Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

New Hackensack M. W. Dwight



G. W. Bethune

185 1050 175

53 6 169 23






H. Vedder



Hyde Park

F. H. Vanderveer


J. Gosman

1 149 3

78 13

12 79 11 2

280 1750 367 27325 366 48 3

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No Reports were presented from the churches of Hurley, Bloomingdale, Clove, Rochester, Warwarsing, Montgomery, Woodstock, and Hoboken.

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Ministers without a charge, Rev. A. Yates, D. D., Rev. J. A. Yates, and Rev. J. F. Morris.



34 172



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The following churches are vacant, and no Report was presented in relation to them, viz: Windham, Roxbury, Sharon, New Rhinebeck, Summit, Cobleskill, Schoharie Mountain, and Breakabin. The Rev. John F. Schermerhorn is without a charge.

[blocks in formation]

No Reports were exhibited from the churches of Princeton, Rotterdam, and 24 Church of Rotterdam. The Rev. Thomas Romeyn is without a charge.





Synodical References.

The Committee on Synodical Minutes reported, and their report was accepted, and is as follows:--

The Committee on Synodical Minutes respectfully report, that they find on the Minutes of the different Synods, the following subjects claiming the attention of this Synod

On the Minutes of the Particular Synod of New York the following resolutions, dividing the Classis of New York, and constituting a new Classis within its bounds ;-viz.

"1. Resolved, That it is expedient to divide the Classis of New York.

“2. Resolved, That the churches of Cortlandtown, Market street, Orchard street, Garden street, and Tompkinsville, together with their pastors, and Messrs. Teller, Denham, and Bogart, ministers without charges, be constituted a new Classis, to be denominated the South Classis of New York."

On the Minutes of the Particular Synod of Albany they find, 1. A recommendation from the Consistory of the church of Beaverdam, in behalf of Elihu Doty, a member of said church, belonging to the Classis of Schoharie, sanctioned by that Classis, and forwarded by the Particular Synod that the said Elihu Doty may be received by the General Synod as a beneficiary, to be aided from the charity funds of our church.

2. The following preamble and resolutions, having in view a revision of our rules and articles of church government, viz.

" Whereas the rules of church government, together with the explanatory articles, are found in many respects very illy calculated to promote the correct and useful administration of the government and discipline of the church. Therefore,

" Resolved, That the Particular Synod of Albany deem it highly expedient that there should be an entire revision of the Rules and Articles of Church Government of the Reformed Dutch Church.

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