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Elders, Abraham D. Brinckerhoff, John Moffit,* and John D.


3. From the Classis of New Brunswick.

Rev. James Romeyn, John Cornell, and J. T. B. Beekman.

Elders, Peter D. Vroom, Jun., Jacob R. Hardenbergh, and James Grover.

4. From the Classis of Bergen.

Rev. Abraham Messler, J. G. Ogilvie,† Ira C. Boice.

Elders, John T. Spear, HenryTraphagen.

5. From the Classis of Paramus.

Rev. Wilhelmus Eltinge, Christian Z. Paulison, and Jefferson


Elder, Albert Zabriskie.

6. From the Classis of Long Island.

Rev. Jacob Schoonmaker, James Otterson, || Peter P. Rouse.
Elders, Robert Anderson, Adrian Vanderveer.T

7. From the Classis of Philadelphia.

Rev. Gabriel Ludlow, Abraham O. Halsey, John Van Lieuw. Elders, John Kroser,** John Wyckoff, Jun., and John Voorhees.

* Obtained leave of absence on the second day of the Session, and was succeeded on the 8th day of the Session by E. R. Belcher the primarius.

† Succeeded on the seventh day of Session, by Rev. Ira C. Boice his secundus # Succeeded by the Rev. Gustavus Abeel the primarius, on the third day of the Session.

§ Obtained leave of absence on the fourth day of Session.

|| Obtained leave of absence after the eighth day of the Session.

Obtained leave of absence on the third day of Session, and was succeeded by

John C. Freek the primarius on the sixth day of the Session.

** Obtained leave of absence on the fourth day of Session, and was succeeded

by George Kershow a secundus, on the seventh day of Session.

8. From the Classis of Poughkeepsie.

Rev. Charles Whitehead.

Elder, Coert Horton.


1. From the Classis of Albany.

Rev. Jeremiah Searle, Isaac Ferris, and John Ludlow, D. D.*
Elder, Abraham F. Lansing.t

2. From the Classis of Rensselaer.

Rev. Isaac N. Wyckoff, Jonathan F. Morris, Jacob Sickles. Elders, William Schuneman, Barent Van Beuren, Gerrit Heermance.‡

3. From the Classis of Ulster.

Rev. Henry Ostrander, Ferdinand H. Vanderveer, Benjamin, B.


Elders, Jacob L. Snyder, Matthew Alliger.

4. From the Classis of Washington.

Rev. Jacob D. Fonda, Isaac P. Labagh.

Elder, Lodovicus Viele.§

5. From the Classis of Montgomery.

Rev. James Stevenson, A. B. Chittenden, Isaac S. Ketcham.
Elder, Jacob S. Glen.

* Took his seat on the second day of the Session.

† Obtained leave of absence after the eighth day of the Session.

‡ Took his seat on the fourth day of Session.

§ Obtained leave of absence on the sixth day of the Session,


6. From the Classis of Schoharie.

Rev. John Garretson, Henry A Raymond, and John H. Van Wagenen.

Elders, William Borst, Teunis Hager,* and Jacob Settle, Jun.*

7. From the Classis of Schenectady.

Rev. Jacob Van Vechten, John M'Kelvy, Elbert Slingerland.
Elders, Adrian Van Santvoord,† Nicholas Vischer.*

8. From the Classis of Cayuga.

Rev. John F. Schermerhorn.

Elder, William Van Doren.

The Rev. Professors Milledoler, De Witt, and Cannon, were present during a part of the Sessions of Synod.



The Rev. Wilhelmus Eltinge, was chosen President.

The Rev. Henry Ostrander, was chosen Adsessor.


The Rev. Messrs. Isaac P. Labagh, and Issac Ferris, were chosen

Clerks, pro tem.


Reading of the Minutes.

The Minutes of the last Annual Session of Synod were read.

* Obtained leave of absence after the eighth day of the Session.


Took his seat on the second day of Session.

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Resolved, that this Synod will conclude all their sittings by regular adjournment and prayer.

Resolved, that the following be added to the standing rules of this Synod.

"At the close of every Session of General Synod, the roll shall be called, and the names of those who are absent without permission shall be recorded."


Standing Committees.

The following Committees were appointed :--

On the Professorate. -Rev. W. M'Murray, D. D., Jacob Brodhead, D. D., Jefferson Wynkoop, and the Elders Peter D. Vroom, Jr. Jacob R. Hardenbergh.*

On Synodical Minutes. Rev. James B. Hardenbergh, Jacob D. Fonda, James Stevenson, and the Elders Jacob L. Snyder, and. William Borst.

On Missions -Rev. Gabriel Ludlow, Jacob Sickles, Peter I. Van Pelt, and the Elders A. Vanderveer, and Coert Horton.

On the State of Religion. Rev. Jacob Van Vechten, A. В. Chittenden, Eli Baldwin, and the Elders W. Van Doren, and John D. Keese.

* The Elder Abraham Van Nest was subsequently added to the committee on the Professorate.

† The Elder John D. Keese was appointed in the place of the Elder A. Vander-. veer after the latter had obtained leave of absence.

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On Overtures. Rev. James G. Ogilvie, C. Z. Paulison, James Otterson, and the Elders Teunis Hager, Jacob Settle, Jun.

On Accounts. Rev. James Romeyn, Abraham Messler, Isaac N. Wyckoff, and the Elders William Schuneman, and B. Van Beuren.

On Correspondence. Rev. John F. Schermerhorn, John M'Kelvy, and P. P. Rouse, and the Elders J. W. Wyckoff, and Henry Traphagen.




The following Report of the Board of Superintendents of the Theological Seminary, was received, and referred to the Committee on the Professorate :

To the General Synod the Board of Superintendents of the Theolological College, beg leave respectfully to present the following Report :

Agreeably to the directions of the General Synod, the Board met in the College Hall, in the city of New Brunswick, on the 13th day of April, 1830.

The Board having been duly organized, Reports were received from each of the Professors. The following young gentlemen were reported as members of the Theological Seminary, viz :

Senior Class. -Thomas A. Ammerman, Christopher Hunt, Francis M. Kip, John Liddel, Alexander M. Warner, Aaron A. Marselus, Abraham H. Myers, John H. Pitcher, Ransford Wells.

Middle Class.-John H. Bevier, Oscar H. Gregory, David Cushing, John Manley, Cornelius C. Van Arsdalen.

Junior Class.-John C. Baldwin, Robert O. Currie, Garrit I. Garretson, John V. Robins, Leonard Rogers, Garret C. Schenck, Richard L. Schoonmaker, Benjamin Swartz, John C. Van Liew, Alexander H. Warner.

The moral and religious character of each of these Students, has been represented by the Professors as exemplary. They have applied themselves in general with diligence to their studies, and have made very commendable proficiency.

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