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you sustained, and from your absence and sufferings how much anxiety have I felt and how many tears has it cost me. But you are now released by the suffrages of the people and stand acquitted to your God, your country and your conscience if you never engage again. I feel the highest pleasure from the knowledge of your integrity and the certainty I have that the voice of popularity was never a stimulus to any one action of your life. You have justly despised the breath of the vulgar and looked with contempt on those selfish wretches who lie in wait for the applause of the multitude and court adulation from every servile lip.1

How often has the young gentleman who is the bearer of this agreed with me in sentiment that the reward of patriotism was not in this world, and as he is just setting out in the craggy path of political strife may he conduct so as to reap the laurels due to unblemished virtue. But some say he has entered at the wrong end of the dangerous labyrinth yet I cannot believe him so lost to the noble feelings of friendship and honour as to unite with the enemies of his country to undermine a man I know he cannot but esteem and who from personal regard and a generous confidence in his profession of Whiggism has long considered Mr. G. Thomas in the light of a friend.

You will perhaps think me a little chagrined at the late conduct of your townsmen but it is not heightened. I have long felt so much indignation and disgust for the ingratitude and baseness of your constituents (a very few excepted) that I could scarce bear the reflection that you were sacrificing the best comforts of life, your domestic felicity to support the interests of those who stood ready to repay your indefatigable labour with undeserved ex


I will now indulge the hope that your duty will not urge you in future to be much separated from your family, that we may shortly sit down in private tranquillity till Nature makes the last demand "when Conscience like a faithful friend Shall smooth the bed of death." I propose to go to Barnstable on Thursday. Shall spend the day with my father and when I return it will be in full

I Thomas Nicholson was chosen to represent Plymouth in the Great and General Court.

In addition to

expectation of meeting you in a day or two more. my wishes to see you and my purpose of returning with you I have still another weighty reason for urging your return next week as proposed. The meeting of this town for raising their quota of men by assignment stands adjourned to next Monday sevenight you will then have an opportunity once more to exert your abilities in favor of the wisest measures and if you think proper to thank people for the late marks of respect shown to a truly disinterested friend of his country.

Do you hear nothing from the Boston frigate. If Mr. Adams falls into the hands of foreign enemies he is to be pitied but less than those traduced by internal foes in the presence of friends who have not spirit enough to resent it. Don't you admire the late address of Congress; but it is not the same people they addressed three years ago so that I fear it will have but little effect. I hope to hear from you soon and be assured notwithstanding the caprice of woman, the instability of man and every deformity in which human nature is exhibited in modern times, you will ever have a faithful friend in your affectionate



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BOSTON, N. England, June 7th, 1778

MY DEAR SIR, We are yet in a State of Uncertainty whether you are Arrived in France or England, and Consequently whether you are now acting as an Embassador or suffering as Prisoner; all we know is that the last Ship from France brings no Account of you tho' you had been out seven weeks when she left Rockfort. The Enemy have Circulated a Report that the Boston was taken, and mention the Name of the Ship that Captured her:2 but I don't Incline to give Credit to it, and think there are reasons to doubt it. As I think myself Interested in the Event, I am anxious to hear of your safe Arrival. Nothing for several weeks has got in from any part of Europe tho' the winds have been remarkably I Journals of the Continental Congress, XI. 474. 2 Adams, Familiar Letters, 338.

favourable. Our Curiosity is therefore wrought up to a high Key to hear what is passing in Europe, whether there be a declaration of War between France and England and whether any other Powers have Acknowledged our Independence, and Concluded a Treaty with us. Thus stand matters with regard to foreign News; with regard to domestic News, I am Informed by my Friends at Congress that our Army is very respectable both with regard to Numbers and discipline. The Baron de Stubun has performed wonders in regulating the discipline of the Army. They are well Cloathed, and well provided with Provisions, Arms, and Ammunition, and Congress have determined that the Officers who serve to the End of the War shall receive half pay for seven Years, and the Soldiers have eighty dollars, which has given satisfaction to the first and Contentment to the last, and prevented both resignations and desertions, but no Operations of Consequence have yet taken place. The Enemy have made one or two Excursions which the Papers we shall send you will give an Account of, but were by our last Accounts Immured in Philadelphia, and preparing to leave it. Where they will next go is a Subject of Conjecture: some think they will leave the Continent, others that North River, Connecticut or this State is their Object. No Material Alteration in our Currency, it is rather better. Goods of all kinds are much more plenty, some are cheaper but they don't yet fall in proportion to the demand for money which is become very Considerable, and I think must in time have its Effect. The produce of the Country is yet Extravagantly dear and is the principal Cause of keeping down the value of our Currency. The Countrymen have so long had the Advantage of high prices that they don't feel the want of money so much as the Merchants and Tradesmen. Connecticut as well as some other States have passed a regulating Act which operates much as ours did. They are Nevertheless obstinate in Adhering to it, and have sent down a Committee to Induce our Court to come into the Measure. this Session many Members I hear are fond of it. It stands at present suspended for an Answer to a Letter wrote Congress. The Court met here and frighted with the Appearance of danger of the Small Pox, after Election Adjourned to Watertown, where they now are. The

