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Desires to be excused from naming a commander for the

northern army-Militia for that army.

To the New York Council of Safety, August 4th

Panic on Burgoyne's advance-Strengthening the northern

army-Little as yet done by the States affected-Arnold and
Lincoln sent on-No aid can be given from the south-False
reports of Burgoyne's force-Election of Clinton as governor.

To John Augustine Washington, August 5th

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The fleet sighted south of the Capes of Delaware-Necessity

of obtaining intelligence of the force left in New York.


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Action near Fort Schuyler-Indians and effect of reverses—

Efforts of the State commended - Troops at Bennington-
Morgan's riflemen sent to the north-Their characteristics-On
massing the troops in front of Burgoyne-Advantage of threat-
ening the enemy's flanks-Removal of the boats.

To Benjamin Franklin, August 17th.

Embarrassments caused by foreigners-Expedient to discour-

age their coming over, or to promise nothing.

To Benjamin Harrison, August 19th.

To the President of Congress, August 21st

British probably gone to the southward-Charleston the

object-How is the army to be employed ?-An attack on New
York desirable-Opinion of a council of general officers-Dis-
position of the northern army.

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The case of Troup-Court-martial ordered, but may not be
competent in the matter-The New Jersey militia-Abuse of
passports-Movements of the British-Troup's case once more.

To the President of Congress, September 3d

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Distress of the army for clothing and blankets-Directed to

levy contributions in Philadelphia-Horses.

Advance of the British and intentions of the American army

-Events of the week summarized-Deplorable situation of the
troops with respect to clothing-Strengthening Fort Mifflin-
Howe's acquisition of Philadelphia may prove his ruin.

To Major-General Putnam, September 23d

Reinforcements ordered down.

To Major-General Gates, September 24th.
Directed to send down Colonel Morgan's corps.

To Lord Stirling, September 25th


To John Parke Custis, September 28th

Renting dower lands in King William-Rule for determining

rental-Land and belongings to be appraised-Rent to have

some relative value to land and slaves.

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Intelligence from the northern army-Capture of the frigate


Attack upon British-Disposition of the brigades-Details of
the contest-Fog cut off the advantage gained-Almost a victory

To Sir William Howe, October 6th

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Movement of the British up the North River-Importance of

the Highland posts--Militia of New Jersey ordered to reinforce


Intended surprise.

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