July 11 By amount brought forward, To Cash paid Vanderpool & Cole's bill for printing Mi Dolls C. 8102 96 nutes of General Synod, paper, binding, &c. as 125 41 paid Dr. P. Milledoler for one quarter's salary, paid Dr. J. S. Cannon for one quarter's salary, due 1st September next, paid Dr. J. De Witt for one quarter's salary, due 1st September next, paid for postage of Circular Letters, paid William Schuneman, on account of his salary paid for Premium of Insurance on Rutgers Col- paid Dr. G. R. Livingston for his expenses in at- paid Washington Insurance Company for premium paid Dr. P. Milledoler for one quarter's salary, paid Dr. J. S. Cannon for one quarter's salary, paid Dr. J. De Witt for one quarter's salary, due paid Vanderpool & Cole for printing Circulars, 393 75 39375 437 50 726 6000 3600 800 25/20 393 75 393 75 437 50 1830. 300 437 50 paid Dr. P. Milledoler for one quarter's salary, 39375 393 75 13047 20 May 27 By amount brought forward, To Cash paid Dr. J. De Witt for the balance of one quar ter's salary, due 1st June next, Balance in bank carried to new account, Errors excepted. ISAAC YOUNG, Treasurer, &c. May 30, 1830. Dolls. C. 13047 20 377 50 13424 70 2024 33 15449 03 June 2 By balance of account rendered last year, By Cash received of Christian Miller, for a collection made in the second Dutch Church in Albany for the of Peter Neefus, for a collection made in the of Rev. J. L. Zabriskie, for Minutes of General of John Munson, for a collection made in the of Rev. I. N. Wyckoff, on account of the sub- of Rev. I. N. Wyckoff, on account of his own Dolls. C. 6205 89 18 25 6850 10 50 800 50 00 5000 423 00 7279 34 245 00 June 10 By Balance brought forward,. By Cash of Peter Spader for collections made in the Church at New Brunswick, viz : Dolls C. 7279 34 $12 63 15 33 2796 of Rev. James Otterson, for collections made in 14:00 " of Isaac L. Kip, Treasurer, &c. for one year's in- " of Rev. James B. Ten Eyck, in full of his sub- of Z. Ring, for six months' interest on his bond, of Jacob Burdett, for six months' interest on his bond, due 10th inst. of Michael Van Beuren, for six months' interest on his bond, due 30th July last, of Rev. John I. Chrystie, on account of his sub- of John Williams, for six months' interest on his 300.00 860 25/00 140 00 87 50 45.00 25 00 8930 47 Aug. 12 By balance brought forward, By Cash of Isaac L. Kip, Treasurer, &c. for the first quar 66 66 66 66 66 15 66 terly instalment of the sum of $1500 per an- of Isaac L. Kip, Treasurer, &c. for six months' : of Peter Spader, for the balance of interest in his of M. Martine, for a collection made in the Church of Rev. J. C. Sears, for a collection made in the for proceeds of sale of $35 in notes of the Bank of Rev. S. H. Cox, for six months' interest on his " of D. Fanshaw, for six months' interest on his bond, due 6th inst. of William Schuneman, agent, &c. collected by Deduct discount paid on uncurrent Dolls. C. 8930 47 375.00 150 00 15200 172 25 00 500 17/50 90 00 180 00 $357 00 75 356 25 of Isaac L. Kip, Treasurer, &c. for six months' of Isaac L. Kip. Treasurer, &c. for one quarter's of M. Van Beuren, for six months' interest on his of Rev. B. C. Taylor, for a collection made in the received of A. D. Ostrander, Treasurer &c., for of A. Suydam, Treasurer &c., for a collection of Mr. D. Fisher, for a collection made in the 150 00 375.00 7500 962 114 11 1972 862 11035 01 By Balance brought forward, Nov. 20 By Cash of Rev. P. Labagh, for a collection made in the Dolls. C. 11035 01 church at Harlingen, New Jersey for the The- 1325 66 of J. Pelton, for a collection made in the church 360 of C. Zabriskie, for a dividend on Bergen Turn- of Rev. S. Kissam, collected by him from several deduct discount paid on uncurrent Notes, 50 240 50 of Rev. S. Van Vranken, for a collection made in of Dr. T. De Witt, fortwo years' Interest on the 1593 $30 00 $20.00 5000 285 for a collection made in the church at Clarkstown for the Theological College, of W. M. Ireland, for six months' Interest on his of P. Spader, for a collection made in the church of T. A. Blauvelt, for a collection made in the of S. Mitchell, for collections made in the churches Theological College, viz: at Oyster Bay, at North Hempstead. 17 50 11852 71 |