made his report of new subscriptions obtained by him, and the amount received in cash on account of the same, as well as on account of old subscriptions, and in books: but expressly stating that the returns made by Mr Van Santvoord required explanations. Since which the Board have written to him, and the present agent, Mr. Schuneman has called on him for a more detailed account of his agency; but they regret to state that satisfactory information has not been received from him, notwithstanding their repeated solicitations. The Board therefore respectfully recommend that Synod appoint a Committee, other than the Board, to endeavour to obtain a settlement of the moneys received by him, and a more detailed account of the agency. Copies of the correspondence between the Board and Mr. Van Santvoord, will be laid before such committee, if required. In endeavouring to perform the duties incumbent on them for the collection of the outstanding subscriptions and obtaining new ones, the Board, on the 4th of September, 1829, by commission, appointed Mr. William Schuneman, the Agent for the Classes of Ulster, Poughkeepsie, and Rensselaer, and for the Churches of Coxsackie, Bethlehem, and Coeymans, in the Classis of Albany. Mr. Schuneman entered forthwith on the duties of his office, and as far as the Board can judge, has attended with due fidelity to the business assigned him: he has received moneys as well on account of the old, as on the new, subscriptions obtained by Mr. Van Santvoord, and, as far as information could be obtained by him, has stated the moneys received by Mr Van Santvoord on the old and new subscriptions. The Board can only add that they are satisfied with what he has done. The Board also, on the 25th of November last, granted a similar commission to the Rev. John F. Schermerhorn, who has made his returns of having received $276 50, with some information relative to the outstanding subscriptions. In their last Report, the Board respectfully submitted to General Synod the importance and necessity of assuming more energetic measures in relation to the state of the funds, and suggested the absolute necessity that all the collections heretofore adopted be reenacted; and urged in the most impressive manner on all the churches as a measure of the highest importance to our Theological Seminary. On which occasion, General Synod "Resolved, That the Church feeling the necessity of diminishing the number of collections which have in former years been imposed upon the congregations under their care, and believing that in so doing a greater amount would be realized to the treasury-Resolved, Earnestly to recommend upon all the Ministers and Consistories to make one general collection on the first Sabbath of November, in behalf of the Theological College, and on the first Sabbath of May, a collection of 25 cents from each and every communicant belonging to the church; and that the Board be instructed to send special circulars on the subject of these collections to all the churches." The result of which has been, although circulars have been sent that on the first general collection, the sum of $471 only has been paid into the Treasury And on the 25 cent collection, the following sum has been received, viz: $26320, from the following churches, viz: Market-street, $13179; Middle and North Churches, $98 96; Flatbush, $12 09; Haerlem, $10 00; Aquackononk, $10 40. The Treasurer's annual account herewith delivered, will exhibit to Synod a statement of the receipt and expenditure of moneys for the past year. And the Annual Digest, and other documents accompanying this Report, will give the usual details of the particular funds. Upon examining into the result of the fiscal concerns of General Synod, as to their operations during the past year, we sincerely regret to state that our prospects continue to be by no means flattering. We have been under the necessity of applying all the moneys which have been received, from every source, to the payment of the salaries of the Professors and other indispensably necessary disbursements, amounting to $2720, including the sum of $700 received by the Treasurer for a bond of Jacob R. Voorhees, which was paid off. The balance now in the hands of the Treasurer amounts to $2024 33, to be invested. What may be received during the coming year, arising from the interest of the permanent fund, with the collections which may be received from the churches, will in the opinion of the Board be totally inadequate for the payment of the salaries of the Professors as they become due, with other necessary disbursements. And in this place it is proper to add, that the last grant of the Consistory of New-York for $1500 for one year, expired on the 9th November last, has been fully paid, and no money arising from subscriptions received by our agents and paid in, has been put out on bond and mortgage, for the obvious reason that it was required for the purposes aforesaid. In view of all the circumstances above stated, in connexion with the probability that at least $10,000 of the original subscriptions for the Professorate will never be received, but