BY LINDLEY MURRAY, PHILADELPHIA, PUBLISHED BY BRADFORD AND INSKEEP, AND INSKEEP AND BRADFORD, NEW-YORK. T. & G. Palmer, printers. PREFACE. Helen A. Colhoun -gifs THE editor of the present work has often perused with pleasure, and he trusts with some degree of profit, "The Commentary on the Psalms," by Doctor Horne, Bishop of Norwich. This performance, he thinks, is eminently calculated to promote the general interests of piety and virtue, and the cause of Christianity in particular. But as it is contained in two large octavo volumes, it is not probably read so generally, or circulated so extensively, as its singular excellence deserves. To many persons, therefore, who have not much leisure for reading, and to young persons in particular, a selection of such parts of the Commentary, as are pecu (RECAP) 5228 .12 698074 liarly striking, pathetic, and instructive, will, it is presumed, be acceptable. Such a selection has been attempted in the following work; and, at the same time, particular care has been taken to exhibit as great a variety of duties, and of interesting matter, both in the Psalms and the Commentary, as could in so small a compass be introduced. Some of the extracts, in particular, present the most animated incentives to a grateful, devout, and obedient heart. They set forth, in exalted strains, the happiness of a good man, raised above the world, trusting in the care of heaven, and occupied in thanksgiv ings and praises to his Divine Benefactor, for all the blessings of his life. A frequent perusal of these pious and fervent aspirations could scarcely fail to elevate the mind of the reader; and to communicate a portion of that happy temper from which they proceeded. The editor is sensible that, in a literary point of view, the present selection has but a PREFACE. slender claim to public attention. But if it should lead young persons, as well as others, to admire, and to study more attentively, those beautiful and devout compositions, the Psalms of David; and, by the specimens now produced of the venerable prelate's work, should excite some readers to peruse the Commentary at large; the Selection will not be thought destitute of utility. Influenced by these views, the editor indulges a hope, that, however humble his performance may be, it will, under the Divine benediction, serve, in some instances, to cherish in the minds of his readers sentiments of love and gratitude to the Author of their being, and the source of all their blessings. Doctor Horne's Commentary will be recommended to many readers, by the very interesting account which he has given, of the pleasure and profit he derived from it, during the many years that he was employed in the work. And the editor does not know |