subscriptions and donations in aid of the Theological Seminary," report-That in consequence of a variety of circumstances beyond their power to control, they were not able to undertake the work assigned to them as early as they had designed. And in the prosecution of their efforts for the purposes mentioned in their appointment, (although they have spent several days and parts of days in the work) they have been often disappointed in seeing the individuals on whom they have called, and have had to contend with many opposing obstacles which have prevented them from accomplishing what they had fondly hoped. They have confined their labours principally to the congregation of Brooklyn-the other congregations in the Classis in general having been previously partially visited. We have by no means completed the work assigned to us. Could one or more efficient agents be procured who would visit every family in the respective congregations in the Classis, we have reason to believe that a very considerable amount of funds could still be obtained. The following are the subscriptions procured by your Agents-viz: We would also report that in the Book put into our hands we find the following subscriptions on Long-Island which were obtained by the Rev. E. Baldwin and Dr. A. Vanderveer, and have never been reported to Synod except in a general manner-viz: In the same book is a subscription of $200, from Mr. James Bogert, Jun. of New-York, of which $100 has been paid. THOMAS M. STRONG, The following report was received. The Committee appointed by the General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church, in 1822, for the purpose of endeavouring to obtain a sufficient sum for endowing a second Professorate in the Theological College-Report, That in the prosecution of the duties assigned them, the following exhibit contains the result of their labours. There has been received and paid to the Treasurer of the General Synod, the following, viz: Collegiate Churches in New-York. Bond of the Consistory of the Collegiate Churches of New- $5,000 00 The following amounts (of the subscriptions received in NewJersey) were collected by Mr. Abraham Van Nest, and paid over to the Treasurer of General Synod. Consistory of the Church of Hillsborough, do. $108 50 218 40 250 00 $576 90 Your Committee hereby report, that all the subscriptions obtained in New-York have been paid in full, excepting two hundred dollars, part of the amount subscribed by R. Van Derbeck. They would, however, state, that there are yet monies due from New-Jersey and Pennsylvania to this Professorate. All which is respectfully submitted. New-York, June, 1827. ABM. VAN NEST, Chairman of Committee. The Rev. Peter Labagh, the Agent appointed by the Committee to procure Agents to take up subscriptions and donations in aid of the Theological Seminary, in the Classes of Bergen and Paramus, brought in the following report. The undersigned begs leave to report the following subscriptions obtained by the direction of the Committee appointed by the last Ge |