totally lost; for particulars the Board respectfully refer General Synod to a statement made by Mr. Kip to Mr. William Schuneman, one of the Agents of the Board for collecting outstanding and obtaining new subscriptions and donations, which will be found in the 10th number of the 4th volume of the Magazine of the Reformed Dutch Church, page 317; which will be herewith delivered, and to which they respectfuliy solicit the attention of Synod. Under these circumstances, is submitted to the serious deliberation and consideration of Synod, the importance and necessity of adopting such energetic measures as in their wisdom may appear suitable and proper in relation to our funds, and the support of the Professors of our Theological Seminary. As it may be expected that we would express an opinion as to measures best calculated for these purposes, therefore it is proposed, that a strong appeal be made to all the churches, that their several Consistories become obligated to pay annually to General Synod for the support of the Theological Seminary, 25 cents for each and every member in full communion with their respective churches, according to their statistical tables; and take their own measures to collect the same from their members, which could no doubt be very easily effected, if the ministers would heartily co-operate in the measure; by which means, calculating that there are at least sixteen thousand members in full communion with our churches, this alone would produce an annual revenue of $4000, which, in addition to the interest moneys arising from the permanent fund, would be fully sufficient to pay the salaries of the Professors and all other contingent expenses, and would entirely supersede the necessity of any collections whatever being made in the churches. Or, Secondly It is proposed that a call be made upon all the churches by a strong appeal to their respective Consistories, for a voluntary subscription, per annum, to be paid by them at a certain fixed time, in aid of the funds of the Theological Seminary as above stated, to be continued as long as Synod shall deem the same neces sary; which would, or at least ought to, realize sufficient moneys in addition to the other resources of Synod, for all the purposes as above stated, and preclude the necessity of any collections whatever in the churches. In either of these cases, they would suggest the absolute necessity of appointing a suitable agent or agents to visit all the churches, convene their Consistories, and lay before them the above request, urging the same with all possible zeal and earnestness. One agent might be enabled to visit all the churches in the course of this year; but we can see no objection to appointing more than one, should Synod deem the same necessary. This Board has heretofore been authorized to appoint an Agent or Agents, not only to collect the old but to obtain new subscriptions and donations; and they respectfully suggest the propriety of renewing that authority. The settlement of the accounts of Jacob R.. Hardenbergh with the Synod, are in progress, but not yet completed. In June, 1828, General Synod resolved, (see page 137 of minutes,) that the Rev. Alexander Gunn, D. D. be and hereby is appointed and requested to publish such a memoir of the Rev. Dr. Livingston, as was contemplated by the resolution of General Synod in the session of 1826, and that the Rev. Drs. Knox, M'Murray, and Cuyler be a Committee to inspect the work previous to publication, &c. In June, 1829, the Committee reported, (see pages 153-4-5, of minutes,) that they had carefully perused the manuscript of said memoir, and that the same had been accomplished in an able manner; and that the Committee requested Dr. Gunn to proceed to take all necessary measures for publishing an edition of 1500 copies. The Board of Direction of the Corporation state to Synod, that the same was published accordingly by the Rev. Dr. Gunn, and they regret to add, that it has only produced embarrassment to his widow and family since his decease. They therefore respectfully recommend to Synod, to take the matter into their consideration, and to adopt such measures as their wisdom shall dictate. Treasurer's Account. The General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church in account with 1829. ISAAC YOUNG, Treasurer. DR. June 3 To Cash paid Dr. John De Witt, on account of his salary Dolls. C. as Professor, &c. due 1st inst. 199 50 paid Dr. J. M. Mathews, for his expenses in at- 11/93 7001 paid Dr. J. S. Cannon for one quarter's salary as paid Dr. P. Milledoler for one quarter's salary as Professor, &c. due 1st inst. paid P. Spader, Treasurer, &c. for one year's in- paid P. Spader, being money received by me of paid P. Spader for four semi-annual dividends on paid Dr. J. De Witt, balance of one quarter's sa- 393 75 393 75 30000 135.00 2000 57/50 238.00 11/37 paid Rev. Thomas M. Strong for transcribing mi- 16/81 paid I. Young, Treasurer of General Synod, for $250 00 For postage paid by him during the Discount on uncurrent notes, paid Rev. John F.Schermerhorn, being the amount 6000 00 8102 96 286 2 48 255/34 |