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stances which placed him thus were beyond his control, and as service for that time was faithfully rendered, it seems but just to your Committee that the usual compensation should be made to him. Therefore,

Resolved, That the Rev. James E. Quaw be referred to the treasurer of the Missionary Society, to obtain the usual compensation for six months of missionary service.

With regard to the claim of the memorialist for services rendered in sundry churches within the bounds of the Classis of Montgomery and the Classis of Washington, it is the opinion of the Committee, that the memorialist, seeing he was not under commission at the time, should be referred to the consistories of those churches for the compensation required.

All which is respectfully submitted,


The Committee on Missions having reported double the number of persons from whom to elect an individual to preach the Annual Missionary sermon, the Synod proceeded to the election, when the Rev. Isaac Ferris was chosen the primarius, and the Rev. Isaac N. Wyckoff secundus.

Resolved, That Rev. Thomas M. Strong, John Ludlow, and B. С. Taylor, and the Elders A. Van Vechten, and Peter D. Vroom, Jun. be a committee to devise measures for the payment of the salary of the general agent, and for his future support.

The committee reported, and their report was adopted, and is as follows:

The Committee appointed to devise ways and means for the payment of the deficiencies in the last year's salary of the general agent, and also for his support for the current year, report the following resolutions for the adoption of Synod :

1. Resolved, That the Board of Missions of the Synod, use their best exertions to raise the salary for the coming year by private subscription.

2. Resolved, That the Board of Missions be directed to pay threefourths of the balance of the agent's salary for the last year, and the Education Board one-fourth of the same.

By order of the committee.



Widows' Fund.

Nothing occurred.



The communication containing the bequest of the Rev. Elias Van Benschoten was read.

The stated clerk laid before Synod a manuscript index of all the printed minutes of the General Synod-whereupon it was

Resolved, That the Rev. Mr. Strong be authorized to print said index in a pamphlet form, as an appendix to the Minutes, and that the thanks of the General Synod be presented to him for his services in preparing the same.

The following report was received from the stated clerk, and referred to the Committee on Accounts.

The undersigned, appointed by the General Synod, in June 1829, to take measures for the collection of the arrearages due from the several Classes for copies of the printed Minutes furnished to them, would respectfully report ;

That as early as possible he communicated with the respective Classes on the subject-from some of whom replies have been received, and payments been made. As however it is not specified in the payments from the several Classes whether the money was intended to liquidate arrears, or to defray the expenses of the current year, the clerk has thought fit to submit to Synod a report of the amount of dues from the Classes which have accrued for Minutes received since June 1829, together with the arrears then claimed by the Synod, with the


payments from the same, and the whole amount now due from each of the Classes.

Certain mistakes appear to have been made in relation to the accounts with the Classis of Paramus. From a report of a committee of that Classis on the subject, it would appear that they consider themselves only in arrears for the Minutes of the Synod for 1822; but as their questor for that year has joined the secession, and is beyond the control of the Classis, and has taken with him the funds of the Classis in his hands, they would submit to the Synod whether the Synod will require them to demand again the said amount from the churches. Presuming that under these circumstances the Synod will relinquish their claim, and as the Classis possess vouchers for the payment of the amounts due for the other years, the amount of arrears stated as due from them in 1829 is not specified in the annexed schedule.

The following is the account above referred to with the respective Classes :

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The following preamble and resolutions were submitted and adopted: Whereas, the Synod at its session in 1830, decided to sustain the appeal of the Classis of Long Island taken from the decision of the Particular Synod of New York, transferring the congregation of Bushwick to the South Classis of New York, and,

Whereas, the Particular Synod of New York has directed a second transfer of the above-mentioned church to be made, previous to the report of the committee which General Synod had appointed to adjust the difficulties existing between the consistory and Classis, and,

Whereas, it has been stated to this Synod, by the delegates from the Classis of Long Island, that the Classis did not appeal from the lastmentioned decision, because it was conceived that the whole matter was still open for the final adjustment of General Synod, when the report of their committee in the case had been received. Therefore,

Resolved, That the late decision of the Particular Synod of New York in this case be for the present overruled, and that the consistory of the Church of Bushwick, if they have any new ground for an application of transfer, be directed to pursue the ordinary constitutional forms anew to obtain it.

Resolved, That a certified copy of the above preamble and resolutions be furnished by the stated clerk to the consistory of the Church of Bushwick.

Resolved, That the stated clerk be directed to issue from the press, as soon as possible, the report of the Committee on the State of Religion, and the Pastoral Letter to the churches, certified by the president and stated clerk of General Synod.

Resolved, That General Synod gratefully receive the offer of Col. Henry A. Livingston, to put the lectures of his late venerable father at the disposition of this body, and that the Rev. C. C. Cuyler, D.D., M. W. Dwight and the Elder John V. B. Varick, be authorized to receive the same, and report to the next General Synod what disposition of them shall be made.

The Synod took up the report of the committee on the papers of Mr. William Schuneman, the consideration of which had been postponed to this General Synod, when it was

Resolved, That the further consideration of the report of the committee be indefinitely postponed, and that the papers connected therewith be deposited in the archives of Synod.


Benevolent and Religious Institutions.

One hundred and fifty copies of the proceedings of the New York State Colonization Society, were received and distributed among the members.

One hundred copies of the 21st Annual Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, were received and distributed among the several Classes.


Pastoral Letter.

The Rev. Maurice W. Dwight,* John F. Schermerhorn, and Peter Labagh, and the Elders Peter D. Vroom, jun. and Abraham Van Nest, were appointed a committee to draft a Pastoral Letter to the churches.

The committee reported, and their report was adopted, and is as follows :

The General Synod to the Churches under their care, send greeting

Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, be multiplied.


The ministers and elders assembled in General Synod, to confer with each other upon the varied concerns of our Reformed Zion, have deemed it their duty to address to you a pastoral letter.

The reasons which have induced it must be sought in the solicitude which they feel for your spiritual welfare, and the peculiar aspect of the times.

* The Rev. M. W. Dwight having obtained leave of absence on the 7th day of the session, the Rev. John Ludlow, D.D., was substituted in his place, as chairman of the committee.

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