He advised his friends to beware of self-conceitedness, as a sin that was likely to ruin this nation: And said, " I have written a book against it, which I am afraid " has done little good." Being asked whether he had altered his mind in controversial points, he said, "Those that please, may know my mind in my writings: And what he had done was " not for his own reputation, but the glory of GOD." I went to him with a very worthy friend, Mr. Mather of New England, the day before he died; and speaking some comforting words to him, he replied, I have " pain, there is no arguing against sense, but I have You are now ap 6 peace, I have peace. I told him, proaching to your long-desired home. He answered, "I believe, I believe." He said to Mr. Mather, " bless God that you have accomplished your business; "the Lord prolong your life." He expressed a great willingness to die; and during his sickness, when the question was asked, how he did, his answer was, "Almost well." His joy was remarkable, when in his own apprehensions death was nearest: And his spiritual joy at length was consummated in eternal joy. Thus lived and died that blessed saint. I have, without any artificial fiction of words, given a sincere short account of him. All our tears are below the just grief for such an invaluable loss. It is the comfort of his friends, that he enjoys a blessed reward in heaven, and has left a precious remembrance on the earth.' Thus far Dr. Bates. To this may be added from Mr. Sylvester a short account of his person. He was tall and slender, and stooped much: His countenance composed and grave, somewhat inclining to smile. He had a piercing eye, a very articulate speech, and his deportment rather plain than complimental. He had a great command over his thoughts. He had that happy faculty, so as to answer the character that was given of him by a learned man, dissenting from him, after a discourse with him; which was, 'That he could say what he would, ' and he could prove what he said.' It is impossible to read the account he gives of himself in his Reliquia without emotion. The sickness and languors he underwent almost from his childhood, and which he has so pathetically described, render it matter of admiration, that such a frame should hold out for seventy-six years, when, before twenty, he complained of a pramatura senectus, and all the symptoms of fourscore. The The stone which was generated in his kidneys, and which he sustained there above fifty years, is preserved in the British Museum. It is a large blue pebble, very much resembling the shape of a kidney itself. We cannot dismiss this memoir of so extraordinary a person, without affixing that memorial of gratitude which Dr. Bates renders for Mr. Baxter to Sir Henry Ashurst, Bart. his pious patron and frend. To the right worshipful, and his much honoured friend, Sir Henry Ashurst, Baronet. 'SIR, YOUR noble and constant kindness to Mr. Baxter living, and your honourable respect to him dead, have induced me to inscribe the following memorial of him to your name. He was most worthy of your highest esteem and love: for the first impressions of heaven upon your soul, were in reading his unvalued book of the Saint's Everlasting Rest. This kindled a mutual affection in your breasts: His love was directing, counselling, and exciting you to secure your future happiness: Your love was observant, grateful, and beneficent to him. The sincerity and generosity of your friendship was very evident, in your appearing and standing by him, when he was so roughly and unrighteously handled, by one who was the dishonour of this age's law, Chief Justice Jefferies, whose deportment in a high place of judicature was so contrary to wisdom, and humanity, and justice, that there need no foul words to make his name odious. Of this and your other favours Mr. Baxter retained a dear and lasting sense; and in his dying hours declared, that you had been the best friend he ever had. He has finished his course, and received his crown: His name will shine longer than his enemies shall bark. ' I cannot omit the mentioning, that Mr. Boyle and Mr. Baxter, those incomparable persons in their several studies, and dear friends, died within a short space of one another. Mr. Boyle was engaged in the contemplation of the design and architecture of the visible world, and made rare discoveries in the system of nature: Not for curiosity and barren speculation, but to admire and adore the perfections of the Deity in the variety, order, beauty, and marvellous artifice of the creatures that compose this great universe, Mr. Baxter was conversant in the invisible world: His mind was constantly applied to understand stand the harmonious agreement of the divine attributes, in the economy of our salvation, and to restore men to the image and favour of Gon. They are now admitted into the enlightened and purified society above, where the immense volumes of the divine wisdom are laid open, and, by one glance of an eye, they discover more perfectly the glorious and wonderful works of God in heaven and earth, than the most diligent inquirers can do here, in a thousand years' study, though they had the sagacity of Solomon. By the light of glory, they see the face of God, and are satisfied with his likeness for ever. It is a high honour to you, that Mr. Boyle and Mr. Baxter should by their last will nominate you amongst their executors. It was the saying of a wise Roman, • Malo divi Augusti judicium, quam beneficium: I had ra'ther have the esteem of the Emperor Augustus than his 'gifts:' For he was an understanding prince, and his esteem was very honourable to a person. That two, who so excelled in wisdom and goodness, should commit to your trust the disposal of their estates, for the uses of piety