Edo Vreeland, Abraham Vreeland, Hermanus Vreeland, Garrit Van Houten, Henry P. Kip, Thomas Cadmus, David A. Westervelt, J. Crawford, Elizabeth Haring, Doctor S. W. Pratt, Abraham C. Zabriskie, 10 00 1 00 10 00 3 25 200 200 3 00 200 10 00 John J. Spear, Peter I. Spear, Garrit J. Spear, Henry J. Spear, Halmagh Sip, Total from Achquackinunck, Congregation at the English Neighbourhood. Rev. Gustavus Abeel, in five yearly payments $100) $1 25 0 50 100 0 50 100 200 100 300 00 200 00 And afterwards 1005 : By a Friend, Congregation of Tappan. Rev. Herman B. Stryker, in five years Rev. Zecharias H. Kuypers, Whole amount of subscriptions obtained, Of this sum $673 have been paid. $50 00 5 00 55 00 50 00 50 00 $1797 00 PETER LABAGH, Agent. The following communication was received from the Committee to supply indigent students, (p. 13 of minutes of last Synod,) and referred to the Committee on the Professorate. The Committee who supplied funds for Indigent Students in 1826 (in the Minutes of General Synod, page 13,) report the balance in their hands. This Committee beg leave to state to General Synod that after their adjournment in 1826;-three pious and promising young men -two from Union, and one from Princeton College came well recommended, and wished to enter our Theological Seminary: but they were destitute of means to support themselves. Several Ministers were consulted in reference to them, all of whom were of opinion that the Church ought not to lose the piety and talents of these young men, but that they ought to be sent to New-Brunswick if practicable. This Committee were not furnished for such an undertaking, as there remained in their hands of the donations mentioned on page 13 of your minutes only $125 as above credited. In this dilemma, an individual, presuming upon the approbation of General Synod, advanced the several sums stated on the debtor side of the foregoing account, which now leaves him in advance $255.-The young men were accordingly sent to New-Brunswick, sustained a satisfactory examination, and are now members of your Theological School, highly approved by your professors. With this detail of circumstances that have taken place during your recess we have seized the earliest opportunity, to present these young men to your Reverend Body, submitting the whole case to your deliberation, awaiting your decision, as to what measures shall be taken in reference to them and whether you will refund to that individual the sum above stated as advanced by him. Without your fostering hand these young men will again be the subjects of stern necessity, and compelled to retire from their present asylum. This we feel persuaded you will not permit, so long as it remains a truth that the harvest is great and the labourers few, or the means are in your hands to qualify them to be able heralds of the cross of Christ. June, 1827. All which is respectfully submitted, ABRAHAM VAN NEST. A communication was received from Mr. John G. Woodward, a student of Theology in the Theological Seminary at New-Brunswick, requesting a dispensation of the former part of this year, which was referred to the Committee on the professorate. A communication was received from the Rev. Dr. Matthews, recommending Thomas A. Ammerman as a suitable person to receive aid from the Van Benschoten funds, in the prosecution of his studies with a view to the gospel ministry, and was referred to the Committee on the professorate. The following report was received from the Committee to employ Agents within the bounds of the Particular Synod of Albany, to solicit subscriptions for the purposes mentioned in the minutes of Synod of -September 1825. The Committee appointed to obtain additional subscriptions to the funds of Synod, &c. within the bounds of the Particular Synod of Albany-Report : That in the prosecution of the objects of their appointment, they had to encounter no little difficulty in securing the services of suitable agents. Owing to this cause, they have not been able to effect as much as was desirable, and are therefore induced to ask the Synod without delay to take the necessary steps, to have all those congregations visited, which have not yet been solicited either in whole or in part to contribute to the funds of the Church. The Committee feel persuaded that if proper efforts are made, much more money may be obtained. During the past year the following congregations have been visited, and liberal subscriptions been made, viz:-Saratoga-Northumberland-Fort Miller-Union Village-Easton and Tyashoke in the Classis of Washington. These congregations are small both as to numbers and resources, yet, when the reasons were presented to induce them to aid the Synod in accomplishing its purposes for the welfare of our Zion, they most cordially subscribed according to their ability. The 1st and 2d churches of Rotterdam, and the 1st church of Glenville, belonging to the Classis of Schenectady, were partially visited. The church of Claverack and Ghent, belonging to the Classis of Rensselaer, which had previously been visited in part, were again solicited to subscribe ; and from those individuals, who had not before been called upon, considerable sums were obtained. The Committee would have been happy to state the names of the various donors, but owing to the absence of their chairman, in whose possession are the documents necessary for this purpose, they are compelled to delay it till the next meeting of Synod. The subscriptions received amount to near $1400, some of which have been paid. The committee have also collected and forwarded to the Treasurer of Synod payments on several subscriptions to the third Professorship. All which is respectfully submitted. ISAAC FERRIS, Secretary of the Committee. Philadelphia, June 12, 1827. |