Papers will Announce to you that I am no longer a Member of the General Court. My Town did not chose me, and the Court did not Compliment me with an Election at the Board, so that, were I dismiss'd from the Navy Board, I should be truly a private Man, and an Independent Farmer, and should be as Contented and satisfied with my situation as ever you saw one, for really I am Tired of public Life, tho' I was determined never to desert the Colours I helped to hoist. If you Enquire how all this came to pass I must tell you it is oweing to various Causes. The people feel themselves uneasy and don't know the reason, they have therefore shifted their Members more generally than ever. I scorned to make or suffer any Influence in my favour. The Tories and the Influence from Boston, and some other places had their full play, which are the reasons I am not in the House. The greater part of the Court] from Envy, and other reasons never loved me, and the Complextion of the House, Consisting of Members (the most Influential of them) whose politicks are very different from mine, and who are of the moderate Class which you know I never belonged to, may account for my not being Elected. But above all the partiality of my Friends which has rendered me Obnoxious to a Certain great Man,1 and his numerous party by holding me up to view in Competition with him, the Policy therefore has been to get me out of sight and prevent my being an Obstacle to his Glory and Ambition. The returns are not yet made from the several Towns of their Approbation or Disapprobation of the Form of Government sent to them, but I believe it is pretty Clear that the Majority have decided against it in much less time than the Convention took to decide in its favour. The Town of Boston (whose wise Observations you will see in the Papers) and the County of Essex have had a great Share, and Influence in this Determination, for you must know it has become very popular to find fault with the doings of the General Court or Convention, by those who can't mend them, and a little Clamour much more a great one may easily damn any measure good or Bad. The Great Man Tarried here till after Election, and then went off with the Pomp and retinue of an Eastern Prince. I was not in the List of 2 Boston Record Commission, xxvI. 22.

I Hancock.

his Attendants and was not Solicitous enough to officiously offer my service, and to receive that Honour. I suppose the Sin is unpardonable. I must suffer the consequences of his frowns, and be Content to be ranked among those who never Adulate and flatter. Your Friend Adams is at Congress. Gerry and Dana propose to return when Mr. Hancock and Doct'r Holton who is your Successor Arrive. This is the third Letter I have wrote you since your departure. I hope the others as well as this will reach you. This is to go by a packet that Carries public Letters for you and the other Commissioners or rather Embassadors, the Captain of which is to deliver them to you in Person, so that the danger of the Seas Excepted, the Opportunity is fine. I have accordingly Informed your Lady of it, and Expect her Letters in Tomorrow which I presume will Inform you that the Family are well. My Love to Master John, and believe me to be with Great Sincerity Your Assured Friend and Humble Serv't,



YORK TOWN, June 13, 1778

MY DEAR SIR, Since my last I have seen a List of the new Councillors and Representatives of our State. I am sorry to find that your Name is not in the List. I presume you declind the Choice, which I still very much disapprove of, for Reasons you have before heard me mention.

By the inclosd News Paper you will see that the Scene begins to open. You may depend upon it that Congress will not attend to any Propositions until Independence is acknowledgd. The Day before yesterday, we were informd by a Letter from General Washington that Sr. H. Clinton had requested a Passport for Dr. Ferguson,1 Secretary to the British King's Commissioners, who was chargd with a Letter from them to Congress; and that he had acquainted Sr. Harry that he could not grant the Request till he should receive the Directions of Congress. In the Midst of a 1 Adam Ferguson (1723-1816).

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