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general. A spirit of inquiry and munificence is increasing. There seems to be a growing desire to stem the tide of licentiousness and immorality, which defaces and desolates as it proceeds; a desire which begins to prompt to decided, systematic, and persevering effort.

The young men who issue from our Theological Seminary, manifest a spirit of enterprise, self-denial and activity. If we may judge from their movements, the inquiry is, where can we be most useful to the church? Where can we most advance the interests of our Divine Master? Who does not perceive the necessity of the increase of such a spirit, in order to the growth and prosperity of our church. Without it our other advantages are nothing; the harvest may be abundant, but others will gather it in.

Some of our churches have experienced a pleasing season of re freshing from the presence of the Lord. And while in the others there is nothing which is very special, yet it is pleasing to discover that the Lord Jesus does walk in the midst of his golden candlesticks. More or less are continually gathered into the fold. There is an attention to instituted ordinances. The gospel is faithfully preached, the young are carefully indoctrinated, and a spirit of prayer is in exercise. We should be pleased to see more, but we cannot avoid being thankful for this.

But the church in her best state in this world is imperfect, and there is much room for improvement.

A more perfect union of fervency of spirit and zeal for God's glory, with correctness of sentiment in matters of religion, is very desirable. Professors of religion are manifestly under the influence of a worldly spirit in too great a degree; and they seem too often to forget the obvious truth, that the gold and the silver are the Lord's, and that they are acting in the situation of stewards, who must render an account of their stewardship.

We still hear complaints from every quarter, of the awful profanation of God's holy sabbath, and of the ravages produced by intemperance, notwithstanding the efforts which have been made, and are still making, to check the progress of these destructive vices.

There is cause then, for deep self-abasement and sorrow on our part before God, but none for discouragement or despondency. Jehovah Jesus is in the midst of us, our glory and our protection; and when our souls are cast down within us, let us adopt the language of (33)



the Psalmist :-" I said, this is my infirmity, but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High." Let us wait upon the Lord, and he will renew our strength; he will make us to mount upon wings, as eagles, to run and not be weary, to walk and not faint. Let us remember there remaineth yet much land to be possessed. We have but just buckled on our armour; but we follow a tried commander, and victory will necessarily perch upon our standard.

Although our church is peculiarly near to us, we cannot avoid taking a view of the different denominations of Christians composing the church of Jesus Christ, in general. We must regard them as different phalanxes enlisted under the same Captain of Salvation, carrying the same standard, engaged in the same cause, and aiming at the same grand end. We rejoice with them in their prosperity, and sympathise with them in their adversity. We cannot avoid rejoicing in revivals of religion, because we see in them the arm of the Lord made bare and stretched out for the deliverance of ruined immortals, although in consequence of the infirmity and corruption of human nature, some imprudencies and extravagancies do sometimes attend them. We believe the kingdom of Christ, both at home and abroad, to be rapidly advancing; and we look forward with gladness to the period when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ.

Your Committee have taken into consideration the instructions of General Synod relating to the profanation of the Sabbath, and the prevalence of intemperance. They deem the matter of great importance, and beg leave to recommend the following resolution for adoption :

Resolved, That this Synod rejoice in the efforts that have lately been made in behalf of the due public observance of the Lord's day, and that they recommend the union lately formed in the city of New York, to the prayers and co-operation of the several classes and congregations under their jurisdiction.

All which is respectfully submitted.


The following is the Statistical Report of the respective classes:

[blocks in formation]

Ministers without charges. Rev. Isaac A. Van Hook, Samuel B. How,

R. C. Shimeall, Isaac Labagh.

Licentiates. Joshua Boyd, Mark Jordan, a coloured man.

[blocks in formation]


Orchard Street No Pastor.

96 107

54 12 30

Ministers without charges. Rev. James H. Teller, David S. Bogart, and Alexander Denham.

[blocks in formation]





Saddle River




134 20 1

4 176 31 1


West N. Hemps


J. Wynkoop



Hackensack &






New Utrecht



John Beattie


W. Crookshank

New Lots




Thomas M. Strong
Stephen H. Meeker
Jacob Schoonmaker





North Hempstead James Otterson


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