PHILIP III. King of Spain, (grandson to the former) reflecting on the life he had led, cried out upon his death-bed; "Ah! how happy were I, had I spent these twenty-three years, during which I have held my kingdom, in the service of my Maker. My concern is now for my soul, not my body!" SIR JOHN MASON was privy-counsellor to four princes, and an eye-witness of the various vicissitudes of his time. Towards his latter end, being on his death-bed, he called his clerk and steward; and spoke thus to them-" Lo, here have I lived to see five princes, and have been privy-counsellor to four of them. I have seen the most remarkable observeables in for eign parts, and been present at most transactions, for thirty years together and I have learned this, after so many years experience; that seriousness is the greatest wisdom, temper ance the best physic, and a good conscience the best estate: And were I to live again, I would change the court for a cloyster, my privy-counsellor's bustle for an hermit's retirement, and the whole life I lived, in the palace, for an hour's enjoyment of God, in the chapel. All things else forsake me, besides my God, my duty, and my prayers." THE renowned John Locke, wrote as follows to his friend Anthony Collins, to be delivered him after his decease-"I know you loved e when living, and will preserve my memory when I am dead: All the use to be made of it is, that this life is a scene of vanity, which soon passes away, and affords no solid satisfaction, but in the conciousness of doing well, & in the hopes of another life. This is what I can say upon experience, and what you will find to be true when you come to make up the account. Adieu! I leave my best wishes with you." HUGO GROTIUS, of whom these latter ages think they have not had a man of more universal knowledge, witness his annals, his book De Jure Belli, &c. He winds up his life and choice in this remarkable saying, which should abate the edge of other men's inordinate desire after what they falsely call learning, namely: "I would give all my learning and honor for the plain integrity of John Urick," who was a religious poor man, that spent his whole time in labor, contemplation, and prayer. And to one that admired his great industry, he returned this by way of complaint: Ah! I have con sumed my life in laboriously doing nothing And to another, that enquired of his wisdon and learning, what course to take? he solemn ly answered, Be serious. Such was the sens he had, how much a serious life excelled, an was of force towards a dying-hour. AND we may add, that, not only the ancien Philosophers, Kings, and Statesmen have foun the importance of RELIGION, in a dyin hour; but it is found by experience, to worth as much now as it ever was. CAPT. CHRSTOPHER ORMSBEE, who departed this life April 17, 1803, spake to a friend, who stood by him, a few days before his death, saying, "Religion is good on a death-bed, if at no other time." The PHILADELPHIAN CHURCH, in London. THIS Christian Society is instituted to edify and establish the Members thereof in the Doctrines and Precepts of the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make them wise unto Sal vation:" To promote their "Growth in Grace, and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" To "shew forth the Lord's Death, till he come :" And to commemorate and promulgate his Love, in" giving himself a ransom for ALL, to be testified in due time :" and in "Having made Peace by the blood of his Cross, to reconcile all things to himself; whether things in Earth, or things in Heaven-fully and completely to be accomplished by the Restilution of all Things, which GOD has spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets, since the world began." With a view to these ends, the Church receives into its fellowship, all persons who believe in Jesus Christ, and seek the salvation of their souls:-Leaving the different modes of T participating of the ordinances of the gospel, to every one's conscience; and likewise giving each the free liberty of communicating with any other christian community. It therefore invites into its communion all Christians who are not attached to party or dcnomination, and who are desirous of promoting the Universal Interest of our glorious Redeem er. And it is also ready to lend assistance to those whom distance of situation may prevent uniting with it; and who may be disposed to form societies on the same principles, and for the same ends. IF thou art engaged in the work of the Lord, thou needest all the instruction thou canst get; and therefore I recommend the following rules. 1. A renunciation of all sin, a rejection of self-righteousness, and a sole dependence on the sufficiency of Christ, are all essential to Religion, which thou must ever have in view. 2. A Christian and a Preacher, are two charoters. A man may be a good christian and a d' preacher; but a man cannot be a good preacher and a wicked christain: It is therefore necessary that a preacher should take heed to himself and to his doctrine. 3. A constant communion with God, is as much the life of preaching, as money is the nerves of war. 4. It is vain for a preacher to expect religion abroad, without he lives a holy life at home; or to expect the presence of God in preaching in public, without he seeks it earnestly in pri vate. 5. Reading, hearing, meditating, watching and praying, are the means of living in the light, life, and love of God; and to expect that enjoyment without that care, is as vain as to expect a crop without labor. 6. Never affect the gestures, accent, or manners of any man, (any farther than they tend to virtue) for the wise God has made men to act themselves in his work, without mimicking each other. He that strives to preach, pray, and behave like another, is like the men who attempted to cast out devils in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preached. 7. Never be too much elated when you have had great liberty in preaching, or been much owned of God in winning souls to the truth, lest you grow proud and unwatchful; nor be too much dejected when these blessings are with-held, lest you grow discouraged in the work of the Lord. 8. He that cannot bear praise, without growing proud of it; cannot bear reproach, without |