entered in any of rolled, to be his Majefty's fhips or veffels of war as feamen, refpectively apdischarged in pear to be within any of the difqualifications in this act expressly respect of them, unlefs mentioned, and fhall be, by reafon of fuch difqualification, difthey appear to charged from fuch fervice, or otherwise taken out of the fame, bedifqualified then and in every fuch cafe the parifh, tything, or place, parishes, before being tythings, or places, fhall be liable to provide other fit and able men in lieu of those who shall so appear to be difqualified, to be raised in the manner directed by this act. entered. Parish officers to make returns of volunteers in XVII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That as foon as any perfon or perfons fhall be inrolled as fuch volunteer or volunteers as aforefaid, for any place or places, the churchwardens or overfeers of or acting for fuch place or places rolled to the hall make a return thereof to the juftices of the district, at their petty feflions. petty feffions to be holden next after fuch inrolment, specifying the name, the place of the birth or lawful fettlement, the age, and the calling of every fuch perfon, if the fame can be known, together with the amount of the fum or fums of money agreed Juftices to to be paid by way of bounty to every fuch volunteer, which shall caufe returns be verified on oath, (if required), and which oath fuch juftices to be deliver are hereby authorised to adminifter; and every fuch return fo ed to the clerk made, the faid juftices fhall caufe to be delivered to the clerk of of the peace, the peace of the county, riding, or divifion, to be inrolled at the to be inrolled at the feffions. feffions there, at the next general or quarter feffions to be holden for fuch county, riding, or divifion: and in cafe returns of the whole number of men appointed to be raised by and for any If returns of place or places fhall not be made to the juftices of the district number to be at fuch petty feffions, within the space of three weeks next after raised by any the fervice of notice of the order of general feffions for raifing place be not fuch number of men, it fhall and may be lawful for the justices of fuch petty feffions to fummon before them the churchwardens or overfeers of or acting for fuch place or places making fuch default; and in cafe it fhall not be made to appear by fuch churchwardens or overfeers, to the fatisfaction of such justices, the whole made to the petty feffions in a limited time, the juftices may that |