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Acts and Proceedings

Of the General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church in North America, convened in the City of Philadelphia, on Wednesday the sixth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven. The Session continued from the sixth to the thirteenth day of June inclusive.



Opening of Synod.

The Synod was opened with prayer by the REV. JOHN LUDLOW, the President of the last General Synod; who preached a sermon in the evening of the first day of the Session, from Acts iv. 32.


Members present.


1. From the Classis of New-York.

Reverend Nicholas I. Marselus, Eli Baldwin, and Alexander Gunn, D. D.*

Elders, Abraham Van Nest, John I. Labagh, and Everardus Warner.

* Took his seat on the fourth day of the Session.

2. From the Classis of New-Brunswick.

Rev. James B. Hardenbergh, Samuel A. Van Vranken.

Elders, Leffert Lefferts, Thomas Letson.

3. From the Classis of Bergen.

Rev. Staats Van Santvoord, Gustavus Abeel, and James G. Ogilvie.

Elders, Tunis Garrabrants, Charles Board.

4. From the Classis of Paramus.

Rev. Wilhelmus Eltinge, Benjamin C. Taylor, and Jefferson


Elder Richard Ackerman.

5. From the Classis of Long-Island.

Rev. William Crookshank, Stephen H. Meeker,* and Henry Heermance.

Elders, Abraham Terhune and Singleton Mitchell.†

6. From the Classis of Philadelphia.

Rev. Gilbert R. Livingston, Jacob C. Sears, Jacob Larzelere.
Elders, George W. Mentz, Frederick Erringer, and Aaron Feaster.

7. From the Classis of Poughkeepsie.

Rev. Herman Vedder, Cornelius C. Cuyler, and Cornelius D. Westbrook.

Elders, Nicholas Miller, Lawrence I. Van Kleeck, and Cornelius C. Van Wyck.


1. From the Classis of Albany.

Rev. Samuel Kissam, Robert Bronk, and Isaac Ferris.
Elders, Stephen Van Rensselaer, John Schuyler, Jun.

* Resigned his seat to the Rev. Ebenezer Mason, his secundus, on the sixth day of Session.

+ Obtained leave of absence after the fifth day of the Session.

Resigned his seat to Rev. Peter Labagh, his secundus, on the second day of Session.

Obtained leave of absence on the sixth day of Session.


2. From the Classis of Rensselaer.

Rev. Richard Sluyter, A. Henry Dumont, and Isaac N. Wyckoff. Elders, John G. Philip, James Philip.

3. From the Classis of Ulster.

Rev. James B. Ten Eyck, Abraham D. Wilson.*

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4. From the Classis of Washington.

Rev. Jacob D. Fonda,† Isaac P. Labagh.

Elders, Simon De Ridder, Asahel Morris, * and Joseph Southworth.*

5. From the Classis of Montgomery.

None appeared.

6. From the Classis of Schoharie.

Rev. John H. Van Wagenen, John F. Schermerhorn.

Elder Jacob Salisbury.

7. From the Classis of Schenectady.

Rev. Robert J. Blair, John B. Steele.

Elders, Jacob Swits, Douw A. Fonda.

8. From the Classis of Cayuga.

Rev. John A. Yates,§ Abraham Messler.

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The Rev. Professor De Witt was present during a part of the Sessions of Synod.

* Took their seats on the second day of the Session.

+ Obtained leave of absence on the seventh day of the Session.

† Obtained leave of absence after the eighth day of the Session. Obtained leave of absence after the fourth day of the Session.



Rev. Cornelius C. Cuyler was chosen President.

Rev. Cornelius D. Westbrook was chosen Adsessor.

Rev. James B. Hardenbergh, and Benjamin C. Taylor were chosen Clerks pro tem.


Reading of Minutes.

The Minutes of the last Annual Session of the Synod were read.

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The following Committees were appointed :

On the Professorate. Rev. Wilhelmus Eltinge, Samuel A. Van Vranken, and Cornelius D. Westbrook, and the Elders, Stephen Van Rensselaer and Abraham Van Nest.

On Synodical Minutes. Rev. Samuel Kissam, Herman Vedder, and A. Henry Dumont, and the Elders, John Schuyler, Jun., and Leffert Lefferts.

On Correspondence. Rev. G. R. Livingston,* Robert Bronk, and William Crookshank, and the Elders, Jacob Swits and Frederick Erringer.

On Missions. Rev. Isaac Ferris, Eli Baldwin, and John F. Schermerhorn, and the Elders, Simon De Ridder and L. I. Van Kleeck.

* Rev. Peter Labagh was substituted in the place of Rev. G. R. Livingston, after he had resigned his seat.

On the State of Religion. Rev. Isaac N. Wyckoff, G. R. Livingston,* and John B. Steele, and the Elders, C. C. Van Wyck and G. W. Mentz.

On Overtures. Rev. Jacob D. Fonda, Jacob C. Sears, and Staats Van Santvoord, and the Elders, Singleton Mitchell and James Philip. Resolved, That a Standing Committee, to be called the Committee of Finance, be added to those usually appointed by General Synod at its regular meetings, to whom shall be referred all accounts submitted to the Synod; and that the Stated Clerk introduce a new Lemma, where the Reports of such Committee may be entered.

The following were appointed the Standing Committee on Finance, Rev. Isaac Ferris, Stephen H. Meeker, and the Elders, Frederick Erringer, Douw A. Fonda, and Abraham Terhune.



The Committee appointed to procure Agents, to take up subscriptions and donations in aid of the Theological Seminary in the Classes of Long-Island and New-York, presented the following report.

The committee for the Classes of Long-Island and New-York to procure agents, to take up subscriptions and donations in aid of the Theological Seminary, state to Synod that they have endeavoured to attend to the duties of their appointment, as far as circumstances would admit. For the result as to the Classis of Long-Island, the Synod is referred to the report of the Rev. Messrs. Strong and Crookshanks herewith presented, who were appointed agents for that Classis. The committee likewise appointed agents for the Classis of New-York, from whom no returns have been made.

New-York, June 4, 1827.

W. MMURRAY, Chairman.

The following is the report above referred to

The undersigned, appointed Agents for the Classis of Long-Island by the Committee of General Synod, " to procure agents to take up

* Rev. Gustavus Abeel was substituted in the place of Rev. G. R. Livingston on the second day of Session.

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