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how he could better conclude his preface, than by reciting, in the author's words, the paragraph which contains this pleasing ac


"And now, (says Dr. Horne,) could the author flatter himself, that any one would take half the pleasure in reading the following exposition, which he has taken in writing it, he would not fear the loss of his labour. The employment detached him from the bustle and hurry of life, the din of politics, and the noise of folly: vanity and vexation flew away for a season, care and disquietude came not near his dwelling. He arose, fresh as the morning to his task; the silence of the night invited him to pursue it; and he can truly say, that food and rest were not preferred before it. Every Psalm improved infinitely upon his acquaintance with it, and no one gave him uneasiness but the last; for then he grieved that his work was done. Happier hours than those which have been

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spent in these meditations on the songs of

Sion, he never expects to see in this world.

Very pleasantly did they pass, and moved

smoothly and swiftly along; for, when thus engaged, he counted no time. They are gone: but they have left a relish and a fragrance upon the mind, and the remembrance of them is sweet."

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