and charity, is a more noble testimony of their esteem of your prudence and inviolable integrity, than if they had bequeathed to you rich legacies. It is a satisfaction to me, that I have complied with Mr. Baxter's desire in preaching his funeral sermon, and with your's in publishing. I shall unfeignedly recommend yourself, your excellent lady and virtuous children, to the divine mercies; and remain, with great respect, SIR, • Your humble and faithful servant, JOHN FLAVEL. MR. JOHN FLAVEL was born in Worcestershire. He was religiously educated by his father, and, having profited well at the grammar schools, was sent early to Oxford, and settled a commoner in University College. He plied his studies hard, and exceeded many of his contemporaries in university learning. Soon Soon after his commencing bachelor of arts, Mr. Walplate, the minister of Deptford in the county of Devon, was rendered incapable of performing his office by reason of his age and infirmity, and sent to Oxford for an assistant; Mr. Flavel, though but young, was recommended to him as a person duly qualified, and was accordingly settled there by the standing committee of Devon, April 27, 1650, to preach as a probationer and assistant to Mr. Walplate. Mr. Flavel, considering the weight of his charge, applied himself to the work of his calling with great diligence; and being assiduous in reading, meditation and prayer, he increased in ministerial knowledge daily, so that he attained to an high degree of eminency and reputation for his useful labours in the church. About six months after his settling at Deptford, he heard of an ordination to be at Salisbury, and therefore went thither with his testimonials, and offered himself to be examined and ordained by the Presbytery there: They appointed him a text, upon which he preached to their general satisfaction; and having afterwards examined him as to his learning, &c. they set him apart to the work of the ministry, with prayer and imposition of hands, on the 17th day of October 1650. Mr. Flavel, being thus ordained, returned to Deptford, and after Mr. Walplate's death succeeded in the rectory. To avoid all incumbrances from the world, and avocations from his studies and ministerial work, he chose a person of worth and reputation in the parish, (of whom he had a good assurance, that he would be faithful to himself, and kind to his parishioners) and let him the whole tithes much below the real value, which was very well pleasing to his people. By this means he was the better able to deal with them in private, since the hire of his labours was no way a hindrance to the success of them. Whilst he was at Deptford he married one Mrs. Joan Randal, a pious gentlewoman, of a good family, who died in travail of her first child, without being delivered. His year of mourning being expired, his acquaintance and intimate friends advised him to marry a second time, wherein he was again very happy. Her name was Elizabeth Morrice. Some time after this second marriage, the people of Dartmouth (formerly under the charge of the reverend Mr. Anthony Hartford, deceased) unanimously chose Mr. Flavel to succeed him. They urged him to accept their call, 1. Because there were exceptions made against VOL. IV. E against all the other candidates, but none against him. 2. Because, being acceptable to the whole town, he was the more like to be an instrument of healing the breaches among the good people there. 3. Because Dartmouth, being a considerable and populous town, required an able and eminent minister, which was not so necessary for a country parish, that might besides be more easily supplied with another pastor than Dartmouth. That which made them more pressing and earnest with Mr. Flavel, was this: At a provincial synod in that county, Mr. Flavel, though but a young man, was voted into the chair as moderator, where he opened the assembly with a most devout and pertinent prayer: He examined the candidates who offered themselves to their trials for the ministry with great learning; stated the cases and questions proposed to them with much acuteness and judgment; and in the whole demeaned himself with that gravity, piety, and seriousness, during his presidency, that all the ministers of the assembly admired and loved him. The reverend Mr. Hartford, his predecessor at Dartmouth, took particular notice of him, from that time forward contracted a strict friendship with him, and spoke of him among the magistrates and people of Dartmouth, as an extraordinary person, who was like to be a great light in the church. This, with their having several times heard him preach, occasioned their importunity with Mr. Flavel to come and be their minister; upon which, having prayed over the matter, and submitted it to the decision of his neighbouring ministers, he was prevailed upon to remove to Dartmouth, to his great loss in temporals, the rectory of Deptford being a much greater benefice. Mr. Flavel being settled at Dartmouth by the election of the people, and an order from Whitehall by the commissioners for approbation of public preachers, of the 19th of December 1656, he was associated with Mr. Allen Gear, a very worthy but sickly man. thus divided betwixt them: Mr. Flavel was to preach on The ministerial work was the Lord's day at Townstall, the mother church, standing upon a hill without the town; and every fortnight in his turn at the Wednesday's lecture in Dartmouth. Here Gou crowned his labours with many conversions. One of his judicious hearers expressed himself thus concerning him: I could say much, though not enough, of the 'excellency of his preaching; of his seasonable, suitable, ⚫ and spiritual matter; of his plain expositions of Scrip'ture; his taking method, his genuine and natural de'ductions, |