OF THE LAW OF BILLS OF EXCHANGE, CASH BILLS, AND PROMISSORY NOTES. By SIR JOHN BAYLEY, KNT. ONE OF THE JUSTICES OF HIS MAJESTY'S COURT OF KING'S BENCH. THE FOURTH EDITION: WITH CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS. LONDON: PRINTED BY A. STRAHAN, LAW-PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY; FOR JOSEPH BUTTERWORTH AND SON, 43. FLEET-STREET'; J. & W.T. CLARKE, PORTUGAL-STREET; AND J. COOKE, ORMOND-QUAY, DUBLIN. 1822. P PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. THIS edition contains the cases since the last, and a new chapter upon the Forgery of Bills and Notes. THE profession has sustained a great loss in Mr. Barnes. He was a man of great promise, and most respected where best known: had he been living, this edition would have come from him; but his death, and other circumstances, have induced the original author to prepare and superintend this edition. BEDFORD-SQUARE, 1822. |