1 3 1) TO THE READER. THE substance of the following attempt to relieve discouraged christians, was delivered in a sermon at an annual association, held at Northampton, May 26, 1779, and was by the Ministers and Messengers of the churches desired to be printed. But most of the said Ministers, and many of my friends, apprehending afterwards that the great variety and vast importance of the subjects attended -to, would not admit of their being properly treated in so small a compass as that of a sermon, they requested that the plan might be enlarged, and the ideas expanded; and advised to print it by subscription. This proposal I could not immediately comply with, as it materially differed from, and greatly exceeded, what was at first desired; and therefore I resolved not to publish in any form, till the sense of the associate brethren could be taken. Accordingly at their next annual meeting, I gave my reasons why I had not complied with their request; of which they approved, and earnestly desired the last-mentioned plan might be adopted and pursued. I should not perhaps have mentioned the above, only for the satisfaction of those who have complained of the long delay. Being in a state of entire suspense for one year, and waiting to collect the names of subscribers afterwards, were the chief, though not the only reasons of the publication being postponed; for various providential occurrences have contributed to the delay. |