ties of this little island,* and was surrounded by the most powerful states on every side ; should, I say, exist, distinct and separate, in political and religious laws and statutes, when other nations and kingdoms, more numerous, extensive and powerful, had changed names and government often, in a less tract of time than fifteen centuries? Who among all the ancient lawgivers gave their people an injunction, not to hate their enemy, neither Edom, the house of Esau, nor an Egyptian, under whom they had groaned with the heaviest yoke of servitude and oppression; and with a reason added, because the judgments of the Lord God on both would pass away in the third generation (a time limited, whatever it signify) and "the children begotten of them, shall enter the congregation or church of the Lord," Deut. xxiii. 7. The dis. obedience of this people to such lessons, be to their own shame, and confusion: However, few believers, or unbelievers, knowing themselves thoroughly, will cast a stone even at them. Who, without the command of the all-comprehensive mind and eye of the most high. God, could foretel, that when the true Joseph, one chosen in old time out of the brethren, beloved of his father above all his children, should appear in the form of the flesh of Sin, as the apostle speaks," that his brethren should hate him, and the archers sorely grieve him, and shoot at him, sell him,and crucify him," while his hands * Great Britain. were dealing out blessings in the most benefi cent miracles of love and kindness, yet of a superior nature to those he himself had done? Gen. xlix. 22, 23, 24. The creation of bread and fishes, as well as the raising of the dead by his word, were more illustrious proofs of power, given him over all things. Who attempted to establish such an agrarian law, as I may call it, in a political view, as the year of jubilee, when the restitution of lands under mortgage, and a temporary disinherison, were to return back to the families? Under this kind institution, as a barrier against covetousness, strongly rooted in corrupt nature, the noblest blessings were prefigured; but these I touch not, observing only, that in this people the picture of mankind, under all forms and colors of good and evil, appear delineated! though pride and ignorance of ourselves may dispose us to confine it. Lastly. Who promised the restitution of those wicked nations, which were cut off by the sword of the Lord, save Moses? Yet is he of late, in particular, insulted as a man of blood and cruelty-by such only however, who are to tally ignorant of the judgments of the Lord, and of the the two-edged sword out of his mouth, killing flesh and quickening spirit. "To Shiloh shall be the obedience of the people," Gen. xlix. 10. To Moses was given the full knowlege of the great name; in which he has taught us, how far the mercies of the Lord extended ond his judgments; showing the first, to flow through a thousand generations, and his visitations unto the third and fourth of sinners, Exod. xxxiv. 6. Whatever time the third and fourth generation may comprehend (though the word generation is not expressed in the Hebrew) it shews what the light of nature never knew, nor could ascertain; that judgment must pass over into mercy, and there rest forever. What finite mind, says Lord Bolingbroke, can comprehend the workings of an infinite mind? Never was any thing better said to humble man, and to keep reason within the proper bounds of deference to revelation; not to subject it to man, which is too much done, but to God, which is too little attended to. What will short-sighted man affect to deny, that the visitations and judgments of the Lord are not absolutely necessary to correct and amend the more stuborn and hardened sinner : as Nebuchadnezzar, at the end of his seven times, restored to his reason, the glory of his kingdom, to his honor and his brightness, says, "Now I praise and extol, and honor the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways are judgment; and those that walk in pride, he is able to abase," Dan. iv. 36, 37. Thus will all the judgments of the Most High finish in the praise of those who have passed through them, into greater happiness and glory in the conclusion. R. C. Prince EUGENE's Prayer. O MY God! I believe in thee : do thou strengthen my belief-I hope in thee: do thou confirm my hope-I love thee: vouchsafe to redouble my love-I am sorry for my sins: O increase my repentance. I adore thee, as my first principle; I desire thee, as my last end: I thank thee, as my perpetual benefactor; I call upon thee, as my supreme defender. My God! be pleased to guide me by thy wisdom, rule me by thy justice, comfort me by thy mercy, and keep me by thy power. To thee I dedicate all my thoughts, words, and actions; that henceforth I may think of thee, speak of thee, act according to thy will, and suffer for thy sake. Lord! my will is subject to thine, whatever thou willest; because it is thy will. I beseech thee, to enlighten my understanding, to give bounds to my will, to purify my body,to sanctify my soul. Enable me, O my God! to reform my past offences, to conquer my future temptations, to reduce the passions that are too strong for me, and to practice the virtues that become me. O, fill my heart with a tender remembrance of thy favors, an aversion for my infirmities, a love for my neighbor, and a contempt for the world. Let me also remember to be submissive to my superiors, charitable to my enemies, faithful to my friends, & indulgent to my inferiors. O God! help me to overcome pleasure, by mortification; covetousness, by alms; anger, by meekness; and lukewarmness, by devotion. O, my God! make me prudent in undertakings, courageous in danger, patient under disappointment, and humble in success. Let me never forget, O Lord! to be fervant in prayer, temperate in food, exact in my employs, and constant in my resolutions. Inspire me, O Lord! with a desire always to have a quiet conscience, an outward as well as inward modesty, an edifying conversation, and a regular conduct. Let me always apply myself to resist nature, to cherish grace, to keep thy commands, and to become meet for heaven. My God! do thou convince me of the meanness of the earth, the greatness of heaven, the shortness of time, and the length of eternity. Grant, that I may be prepared for death; that I may fear thy judg ment, avoid hell, and obtain paradise: For the. sake and merits of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. U |